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Thread: Favorite pet names :)

  1. #41
    One engineer I saw had named his bot "Papa's pride" and set it off with the command "Kill %t for papa"


  2. #42


    i forgot my little engi hehe

    her bot's always called after CPUs, i.e "i286" and so on. i will switch to "alpha" as soon as i can cast a slayer (in about 120 levels or so hehehe)

    another one i like is <insert name here>

    my mp pets are called "indigore" and "azure" or "no balls" and "meatball"

  3. #43
    Another good one:

    Engi or mp pets called

    WTB 132 WRANGLER!!!

    saves the talk :P
    ::Godkill - Forsaken Enforcer::
    :: Level 200 and rising ::
    "this letting atroxes get away with murderously stupid things simply by saying "<- trox" is a breed/prof advantage." - Thyrra

  4. #44

    Engi or mp pets called

    WTB 132 WRANGLER!!!
    good one!

  5. #45


    My bot is always called Lillegutt (Little boy in english)...
    He's now ql 162, huge and blood-red for me at least.

    Back when I had an automaton, I used to call it John Cleese;
    similar body shape and running style.


  6. #46

    John Cleese

    A lot of good pet chats you could have used with that name.

    /Pet Attack %t
    /pet Chat "And now for something completely different"

    Or After a killing a Reet

    "This parrot is no more, it has deceased, gone to meet it's maker, it is an ex parrot"

    The variations would be tremendous and hilarious.

    Randalpho 84th level Clan MP RK-1
    They call us clanners scum,
    But scum is really the slimey waste that rises to the top of the Omni cesspool.

  7. #47

    Pet Names

    My MP:

    Happy Thought (heal)
    Angry Thought (attack)
    Curious Thought (mez)

    This leads to fun comments like 'My thoughts seem to have wandered' or 'I lost my train of thought'

    My Engi (currently a gladiatorbot)

    Minor-Irritant Class Slayerdroid

  8. #48
    Saw an MP run around with
    Death from above
    That is the term for an attack in battletech (a giant robot fighting game). Guess he wants a slayer.

  9. #49


    Or the pet might be a slayer in disguise =)

    Healer - LifeFromBelow
    Mez - ChaosEveryhwere
    Attack - DeathFromAbove

  10. #50
    Always name my Slayer PROCTOLOGIST.


  11. #51
    I have a crat (lvl 18) and a MP (lvl 97)

    The crat droid I named Silence the Discord, which is a phrase from System Shock 2.

    When I made my MP, I really liked the idea of the attack pet being created by drawing from your own anger. So, the MP pets are..

    Attack Pet : Feel the Hate
    Heal Pet : Feel the Love
    Mezz Pet : Feel the Despair

    With the occasional text said by the pet thrown in every so often (I don't like spam, I just like to liven things up)

    Voralitex's pet, Feel the Hate: Got something for ya, Seasoned Ruffian!

    Sometimes I'll rename the heal pet. When I go into backyards just to hang out, I'll rename it to "No One Should Die From Leets" and send it around healing people. Other times... well, imagine this scenario. Team of 6, with a Enforcer as the tank.

    Enforcer: healpet on me plz
    Voralitex's pet, Feel the Love : Commencing the healing process now, master.
    Me: okay, done

    Enforcer pulls a mob or two. Then after a few rounds of combat...

    Enforcer: its not healing anymore!
    Enforcer: its not in this room!

    ...two rooms away, FtL is stuck in a chair, or a table, or somesuch. So, recast, and then...

    /pet "Restite" rename "Stay Off The Tables!"

  12. #52

    I've previously used......

    Wanna-Be-A-Warbot (on an automaton)
    Rust-Bucket (and other variations on that theme)

    But recently I've started calling it Pathing_Sux due to a post on the Engineer board about protesting the pathing problem in game. The idea is that since none of the FC staff obviously play pet classes (or they would have fixed it) if enough pets show up with names like this they should notice sooner or later.

    Regardless of if it works or not at least I can say to my team when they ***** about the bot "Well he _is_ called Pathing_Sux"
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  13. #53


    I love that topic I'm so tired of the pathing in this game so I called my heal pet Unable_to_do_that and, my attack pet Stuck_in_wall and my blue one lost_somewhere I think its a good way to protest!!!!

  14. #54

    As far as pathing goes...

    I should name my pet after a certain missile weapon a certain Iraqi leader tried to use when Bush (Senior) was President of the USA

    if I'm reading the pet pathing problem right, Engi pets Sure Can't Use Directions
    Last edited by Wabbitech; Jun 2nd, 2002 at 23:00:22.
    Former EQ Cleric lvl 26, no relation to Bugs Bunny
    90 337 $0|\/|3 l337: It's not just for dinner anymore

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