My name is Ddraig, I'm an Information Broker here in Rubi-Ka and take my job very seriously. Since the
Radiman attack, I've taken up searching for particular information about this event.
I've stumbbled across some rather disturbing or interesting information, depending on how you look at it.
The other day while on a business trip to Tir, I was contacted by someone that had informaion about the
Council of Truth, and a particular clan leader that had the "ear" of the council so to speak.

While I can't say a approve of the actions taken by a few Omni-Tek Employee's I don't feel it was there
action alone. According to my sources they have said that this individual or group, are planning on using
this new "peace" to there own ends. Either to take control of the Council of Truth or to use it to
destablize the peace process. In particular this person suggested that the individual would allow the
peace process to go through, then completely destroy it once and for all. This would throw Rubi-Ka
into a great conflict that may not be easily stopped.

So my thought is, yes even though this Aberic defied Omni-Tek's current policy of Amnesty, I feel
that some how it was orchistrated by a Clan leader. I have been given a name, but in order to
protect the process I plan sharing this with only a certain few, as I continue to gather more
information and evidance.

As I type this, there is a rather interesting meeting going on inside the Happy Rebel in Tir.
Could this be power grab from the counicl of truth? Screenshot:

Information Broker, South RubiKa Society.