I did a mission way out in Meetmedere, not because I wanted the reward, but because I wanted the item you pick up to get the reward. I spot the item and set my agg/def slider all the way to def so I can pick it up. The mob in the room spots me. I can't pick up the item! I try several times but can't pick up the item. I run toward the exit and lose the mob. I try to get out of attack mode by hitting escape and by trying to attack myself. Then the mob starts hitting me. But I can't see him, and I can't hit him back! He's pounding away at me, and I can't root him, I can't shoot him, I can't see him. If I was able to kill him, I could have gone back to get the item I came to the mission to get. What can I do but leave the mission, knowing I can't enter again. That mob was using an exploit! He could hit me all he wanted without being in any danger of being hit back! I want him banned!