Just a nice stroll along the Entertainment center, when i saw the Bronto burger, so i went there and bought a burger...

Then..this guy just like popped out of the Air, and he had like..Green writiing on top of his Head.

And these people were shouting "FC SCK" "Im ub0r l337"
And i was like dewd what the hell. so i asked this dude with the green writing on his head what was going on,and he said that they were gathering a team. And i wasnt allowed to help this dewd with teh green writing on his head..so i tried to hit him and this weird thing game infront of my vision..it said " PvP no possible in this district"

And people started saying that im too low, you need to be 150+ and i was like..dewd...

And i think that i live in a game...like...dewd...and im like..a little guy that punchs things?