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Thread: Dream

  1. #1


    “Comm: Record. Title: “Dream”. Record start …”

    Fransisca McKesson, aka “Mythia”, rubs fingertips upon each temple, trying to massage away an unusual morning headache while trying to recall last night’s dream. The dream itself was much more vivid than a normal hazy dream.

    “I was standing next to a river and noticed a beautiful woman dressed in white so bright it looked like she wore light itself. She was calm and serene, with eyes that can see through me. I felt comforted by her presence, and wanted to be closer to her because of that.”

    Mythia berated herself for not remembering more, those little details that escaped notice during the dream and seemed so important now. The details slide by out of memory, lost behind the feelings evoked by the light woman even now after waking. Myth’s headache eases a bit while she remembers the dream woman’s calm comforting presence.

    “She was standing on rocky ground next to the river. I cannot remember any details about the river other than it flowed smoothly. She raised her arm to point at something behind me, making me turn to see what it was.”

    Swinging bare legs off the bed, Mythia rises to wander into the refresher. Her soprano voice wafts out from the tiny cubical and is easily picked up by the comm’s receptors.

    ”I turn and see another woman on the other side of the river. This woman is dressed in dark clothing and a robe which moves as if brushed by a breeze. She is hooded so I cannot see her face. Around her is a cloud of something, perhaps flies, but moving too fast and too far away for me to tell. She feels ... ominous.”

    Mythia pauses in the refresher, struck by the oddity that of all the details she has forgotten, the one small thing she remembers is the flies. Mythia doesn’t realize that her narration changes from past to present.

    ”The dark woman raises her arms and suddenly I am struck by great gusts of wind. The wind blows me backwards, as if sending me aloft away from the two women alongside the river. Behind me is a forest, and as I am blown backwards the trees flash by rapidly in great speed.”

    A trembling feeling flutters in Myth’s heart as she steps out of the refresher and starts to dress. The pause in narration goes on for minutes as she tries to put to words what she is feeling. She finally decides on simplicity.

    ”I feel afraid, fearful. The wind stops blowing and I start to slow down, the trees going by slower. Suddenly, something larger than I smashes into my back, perhaps a tree.

    I wake up.”

    Blinking as if really waking up, the blond Solitus is silent for a moment, and then with a little shake of the head recalls what she is doing.

    ”Comm: Quote Previous Section. Append Following as Query:

    This is a dream I had recently, a very vivid dream. I am curious if anyone has heard of a dream like this before. I am looking for comments of any sort, so feel free to post relies. I have some opinions of the symbolisms involved, and would like other opinions.

    Comm: Record Stop. Close and Save. Post Record to Grid Forum A1. Monitor Post for Replies and Save to Message Box 1389630 for Review. Execute.”

    Breathing a sigh, Mythia settles in lotus upon her sleeping pad, resting hands palm up upon her knees and closing her eyes for morning meditations. The Dream will surely be a part of her meditations for a long time.
    Fransisca "Mythia" McKesson
    Meta Punter Of Rubi Ka

  2. #2
    Slowly awakening from unrestfull sleep, rubbing her eyes. Scratchnsnif makes her way toward the speality coffemaker her neice left her. In desperate need of some enhanced coffee "Scratch" clicks the button and waits for the brew.

    Impatiently Scratch takes the first makings of the enhanced coffee in her mug and settles down in her favorite comfy chair.

    Scratch closes her eyes savoring the wonderful smell and begins to recall the unsetteling dream she awakend from.

    "Mmmmmm what a smell......what a dream"

    "Two serene......calm but why was she pointing at me? or was she?" Scratch began to wonder. Taking another sip of her brew Scratch shook her head in thought.

    "No wasnt me she was pointing to...There was another".
    "Another woman of darkness"

    Scratch pulled out her com pad and began to jot down some notes trying to figure out what this all meant. Why was she susposed to see the other woman? What did this other woman want?

    Scratchnsnif stretched and yawned awakening more as she continued to enjoy her brew, even getting up to refill her mug.

    Walking back to her favorite chair this time Scratch didnt calmly curl up in it she suddenly flopped down upon it.
    Startled by the sensation eyes wide and not from the brew Scratchnsnif sat straight up from the chair recalling the same sensation she had in the dream.

    "Trees, falling.both women disapeard from my view along with the sudden jolt of landing on my back?"

    Scratch finished her com pad entry. Muttering to herself in wonderment. "I just don't get it"
    "I wish I could remember more so I could understand it all" Scratchnsnif sighs...."Maybe I'm not meant to understand"

    Finishing her brew Scratch turned off the coffee maker, and headed to her room and began getting ready for the rest of her day, wondering if this dream would continue. Hoping in away it would not. Something just didn't feel right about it all. Scratch shruged.

    Only the next few nights would tell.......

  3. #3

    dreams are the threads of sanity..

    Kaediryni laid resting in her bed roll for a long time. She had been startled from her slumber by a particularly vivid dream. The first thing she had done once she had woke was to make sure she wasn't being tossed through the trees as she feared. She was still lying on her back looking up at the small tent she carried. She didn't sense anything else amiss so getting up and moving about wasn't necessary. She thought heavily on the contents of her dream. Two women, one light and fair, the other more dark and ominous. She had been drawn to the fair woman first. Her beauty and serenty was a beacon. For reasons hidden from her, the fair woman had gestured to the dark one. Once Kaediryni had turned, she was intrigued by the dark ones mystery as she was the fair's beauty.

    What happened next removed her interest in the dark woman. She had thrown her arms wide and what could only
    be described as a hurricane of wind hit her. For some reason she could recall that nothing else was moving. No trees, leaves, branches, not even a blade of grass. Just her. She flew backwards through a dense forest that she was certain she had never been in, until she impacted with something large. She couldn't even tell what it was since she woke as soon as she stopped.

    *Was it a tree or a cliff? Rock pile or building?* Kaediryni thought. She finally decided that answers weren't going to come from nowhere. She had been through the gossamer threads of the dream until she they were barely disjointed memories fading even further. She packed up her bed roll and started the long weaving of the warp program. Just as she started, another thought occured to her. The wind that had been shoving her around wasn't like any other program she'd encountered. Even the hacked Grid warps weren't like what she had felt.

    She finished the warp and sighed as the walls of West Athens appeared around her. As much as she felt at home in the wild, cities were where her friends were. She strolled easily through the western gate and couldn't help but think, that even with the dream faded from her conscious, she was going to see more in the future.

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