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Thread: What would you do with your apartment... ?

  1. #1

    What would you do with your apartment... ?

    If your apartment were improved enough so you could have beds, toilets, etc... and you could interact with your furniture (get/store food in your fridge, sit on a couch, etc...), what would you do?

    Me? Well.... Girlfriend + Me + Bed equals..........................
    Former EQ Cleric lvl 26, no relation to Bugs Bunny
    90 337 $0|\/|3 l337: It's not just for dinner anymore

  2. #2
    I'd sell it. I'd much rather have a nice little house in the country. These city highrises are just to claustrophobic.
    Somewhere near a beach would be good, then I could take my hydro-vehicle out for a spin when the weather was good.


  3. #3
    First thing i'd do is decorate it. The colours are soooo dull....

    Second i'd fill it with hundreds of plants so its like a tropical jungle

    My apartment is in Tir and i havent been back to it in months so all my plants have probably died ... I agree with Skizzz ... I'd much prefer a house out in the country somewhere.
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

  4. #4

    Unhappy Apartments ...

    Well, the first appartment in Borealis I never reentered since August last year.

    My second char didn't even bother to get one.

    If they will include some functionality for them (personal bank terminal, usuable furniture, ...) I might install some of the stuff I found out there (two bags of furniture in bank).

    Never give up hope - Max, the Adventurer.

    So long,

    100% curious

  5. #5
    Furniture for sure.

    A couch would be nice but I don't see how you can lie down on a bed short of dying and that would be only for 5 seconds...

    Increase the limit of items past 10, even 15 or 20 would be much better.

  6. #6

    Post function over form

    I would want to put something in there that actually performs something i.e. personal surgery station, personal scanner, ect.

    I have some furniture in there already but seeing as how you can run through it and its impossible to place it correctly it was a waste of like 600 creds

    As soon as there is a reason for me to go back to my apartment i will, usually when im afk ill sit in there but otherwise its really pointless

  7. #7
    Good idea... but I also want

    1. a personal bartender to serve drinks to my guests.

    2. the ability to have as many guests as I want... just think of it! Your entire guild inside your apartment

    3. Maybe a few machines that would act as mini-video games strewn around in your apartment to keep your guests entertained
    Former EQ Cleric lvl 26, no relation to Bugs Bunny
    90 337 $0|\/|3 l337: It's not just for dinner anymore

  8. #8


    Things to do in your apartment:

    1) admire the clean walls
    2) admire the clean floor
    3) admire the clean ceiling
    4) Fire the maid who keeps stealing your stuff
    5) hide from buff beggers
    6) try on new social clothes
    7) slowly aspixiate because there are no windows
    8) try out the social animations
    9) use a leet doll to dig an escape tunnel
    10) do a little dance/make a little love/get down tonight.

    Hope that's helpful. It isn't, but I can still hope


    Member of Division 9, and RK1's first irony based life form

  9. #9
    I'll hold a fashion show in it and invite my friends, as it seems to be the only bright place in the whole world...
    Janella "Zindi" Catt
    Trader, Rubi-Ka 2

  10. #10
    I'd completly ignore it, just like i do now.
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


  11. #11
    Well, if they actually made them cool like that, I'd hold parties in them.
    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  12. #12
    Make it so you could hear the shopping channels while in it and I would sit in it when selling stuff and chatting with the guild.
    Fausto Biggfoo Clyburn

    Are you some kind of robot? And if so what kind of powers do you have? Do you use them for Good? or for Awesome?

  13. #13
    Sit back in a big easy chair and light up a fat hand rolled Borealis cigar and watch my g/f dance for me in that new thong...

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