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Thread: Rompa Bar.. and a boot system

  1. #1

    Unhappy Rompa Bar.. and a boot system

    My guild which is soon going to be joining upp with another wish we had a way to boot unwanted guest out of our bars and clubs.. this would only be for our guild. And this would help our guest relax with out haveing promblems... Also a /order so people can order from their booth (this will solve the /shout that most people use)
    what sucks about falling to your death............ is falling to your death

  2. #2

    Re: Rompa Bar.. and a boot system

    Originally posted by alofear
    My guild which is soon going to be joining upp with another wish we had a way to boot unwanted guest out of our bars and clubs.. this would only be for our guild. And this would help our guest relax with out haveing promblems... Also a /order so people can order from their booth (this will solve the /shout that most people use)
    Just curious, your guild has its own bars and clubs? I am pretty sure the Rompa is a public bar though, so just like RL, you get obnoxious patrons as well as the regular folks.
    Flann - Doctor
    Kwoung - Martial Artist
    Acidwash - Fixer (semi-retired)
    Rubi-Ka 2
    The Descendants

  3. #3

    Re: Re: Rompa Bar.. and a boot system

    Originally posted by Flann

    Just curious, your guild has its own bars and clubs? I am pretty sure the Rompa is a public bar though, so just like RL, you get obnoxious patrons as well as the regular folks.
    I think the guild is Lunar Entertainment Corp., it is controlled by an event GM.....I don't like the idea, someone would try to extort others and someone could just jump back in after zoning.

  4. #4

    Re: Rompa Bar.. and a boot system

    Originally posted by alofear
    My guild which is soon going to be joining upp with another wish we had a way to boot unwanted guest out of our bars and clubs.. this would only be for our guild. And this would help our guest relax with out haveing promblems... Also a /order so people can order from their booth (this will solve the /shout that most people use)
    I think what you really want, is the ability to actually own a bar.
    That way you can kick people that were in your store with a command. I've seen you guys at rompa and its real cool, but you guys need your own bar.

    So in a way, I also bump the suggestion for people to actually own apartments in the city, guild housing, etc.

  5. #5

    yes.. but

    if we had away to boot someone out of bar their could be a nano program or somthing forced in his NCU to stop him from coming back into the bar for 4 hours... this nano program could take up only 1 NCU slot.. and this will give them something to think about (like one time we had a guy runing around and he kept on yelling "THIS BAR IS GAY" over and over... even when a ark came he still did it) now for this boot thing to work their must be 3 /boot comands on the person with in 2 hours or more... then he will get booted.
    what sucks about falling to your death............ is falling to your death

  6. #6
    Could always just do a /ignore

    I still think giving you guys a bar would be cool. On that note why not create apartments for specific guilds. Like the Engineer Specific Academy. A place for engineers to hang out. Etc.

  7. #7
    Honestly, we aren't going to implement a /boot command. Everybody has a right to enter the bars and clubs, whether you wish them to be there or not (unless, of course, they are being abusive or are harassing others, then an ARK or GM can deal with them). I respect the roleplay you guys do (I've hid myself in a corner and watched from time to time), but this is something we unfortunately won't implement. Please do use /petition if you run into trouble though.

    No, Lunar Entertainment Corp is not controlled by an event GM.
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    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  8. #8
    How about some 0% bars in the future? keep the ones already in game the same, but implement new ones, like the one in Hope... i've been there with clan, omni and neutral, we had a good ambience, there were no mindless fighting.

    With 0% bars we can have a lot of role play fun! make one 0% bar in each city, if you are affraid of getting smaked, use the normal 100% bars.

    You think this is possible cosmik?

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