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Thread: This is goodbye....

  1. #1

    Unhappy This is goodbye....

    To any of you who might care, I will be quitting Anarchy Online the 8th of may. I have canceld my account not because I dislike the game, it just takes up way to much time for me. I will be starting classes for college again and need to concentrate on my studies. I have had a lot of fun with this game and the friends I have made will be missed.

    I figured my goodbye should be in the PvP forums because PvP is AO for me, it always has been, even when I played my first character, a Freedom arm advent (freshman woo). Its funny to see how much the game has evolved or maybe even devolved from launch. It was a great ride, and I am glad I was a part of it. Thanks to everyone for being great friends and great enemies in the game . I always had a blast shooting you omni's in 2h0. Hell even dying in 2h0 was fun when there was a lot of people there. I hope you all have fun shooting each other some more.

    I hold much respect for those of you who PvP, whether you're complaing about divests, or I'm complaining about the damn MK shield, its always a good time. Best of luck to all of you.

    Apprentice Damien "Xcept" Blazin
    Director of Deity

  2. #2
    one less trader to own me in pvp. lets hope the guy who buys your acount on ebay doesnt know how to play. then i can kill him.

    but besides that. good luck in all you do, see you in the next big game : )

  3. #3

    Wink Take care

    Sure omni will miss your debuffs Take care had a lot fun pvp with you.

  4. #4
    One more great pvper leaves us.

    Bye bye good luck in real life and college
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  5. #5
    xcept it was fun stuff gankin ppl with u bro. i know what u mean college stuff takes up alot of time. im just about done this semester and i wont be taking summer courses. anyway have fun in school , i cant think of any other place where ive met more hot girls then in college.

  6. #6
    Good Luck in your Future Endevours

  7. #7
    Damn, I'm going to miss your requests for UVC .

    Cya's Xcept was pleasure playing with ya. :-)
    Xiderpunk - 173 Martial Artist
    Xidder - 147 Crat


  8. #8
    Cya Xcept.
    Another UVC Junkie bites the dust

    Good luck bud.
    Sunraven - Jumpaholic and Speedfreak.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    Take care Xcept,wish you couldve stuck around for 14.2...i mightve had a chance of beating you one on one .
    Make Notum saturated metaplast armor comon like the rest of the uber boss loot you guys at FC screwed up. Resta - Ace OT Spy

    Disclaimer: Need anything talk in Vicinity...I ignore /tells.

  11. #11
    Been fun pvping with you xcept. All the best !

  12. #12
    latta dood.


  13. #13
    Hmm so finally you're leaving thank GOD :P

    No, I'm just kidding. Well to me you have always been 'Rookie Xcept' for annoyance and pleasure. Good Luck with your journey in RL

  14. #14
    215 Solitus Soldier RK1
    Advisor Midnight Reveries.

    Do politics exist? Yes.
    Who's involved in them? Anyone who wants to be.

    If you spend your time worrying about what everyone else is doing in their lives, you'll miss what's happening in yours.

  15. #15
    How about not selling your account on eBay? Do the world a favor.

  16. #16

    Angry hrmm

    well thanks to all of you who had positives posts, I really appreciate it.

    Sheldon, get a grip man


  17. #17
    How about not selling your account on eBay? Do the world a favor.

    WHATS your problem?

    I think people need money...

    And what do you want? A high lvl character geting deleted after 3 month?
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  18. #18
    see yea xcept...

    I was wondering where you have been lately... but i myself barely play anymore.

    But i just wanted to say bye bro, it was fun knowing you from back in the days when we had "tension" on each other... or maybe that was just me hehehe... but it was fun, and your true to your game.

    Good luck with all man, and thanks for the good times together bro.

    omni tek is your friend ..... err.. wtf am i saying. ( . Y . ) <---- are your friends in college

    cya bro.

    - b

  19. #19
    ARRRRGGGGG, cya bud

    good luck with RL
    Ouzzelle: It's an O damnit! not a Q!... and it's pronounced Weasel to you omnis.....

    Clanners call me Ozzy

    Riddance Jr.: Is it dead?

  20. #20
    sad to cya go m8y

    best of luck with college
    got my final exams in 3 weeks and i cant seem to pull myself away from ao to do some work ;/

    i have not seen u, ransaak or the kamikazi man synoptic in ages?
    have they all quit ao ?

    Apprentice Hotpanties
    lvl 156 clan fixer rk1
    Member of RK-Mafia

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