Whether you are a Clan sympathizer or an Omni bureaucrat, it is difficult to argue about the necessity for clean living conditions. We all know that the world we live in is dangerous; many say that there is no point worrying about smaller health hazards when we are faced with war, Omni’s mutants, roving Cyborgs, and annoying leets at every turn. This does not, however, invalidate the fact that larger and greater societies than ours have been ruined by disease (and, notably, Omni-Tek, corruption). One of these is the great Roman empire which Omni fashioned much of our planet off of.

The Clans in particular should not be accepting such health hazards. Part of the reason many of us oppose Omni-Tek is their rampant destruction of the environment and genetic experiments. It, thus, does not makes sense for instance like the toxic moat in Tir to exist. Its effects on environmental health are several fold.

Firstly, the obvious toxic levels directly damage anyone who touches it. This may not be severe, but long-term side effects can not be guessed at. Additionally, children are at risk, as they may seek to cool off from the hot suns.

Secondly, the toxic fumes from this source have a high likelihood of causing long term illness, disease, etc. The fumes that float around Tir, emphasized by the smell that hangs about the city, are a certain health hazard – much like the mythical city of ancient times, Losangles.

Thirdly, the psychological hazard is of the most immediate concern. In these troubling times, a depressing moat of toxic nastiness is NOT what the Clans soldiers need to be thinking of when they reminisce of home. It makes Tir seem like a disgusting industrial city – much like the Omni-Tek cities we so hate.

My doctoral research on this topic has led me to find numerous hazards to health and wellbeing. I have found toxic water sources to rank only below miner’s diseases in long term casualties on Rubi-Ka. The historical precedence for situations like this is long; take, for instance, the cities of Neyork and Lundon – and let us not forget the horrible incident of losing entire colonies on Mars to contamination and malpractice by certain commercial interests. Water pollution was a grave issue even in the earliest roots of industry, and the effect on population is marked. We can’t repeat the mistakes of the past, so clearly layed out.

I say that it is necessary to not only begin improvement from within and gain momentum to better our world, but to lead Omni-Tek by example rather than blind hatred and fighting. Sitting outside of Fair Trade, I sometimes wonder why I even joined the Clans. Sometimes they can be as destructive as Omni itself. Rubi-Ka is a beautiful world. We can not let it be spoiled by Omni-Tek, we can not let it be spoiled by the Clans, and most of all, we can not let it be spoiled by our own inaction.

I call for the leaders of Clan and Omni cities alike to organize and make attempts to solve environmental issues at home and abroad. Certainly, cooperating on the beautification of our cities is something that can solidify amnesty for those who wish it, and can hardly be complained about by those who don’t… unless they wish to see the systematic extermination of our species from Rubi-Ka.

Peace, happiness, and good hunting,
Clan-aligned medical student