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Thread: Details on the Battle Suit nerf!

  1. #1

    Details on the Battle Suit nerf!

    I checked the new 14.2 patch database and I have observed the following:

    Q200 Flawless Plasteel Battle Suit
    Value 16179282

    Q200 Flawless Plasteel Battle Suit
    Value 6179282

    This means that, for this particular battle suit, you will get 38% of what you once got for blitzing battle suit missions.

    In that case, it looks like they dropped 10M off the stat (or, chopped the first digit off).

    In the case of the desert battle suits, they went from 17131005 down to 1713100 which means that whoever coded this nerf is being inconsistent in their DB updates. He just dropped the last digit off on that one! Desert battle suits, therefore, are worth 10% of what they were before.

    Augmented Urban battle suits are down from 15227560 to 5227560. Again, the coder dropped the leading digit. This yields a 34% value over pre 14.2.

    Omni-Pol elite battle suits are dropped from 19034450 down to 9034450, which translates to 47%. I can see what we're going to blitz for now... this is the only one that has retained any significant value over the others.

    I acknowledge that I may be mis-interpreting the value field, and I understand that the selling price is scaled by what your complit is and what terminal you're selling it at. However, the ratio of values should still apply after the scaling factors are applied.

    Get 'em while they're hot people... blitz like they're on sale for 19999999!

    - Zoldax, 98 Fixer RK1

  2. #2
    Man this nerf is totally stupid and uncalled for. Its now going to be almost impossible to play as a engie unless you have a significant supply of twink cash. battlesuits were the only thing that kept me from having to sit out on the streets of tir and beg for money,

    This was a stupid move but not many people seem to care.....
    Member of the "I tried SWG and I am still kicking myself for it" club

  3. #3
    what do you think of the battlesuit nerf?

    Vote here and make your opinion count
    Member of the "I tried SWG and I am still kicking myself for it" club

  4. #4

    It was both good and bad

    The Good:
    Cash income from missions is somewhat more balanced now... you can get money from doing missions, but blitzing missions is now a reduced method of getting cash. I see this, personally, as good... I think blitzing is kinda silly.

    The Bad:
    To those of us that did NOT blitz missions for cash, it makes the joy of finding a battlesuit in a chest not all that exciting anymore.

    I personally am not stressed over it... but I will admit that the reduction should have been uniform. It seems like it was haphazard and poorly considered.

  5. #5


    Whether or not you agree with the nerf, how it is being done is sad. They're lying about it, trying to pass it off as making them more affordable. Its true for tank sub ql125 which does sell in shops, but battlesuits never sell in shops. From my brief check on test they still don't.

    Armor prices on <ql126 compared to buying from players?

    Even if you do buy, the spawn system is horrible, it can take you all day to assemble a suit, if certain parts for certain types of armor even spawn at all. Typically you see 5 gloves or whatever, and often the same ql keep repeating. Armor would be better off like implants, and a terminal for each ability type. (Stam/Str, Sen/Agi, Agi/Str, Int/Psy, Psy/Stam)

    There should be at least 2 gloves/sleeves/helms/bodys/boots/legs for each type of armor, just vary the QL like implant clusters. At least if you're paying a lot more than street value, you can get a full setup in a few minutes. Armor shops useful, what a concept!
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Mercatura
    Whether or not you agree with the nerf, how it is being done is sad. They're lying about it, trying to pass it off as making them more affordable. Its true for tank sub ql125 which does sell in shops, but battlesuits never sell in shops. From my brief check on test they still don't.
    i know load of BS from funcom. Not that that is anything unusual.
    Member of the "I tried SWG and I am still kicking myself for it" club

  7. #7
    I am against the nerf, but why in the world were they priced that high in the first place?

  8. #8
    it s a badmove....really bad ppl under 100 who are not blitzing for elite sets etc wont be able to afford anything...

    oh...why should we need toafford anything.....everything is getting "team-mish-boss-mob-only-drop" anyway...

    i appreciate the work FC has put into 14.2 , loads of new items etc are on the way...but i m sure....14.2 will be the second most disliked patch after 12.6....
    my rerolling squad (what s IPR? )
    Celebnor, Balbanes, Lacaan, Ignetos, Hadouken, Icehilda, Icementat and the late Seregnor

    if you ever met one.....well...nevermind

  9. #9

    Battle Suit Changes

    I think FC is trying to fix Battle Suits to be a viable option instead of just vendor loot. I'm a soldier and I wear battle suits. Dispite how nice mirror shield is, I havent bother to put any IP into casting skills. Way things are, battle suits are not optimal. However, I sick to the point of puking about having to constantly maintain 7 pieces of armor plust tank armor plus weapon. With a battle suit, I only have to maintain the battle suit, two rings, and my weapon. Life much simpler and more time in the playing field instead of the laggy as hell market zones.

    So the new changes to battle suits make alot of sense. Nerfing the vending machine prices, lowering the nano cost, and fixing the absorption shield on the assault line is intended to make battle suits usable. Sorry it cramps your style because it will no longer be vendor loot. But it never was intended to be that to begin with. But did you stop to think that selling to players might become more of an option after the patch?

  10. #10
    Cash should not be as easy as a "mission blitz". I support this nerf to the fullest. There is too much money in the game as it is with no inflation to counter balance it (at least not on the vending machines)....

    I applaud funcom for this....

  11. #11

    Re: Battle Suit Changes

    Originally posted by Halbart
    I think FC is trying to fix Battle Suits to be a viable option instead of just vendor loot. I'm a soldier and I wear battle suits. Dispite how nice mirror shield is, I havent bother to put any IP into casting skills. Way things are, battle suits are not optimal. However, I sick to the point of puking about having to constantly maintain 7 pieces of armor plust tank armor plus weapon. With a battle suit, I only have to maintain the battle suit, two rings, and my weapon. Life much simpler and more time in the playing field instead of the laggy as hell market zones.

    So the new changes to battle suits make alot of sense. Nerfing the vending machine prices, lowering the nano cost, and fixing the absorption shield on the assault line is intended to make battle suits usable. Sorry it cramps your style because it will no longer be vendor loot. But it never was intended to be that to begin with. But did you stop to think that selling to players might become more of an option after the patch?
    Why can't it be a viable option *and* vendor loot? When I do a mission, I want a PAYOFF for spending an HOUR of my time that could've gotten me half a level. I think making 300k off the reward item is only fair.

  12. #12
    WHole purpose is to use the damn suit. I wouldnt use it pre 14.2 so the nerf is for the good. Make money some other way.


  13. #13
    Totally stupid and ill considered idea.

    There *are* almost no other ways of making money other than ebay. Question, where do people think the money they make selling items to other players comes from in the first place??

    It's going to be very difficult for anyone without a high level cash cow to get anywhere in this game, prices wont drop when 50% of low level characters you meet seem to be twinks.

    Pity the genuine newbie, imagine having to find a million+ for QL90 implants without battlesuits.

  14. #14
    I have 55k to my name.... cry about it...

  15. #15
    I agree with BGumble on this one.

    My main character is a Fixer. The best thing this character can do is blitz. So I use him to make money for himself and my 2 other characters (soldier and engineer). If I played only one character and it was not a Fixer or Agent, I would never have near the cash needed to keep up with my level. I'm not saying blitzing (or sneaking) is a good idea from a game standpoint but how else can you make enough cash to stay reasonably equiped? Sentouki says make money some other way but doesn't say how. High level missions with good equipment will level you out of your equipment too quickly to keep up and low missiona don't have the QL of equipment you can use. Mission cash is not an answer either. Mission cash for all missions is so low (including junk sales) that your several levels past the equipment your were going to buy before you can actually afford it. My engineer can make plasma and jewerly but the cash from that is a joke compared to what I can make in the same amount of time blitzing. You can sell items to other players but you have to sell to lower level players (in the case of true noobs, that means poorer). And of all the items in the game relatively few will bring in consistant high cash to keep yourself supplied not to mention the lost gaming time spent selling. I am assuming of course that most players don't derive their game enjoyment from selling items.

    RJO says there is too much money in the game. Well, if Funcom makes it harder on players to make money, more of them will just go to ebay and buy it. Really high level people will always have credits to sell. Engelstein said it, why can't Battlesuits be usable AND loot.

    Also there is the economy to think of. When the loot prices go down on battlesuits, the people who are high enough to get them will just sell them to other players instead of shops. Which in turn makes the lower level player poorer and the higher level player richer anyway.

    The end of the high dollar battlesuit isn't the end of my blitzing by any means but Funcom has put one more small notch into making the game more difficult to finance yourself.

  16. #16
    The BS still sells for over a million credits under the new system. I do not see that as taking out the bottem end of the cash system by any means. This will only lead to greater player interaction in the form of player to player trade. This is a good thing for the game, maybe it is bad for those of you who get insane amounts of money by exploiting a high priced item. It could also lead trade and not directly translate into player sales.

    The greater the player economy the more money that circulates in the economy and the less that leaks out of the economy into terminals and NPC vendors.

    EBay Ebay Ebay.... E-Bay has its customers, more people will not turn to ebay. Thankfully in MMORPGs there is people who use EBay and those that do not. It is a fairly clear line. You will not see people flock off on to ebay if this happens, maybe one or two, but not enough to drive the economy into the ground.

    Money should not be easy to come by, you should work for what you have and in that there should be a greater pride in what you do have.

    Don't play the richer get richer and the poorer get poorer card on me :P I am an economic advisor to a political party up here in Canada (a conservative party at that) and I get enough of that at work

    see you in game folks

  17. #17
    I don't blitz missions for battlesuits and I was still able to afford a Yalm at level 75 and all my implants and armor and everything else. So your argument is invalid.

  18. #18
    The way i see it this so called "nerf" is a non issue. Those of us who invest time & effort into the laborious task of mission bashing never seem to have a problem making credits.

    Now I have sympathy for guys who do not have as much time as others to focus on AO but not the guys who just want to make a quick cred without expending any effort on their part.

    I don't mind them lowering the price of Battle Suits as I have never gone out of my way to mission for them and I have managed to make a small fortune and donate over 30 million creds to those less fortunate than myself.

    There are many more ways to make credits but it may just take a little longer. Patience is a virtue that some of you seem to be lacking.

    Bring it on FC, if people have less cash to throw around then perhaps we will see an end to the ludicrous prices that are endemic in this game at the moment.

  19. #19
    The nerf is bogus. If you support it you probably havent reaped the benifits of it. Although if you have ever begged cash off of me you probably have.


  20. #20
    Congratulations puddle on your singular ability to buy a Yalm at 75. Are you a Doc selling treatments for 200k or a Trader selling wrangles for 250k? Not all classes have such highly desirable buffs to sell. Just exactly how do you keep all your armor, weapons and nanos current? Next time why don't you tell us all rather than flippantly invalidating my point.

    RJO battlesuits vary in price, by the way, based on QL. I think they sell as low as 80k under the current system. So I guess that puts it at less than 10k under the new system. Not really a million as you would have it, except for very high quality levels.

    Just so I understand you correctly, any item I can sell at a shop for a high price is exploiting? Or does that only apply to battlesuits? I can assure you that the selling price at shops for some mission items other than battlesuits sell for quite good money.

    In addition, I didn't say people would "flock" to ebay over battlesuits. The ebay statement was in regard to making credits in general hard to come by. The fun part of the game as I see it is grouping, guild activities, RPing at the bars and gaining levels to improve your abilities. I find it hard to believe that the general gaming population would enjoy spending significant portions of their gaming time scratching out credits in a poor economy.

    Also I'm confused by your player economy statement. If more money circulates in a player economy, doesn't that cause inflation and weaken the economy? To make money worth more, wouldn't we want player money to "leak out" into shops and terminals? Is that what you are saying? Since your an economic advisor maybe you could explain to me how the game would be any different if we changed from a weak money/high price economy to a strong money/low price economy?

    Most of my original post however is devoted to HOW to make enough money without blitzing or sneaking. I believe I've stated my case already so I'm still waiting on something specific and constructive here. I have to admit that in hindsight I should have made this a seperate post, this being a battlesuit thread.
    Last edited by Rockpitt; May 13th, 2002 at 22:45:08.

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