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Thread: Thanks For runing the economy

  1. #41

    The Price

    I almost have a price that is 40-50% below the price in shops.

    And about giving Buffs I don’t take any money, I wont a good buff in return (if the other player have any).

    Fixer Lvl 50

  2. #42
    I think the reason people will pay those prices is because they cant find what they want in the shop. Say you looking for a ql 50 chest plate. All the shop has is a ql45 or a ql 60. You cant put the 60 on yet and you need the upgrade now.

    Its a rare event if I find the ql of the item I am looking for when I need it. I try to shop in advance of my lvl but most the time I just dont have the cash. Thats fine when I get to the lvl where I can use the item but puts me back into the same boat in only 2 or 3 lvl's

  3. #43
    Well all this doesn't even matter to some players. I am weaing all ql 200 nano armor using ql 180ish nukes and I stilled get owned by yellows mobs. I meet all requirements for my armor by the way. So I can take it off and on any time I want.

    But I do feel people are insane with their prices.
    Last edited by Billy Talent; Nov 30th, 2001 at 18:17:24.

  4. #44
    I've never bought anything from a player. EVER. I've got everything I need, and if I don't have it and want it, I go get it. Is that so confusing or complicated?

    Depth in AO? C'mon people...why even discuss economy? Seriously, think about it!

    What is AO?

    Go to mission term click on it over and over and over and over like some pigeon, get mission, go do mission, sell crap to store and buy more stims and chargers... all to get better gear to repeat the whole process at a higher level. Some people hunt things that give them 3x the experience *COUGH med* they should be getting *COUGH -usas* at almost no risk...but otherwise there's no variation.

    Oh and then there's PvP. Stand around. Rinse repeat. (not much fun, but easy)

    So who really cares! This is a big KillToDressTheDolly-fest. If you want depth go get EQ, and deal with the ****ty graphics and horrible game engine. Or better yet, play single player games. Now it's better because I can actualy use the loot I find, whereas before it was all trickledown for twinks.

    Are you having fun? Good! And remember, Funcom is your friend and AO is perfect. If you've got problem it's all you! Seek help so you can come back and join the fun.

  5. #45
    funcom very actively regulates the economy -- albeit in a way that is perhaps indirect at best, and more likely the result of intense whining than anything else:

    availability drives price more than any other factor in this 'economy.' katara sunglasses, once rarer then asteroids, have no function whatsoever, yet had an average going price of 2M a couple weeks ago. a simple change in availability ( mission rewards and tir/omni-1 backyard stores ) and they're down to 2k ( still double the store price of 999c ) or freely given away. nano and omni-pol elite armor, once the staples of the economy, are now going at 10x store resale value -- this is of course a decent and time-honored gloss of an item's 'worth,' but all the same a shot to ppl who hustled big time to snag the items before they became as common as implants for mission rewards. making it easier for folks to acquire these fashion 'must-haves' clearly has diminished the once absurd asking prices for them. so.. is the answer simply to make everything more available? if u have everything u need its hard to be persuaded into paying 5M for a cloak, but that clearly diminishes the uniqueness and distinction of wearing a particularly hard to find item. tank armor had a similar downfall, but that was of course due to nerfing rather than availability.

    so raise ur hand if ur wearin a decus cloak

    this is, of course, the current absurdity - the primus decus cloak, current fav of the robber barons, and one wonders -- did they put 5M worth of effort into obtaining the item? similarly out-of-whack prices are the going rate for many of the drop/mission-only nanocrystals, as well, and to a lesser extent, any nano-crystals QL126+. ppl have always taken advantage of rarity in order to suck the creds out of hard working folk, and prolly always will. while making things like nano armor more available is certainly a defensible and valid move, perhaps an additional step, like introducing more than 1 armor and wep thats decent per profession/breed, would be much appreciated to help keep alive the possibility of looking different than someone else.
    Last edited by Alaysia; Dec 4th, 2001 at 22:27:16.

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