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Thread: Make AE effects ignore allied mobs

  1. #1

    Make AE effects ignore allied mobs

    I suggest that area of effect nanos effect allied mobs the same way they do allied players--not at all. It is pretty dumb that, say I am in 4-holes fighting a clanner. I sholdn't have to worry about my own guards jumping me if I mongo, or if an NT lets loose an AE, he shouldn't have to worry about his own guards jumping him either.

  2. #2


    Fantastic idea - But u would loose some realism with this one.

    And i think the whole idea is to use "tactics".

    But stilla very good idea - Sometimes u have to sacrafice realism for gameplay.

  3. #3
    Bah. AE effects already do not affect alligned players in 25% zones, won't be losing any more realism to extend that to mobs

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