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Thread: Honor

  1. #1



    Borealis -- (FJRK) -- The people of Borealis were torn by death and distruction when a small child, seemingly brainwashed, assassinated Brendan "Killchain" Nygaard, Director of Archetype.

    How far does morality displace those from the clear and obvious smog, a haze covering the corpses of those fallen for a war that no one asked for. A war brought to neutrality for personal gain.

    “It is better to spill the blood of few to save many. We made this declaration of war as an attempt to show everyone on Rubi-Ka that they can sleep at night, and they can make a difference.” Stated Killchain.

    This declaration brought the death of six; one a small child, a mindless drone sent to assassinate Killchain, a reporter for the Independent Reporters of Rubi-Ka, as well as four uninvolved and unsuspecting innocents. The silent assassin approached Killchain and his bodyguard Zundae, acting as though she had been cursed. She pleaded with him to escape, motioning with her hands wildly.

    Shortly after the murder, the assassin took her own life, as if overcome by the shame of what she had done to her brethren. There was a moment of utter confusion as the crowd began to realize what had just occurred. Moments after the deceased dissipated into the ground, mass hysteria spread like a virus.

    Killchain’s newly reincarnated body returned to the scene of the assassination to present an ultimatum, “Safety will be granted when the likes of her are removed from this planet and placed in a labor camp.”

    Within an instant, a loud shot was heard from the distance and Killchain fell once more.

    With acts like these, there is no resolve. There is no way out but through slaughter. How will this anger driven war resolve? Has the worth of life devolved to nothing more than a simple trip to the reclaim? We must look back beyond the futile differences, to a time where death was permanent, only then can we truly realise that conflict is pointless. Surely there are other methods of resolution.

  2. #2
    Midia is toatly without honor. She will use anything, corrupt anyone, sacrifice as many as needed to reach her goals. So far she has used snipers, missiles, Nano-Viruses, brainwashed children and spirits knows what else to try to intimidate those that oppose her.

    Make no mistake, if you oppose Midia you will visit reclaim many times, but be aware that Midia has been known on many occation to use soul disrupting weaponry, leading to the permanent death of the victim.

    Now the question we all have to ask ourself is, can we let such a coldhearted, amoral and dare i say downright evil, bastich of a woman go about her busines? Concidering what she has been up to in the past, dare we take the chance that she will not use what ever power she manages to gain?

    Last time, she was out to take control over the entire insurance system on Rubi-Ka. Concider that. A woman capable of changing anything and everything in you personal insurance database. Maybe wipe out a few memories here, muck around with your genetic structure there, or maybe just let you die permanently the next time.

    That was last time. Do we dare take the chance that she is not after something similar now? Concider what she has shown herself capable of this time around, and then look to yourself and your family. Would you want your loved ones to live under the threat that Midia might one day, just out of boredom, destroy them totaly.

    I will not suffer such a threat to the people of Rubi-Ka to go on. Killchain has already gotten her worried with his declaration of war, because she has put up ultimatums that was supposed to scare him into calling off his war. Do you hear that Midia? We have heard your threat, and we say that even if you were able to go through with it we will not yield, you will be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity. Oh, and please give me just the smallest reason to blow you away permanently when we come for you.
    "On the frontlines, there is but one commandment...
    Thou Shalt Kill."

    "As i stride knee deep through the dead, all is clear. I know what must be done...
    My cause is just...My will is strong...
    ...And my gun is very, very large!"
    The words of a true soldier.

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