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Thread: Is the NW Mine at Harry's unique?

  1. #1

    Question Is the NW Mine at Harry's unique?

    The NW Mine west of Harry's has three nice things about it. First, it's near Harry's, insurance terms, etc. Second, there's a rock with a cave where anyone from anywhere can find a lot of folks looking for a group. Finally, it has a small area where there are a lot of MOBs of a relatively uniform level. A great place for power leveling.

    Are there other such places on Rubi-Ka? After the mobs at the NW Mine start to look green, where is the next place to go? Is the such a good hunting party place in Clan territory?

    Soon I will have to join with groups to hunt the next level MOBs. Where should we go?

    Thanks for your input!
    Ashes to Ashes!

  2. #2
    Once you graduate from NW mine, your next stop should be VB camp in Pleasant Meadows, then 8 x 8 once you've worn out VB. The VB ((skilled) Virus Builder) camp is a short distance due south of 20k and due north of the Omni river OP that has the ferry to Harry's. Both sites have save terminals and banks, and 20k of course has the whompa to Trade and stores.

    There are other NPC mobs in the camp, but they don't yield as much experience as the VBs, and it seems when you attack one of the other types, the whole camp goes aggro on you (bad). VB camp I estimate is good for a team with level range 50-70.

    8 x 8 also has NPC mobs but they are much tougher. It's southeast of the river OP across another river, at coords 800 x 800 in PM (hence the name). These are much tougher though, I say high 60 - 90s team is right for there. Bring a doc. This place yields crazy xp though, great hunting site.

    Last edited by FeloniousPunk; May 3rd, 2002 at 08:52:40.
    Numi7, Omni-Tech Employee
    Solitus Engineer
    Division 3 [Omni Reclamation]

  3. #3


    FeloniusPunk, thanks for the tips!

    One thing, though--are their easy routes for clansmen to these places? I'd hate to get all sorts of XPs only to have my ass shot off by OMNI guards.
    Ashes to Ashes!

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