To Phillip Ross and the leadership of Omni-Tek:

There are many within the clans that do not believe that you wish peace, just as there are many within your organization that believe the same of us. There have been numerous actions in the last few weeks that speak well for future cooperation and a lasting peace. But there are more than a few clanners that do not trust your organization and wonder if, at some level in your structure, there were some who helped to carry out the attempted assassination of Henry Radiman.

Toward these ends, I ask you to do what any governmental authority must do when faced with an attempted murder: arrest the assassin and bring him to a swift trial. Joseph "Aberic" Capo, and any and all of his collaborators, must be found if you wish peace. You have an incredible force of soldiers, police and informants at your disposal. Find this man and bring him to justice for the sake of all Rubi-Ka. If he is found guilty, make an example of him. Life imprisonment, if not final death.

I'm sure your records say where he has saved his cellular structure. Station a few guards there, I'm sure he'll be along any time now.

Clan Diplomat