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Thread: Are MA's the only ones affected by Min-Damage bug?

  1. #1

    Are MA's the only ones affected by Min-Damage bug?

    Just checking.

  2. #2
    No just about everyone is. Some using exotic weapon damage like chemical or shotguns that use the oft ignored duck exp arnt getting it as much. Also heavily overequiped enforcers and the like arent getting hit by it quite as bad.

    Basicly for some reason the damage craps out with MOBs around your level, especialy those that appear well armored in their animations, especialy those apparently wearing low-tech armor.

    My engineer always does min damage against adventurer MOBs for some reason. Even my lv 52 pet does min damage on yellow adventuers. Since the pet has a high min damage it dosn't effect my class as badly, but without my pet their damage shields do more damage than my high level guns.

  3. #3

    Ok next question. :)

    [QUOTE][B]Basicly for some reason the damage craps out with MOBs around your level, especialy those that appear well armored in their animations, especialy those apparently wearing low-tech armor.

    Does this mean because i'm level 46 is the reason why i'm doing minimum damage now? And if that's the case I have lower level chars I "could" work on until this is remedied. Does it affect them?

  4. #4
    Ma's have allways been affected with min damage bug but seeing we are the min damage kings it dosnt really matter.

    But now the MA Min damage virus has affected alot of other classes which is a bad thing for them. Seeing most dont have the nice min damage we have.

  5. #5

    MA bug? Not.

    The minimum damage bug affects everyone equally. At level 51, I have a L53 peasant executioner (relatively quick, lower damage weapon) and a L66 rider executioner (slow and powerful). The rider simply destroys NPCs. The peasant executioner does minimum damage on almost every hit. The problem is not with MA's, its with every weapon that attacks quickly. Because MA's attack very fast, they're hit by high ACs the hardest. Anyone else that uses light weapons, however, is going to have similar experiences.

  6. #6
    When min damage take effect. I'm not sure when it comes into play, sometime arround lv 30 I think. I've got a lower level character and havn't run into the min damage problem against the same kind of mobs that stymy my 42nd level character.

    It also seems to be that the armor needs to be at a certain level, its like you hit normal to a point and them nothing but minimum after that. Not much in between.

    I'm not sure what the combat formula is but I don't care for it much.

    I dont think the AC on mobs has changed, but I think they changed the combat formulas in some way (probably as part of the attempt to fix PVP) and it relustled in armor being more effective at nearly equal ratios. So if your armor is junk it dosn't do much, but if its comperable to the attack of characters your level then it has a big impact on damage.

    I've noticed that most mobs hit me for min damage most of the time now as well, but since their min damage is so high I don't think allot of people have noticed this yet. The ones that don't are usualy using unusual damage types like chem or the poison.

    You can tell when you hit min damage because all the hits do the same give or take a point.

  7. #7

    Min damage

    The minimum damage on MOBs is outrageous. No weapon that PC's can get anywhere in game does near the minimum damage of the MOB weapons. Funcom needs to really rework its combat system. Of course, they won't, they're busy adding useless features and fixing their own accidents.

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