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Thread: Anyone Remember this?

  1. #21
    (sigh) memories...

    If you were omni back in the day, remember when Barracks in forest was THE spot to be? /s Lvl10 advent LFG! I go there now with my re-rolled characters and it's deserted :.(

  2. #22
    I remember going out of newland city and hunting around the lake. I was always scared to go to the far wester side of the lake. Plus those early days of the game where there wasnt enough to hunt and then the next day everything being so packed. Man those were the days. I miss the new feeling I got with AO
    Lisa Newvena Simpson
    Chimp NovemberSix McGimp
    Proud Applicant of Band of Brothers

  3. #23
    red's still there. i think someone just slipped her(didn't they change red's sex?) some valium. i remember having missions in rising sun and needing to zone out to heal and praying that red wasn't outside ready to smack me around. i remember someone on the boards organized a red hunt and took some clannies to take her/him down. i was too low level at the time to join.

  4. #24

    Unhappy why o why

    Did they nerf the spawn sites.

    They siad it was to keep people from power lvling, well just so happens the really good spots they nerfed the highest you could hunt there was lvl 50-55. How is that going to hurt.

    plus those great spots gave sooo much help to newbiess, you had rerolls, RPers, and the like siting around. everyone was exchangeing info, help, money, armor, weapons, items, It realy felt like a player economy. I didn't do a single mission until lvl 35, everything I had on was from other players.

    Now it is everyone fend for him/her self. I try to change that, when I play a twink and notice it is really the players 1st time playing I give them 100k and old items to get them rolling.
    My small army on rbk2

    Got Nullity Sphere?


    <--flavor of the month

    I See you!

  5. #25
    They nerfed those places to prevent players from power-leveling?

    Didn't work out well i guess. The players found other places.... Lush Fields for example. Or some places in Newland.

  6. #26

    Unhappy The good ol days

    I miss the occasional Buzzsaw Bot that would come rampaging all hell into Wartorn Valley (aegean exp at the time) and disrupt the missioning... back when Wartorn Valley was THE place to get missions as clan.

    I miss going to Athenshire at "The Beach" for mad hunting levels 8-20.

    I miss IP rings.

    I miss hunting rhinomen in Aegean, I miss hunting Vultures in Aegean near the crater, I miss hunting scorpions in Wailing Waste, I miss bot hunting in Athenshire, I miss hunting.

    I miss 8000 blue guys in suits running around beating the hell out of every NPC in Old Athens.

    I miss escort missions. <--- big one.

    I miss teaming with my old guildmates from Everquest who quit AO and returned to EQ because of how much AO sucked arse in the beginning.

    I miss being able to switch weapons as a soldier during combat.

    I miss the notion of grenades being a viable weapon choice.

    I miss soldiers having a reason to invest in nano skills.

    I miss my level 40 opifex enforcer with dual clean slay axes in full bau cyber armor because cyber was the only armor that offered all AC protection... (he could solo reds -- somehow?)

    I miss being able to enter Omni-Tek cities even though we were at war with them. I miss being able to enter omni cities because I will get shot on sight even though we are at peace.

    I will stop now, I could go on.

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