(Written in stage format, or as best I can. Bear with me. )


*scene opens up into a laboratory, with vials of liquid and various weapons and armor laying about. In the back is a cage with a ferocious monster. A young, cleanshaven man approaches the camera*

"Welcome! This is a public service announcement for all of Rubi-Ka from Archetype! Today, we want to cover the subject of defending yourself from -THESE!-"

*scientist waves towards monster, which shreiks and rattles it's cage*

What is this, you ask? No, it's not a demon! It's not a Leetzilla! And, no, it's not one of those Old Earth horrors, a Rabbit of AHH! This, my fellow citizens, is a MEDUSA!

*It seems at the sound of it's true name the Medusa becomes more enraged*

Due to the hostility that the truly -EVIL- Ms. Tepesz brings to Rubi-Ka, and the known fact she employs these wretches to her evil whims, we are going to demonstrate an effective way to kill these beasts!

*Scientist turns over to the table, which has a suit of Flowers Tech Armor. He begins to display the breastplate like a showman*

This is your best defense, Flowers Tech Armor! The secretions of the Medusae claws is radiated, and will kill you if you are affected for too long. BUT!

*He pulls the breastplate apart, showing small silvery plates*

This armor has special defense against radiation attacks! A suit of Flowers Tech is your best friend when assaulted by a Medusa!
See your nearest ICC Mission Terminal and seek employment to receive your very own suit!

*He turns to a chart, which shows a diagram of a Medusa. He withdraws from his pocket a pointing baton*

Let us assume the -EVIL- Ms. Tepesz sends a horde of these nasty beasts to the gates of Borealis... Rome... Athens... Tir... even Newland! What would you do, knowing these beasts only wish to devour the hearts of your loved ones, your children? Do you know how to kill it before it rips your loved ones apart? After this short instructional video, you will!

*He points to what looks like the chest on the diagram*

The flesh of the Medusa is heavily armored! It can sustain very obscene damage to it's hide and still remain standing. Let me demonstrate!

*The scientist throws on a flak suit, and grabs a fragmentation grenade from the table. He cooks it off to one second, and underhands it into the cage. Surprisingly, the Medusa catches it and stares at it as it blows off it's hand. The shrapnel bounces around the room, but as far as the Medusa's hand goes it is unharmed*

As you can see, the Medusa is still prepared to murder your family in cold blood for the whims of the evil Valentia "Midia" Tepesz! Now, here's how you KILL a MEDUSA!

*The scientist points to what looks like the spine, and the facial structure*

You use a high-powered energy weapon and shoot it here, here and here. Guaranteed a sure kill! Let our special guest demonstrate!

*A tall, broadshouldered man walks into the camera lens wearing a full suit of Flowers Tech Armor and carring a Division 9 Plasmaprojector. Quickly and fluidly, he walks to the side of the cage and fires a three-shot burst into the face of the medusa. The medusa falls on it's front, shreiking and hissing. He fires two more rounds into the neck of the medusa, and it lays silent. It's blood bubbles on the stainless steel cage floor. The guest turns to the camera, sets his gun against his leg and removes his helmet. It's Brendan "Killchain" Nygaard, the Commander of Archetype!*

"That is how you kill a Medusa effectively." Brendan says.

"And now you know your foe!" Brendan and the scientist say in unison.

*Camera pans to Brendan* And knowing is half the battle. The other half is calling to arms, assisting in however you can to aid the effort against the -EVIL- Midia! Men, women, and children can all help in the fight against her! Just see how this small town in Rubi-Ka assists in the effort!

*Camera cuts to a small village. The Tepesz Corp. distribution center in the city is ablaze, and there is a gigantic bonfire in the center of the city. Hundreds of people surround the bonfire, throwing what looks like medical supplies into the fire. The camera cuts into a small child holding a box of Tepesz Corp. nanobiotics.*

"I don't like Midia! She makes people sad! She makes my mommy cry at night because she made my daddy go to Heaven!"

*The child hefts the nanobiotics into the fire*

*Camera cuts back to Brendan* "That child does his part. Do you?"

*Brendan and the scientist both stick their thumbs up, and sayin unison...* "We are Archetype. We fight for your right!"

*Camera cuts to Brendan's face again.* "Contact us today to fight the most evil, sadistic wench in the universe. All sides, come together and fight this evil. All are invited, with one common goal... BRING MIDIA TO JUSTICE!"

*Displayed on the bottom of the screen is contact information for support to the Organization as it fades to black*