I, sirie, and whit my rigth hand Leonr1 have just formed a new omni-tek guild on RK1. We desided to create a smal guild of friends rather then a big guild og strangers.
Whit only a few member u always know hwo need the items we find. And we give each other items free when they show up in missions or loot.

We always team whit other guild members when possible, not by a rule, but its more fun teaming whit players u know and trust.
The reason we created this guild is that it seems to be alot of hostility among 100+ players. Even if u are silent u have to listen team member arguing about how to play. Members that die and blame everyone in team and such. (im glad im not a doc).
This make the game less fun for everyone.
Some have asked me what they get form joining, and the answer is nothing at all, but u will meet new friends.

We dont see xp and money as the only thing in game that count.

We are not sure about how to do everything yet so members whit a strong peronality and who could help out and give advise about RP and such would be great.
We hope that a few players that have a smile would like to join us in this great world of RK.
The timesone so far for all guild members but one is GMT+1

Name of the guild: Intrinsic Omni
This is a 70+ guild only.
If this sound interesting at all send me a /tell sirie
Im looking forward to hear from u.