I'll post the Msg here also, because it's quite important that funcom understand that european players will regroup to be represented !!


Hi, i'd like to present the "Euro Coordination Group", we are European Guild Leaders who want to represent the interests of European AO Players.

Our goal is to improve the contact between Funcom and Euro players, in the organisation of events, timing, story etc..

But also improve the communication between European Guild Leaders themselves, with a forum where we will have discussions about sensitive issues, with a Mailing List to be informed of what is going on, on Rubi-Ka.

The E.C.G. has NO political colors, there are Omni & clan side guilds present in the organisation. We like to represent all the Euro Guilds and Euro Players, no matter on which side you are.

We want to let Funcom know that there are also a lot of European Players playing Anarchy Online, and in a public letter to funcom (will be written soon) we will ask what Euro Players consider as a "normal support" for Europa.

Ok, well here is the website for the ECG : www.ecg.fr.st/

And here is the forum : www.ecgforum.fr.st/

If you are LEADER of a Euro Based Guild, please contact us as soon as possible.

Thank You,
