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Thread: Adventurer Damage shields :(

  1. #1

    Question Adventurer Damage shields :(

    Okay, let me start by saying that I am fairly new here...

    That being said, why does the Adv Jacket of Blades (or any other low level damage shield) abosorb damage with every hit on first fight and nothing after that?

    For instance I cast Jacket of Blades and start fight and routinly see, "You absorb 20 melee damage. Soft Enforcer hits you for 10 damage."

    The next fight against a soft torpedo I only get "hits you for xx damage."

    What gives? I shouldn't have to recast a shield inbetween every fight.

    Lvl 29 Adv RK2

  2. #2
    Hmmm , read.

    This shield will also absorb the first 30 points of melee-based damage that would otherwise be inflicted upon the target. However, the damage absorbing mechanism used is known not to work well with other methods used for absorbing damage.

    As for higher Absorbs and Enf nanos, Once I am hit for the amount, even if it another person it wont absorb.

    I have to recast for each mob when soloing, sucks ;/

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