The guild I belong to: The Tides of Rubi-Ka has a small tax 100 credits. It is collected for future use and to be used by the leaders to help out lower level members. Is it really necessary? Probably not at this juncture but it is low enough to cause no one distress and if it does the higher level members, myself included, will happily front lower level characters a sufficient amount of money to get them back on track for earning their own (no I will not give a 10th level character 100K so they can OE, but 10K so they can ammo up and get a mission seems reasonable).

However, the scum that are doing this to others are definately griefing. Anyone who has been extremely short on cash knows the difficulties of getting a good war chest set up. Once you have that war chest it is much easier to maintain because buying the new nanos, implants, etc. you need makes it easier to continue doing missions that bring good xp and money at the same time.

FC could easily fix this from the suggestions in this group.

1. The warning was mentioned where members could refuse the tax, it would then be up to the leadership to decide if they should revert the decision, kick the ones refusing, or allow the denial until a certain level was reached.

2. Setting limits on the tax. This is a good idea also, if a guild needed more money then they could solicit for members to give donations freely.

3. Make the tax change a guild vote. I like this least of all unless the guild is considered a democracy and most guilds aren't, most follow a business or military structure.

The one change that must be made is that people's money is protected. If FC finds someone doing this they can surely spot who got rooked from their records and could make good the loss, or at least boot the bum and then send a message letting people know that so and so got kicked and why. If could come over just as their welcome message does: "Schizopreak violated his org tax and refused to return the money to the people he scammed. Lets all give a big hand that this scum Schizopreak's account has been shut down and his money wasn't returned either. Applause Applause".

/me Applause

To anyone looking for a group, look for an established one, ask members, take your time. Currently it is caveat emptor. I also think you should check for a website. Most scammers will not take the time to set up a decent website if they are just trying to pull a quick confidence scam (not a guarantee but still).

Last word. FC if it is illegal for organizations to steal, imbezzle or subvert funds from their members (a federal offense here in America) why on FC is it not even considered griefing?

Randalpho 73rd Level MP
You know you need pets when their reflection shield does more damage than your shotguns.