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Thread: IS Martial Arts and 2 hand weapons a bug?

  1. #1

    IS Martial Arts and 2 hand weapons a bug?

    IS it? IS it intended?

    I for one would like to know. It would seem that a *2 hand* weapon couldnt be used with MA.. as well your hands would be busy holding it, wouldnt they?

    Is it intended or not? Currently it works just like every other style of melee weapon (or ranged weapon for that matter) in terms of going with MA


    Before I potentially waste a lot of IP.
    My personal hunch is that this MA "Dual weild" will be limited to weapons which have "Martial Arts" as a requirement.

    So as such, I am tentative as to whether to blow lotsa IP
    Anyone know?
    Might have to /petition about it to find out

  2. #2
    I don't see why it would go away. Look at your character. During recharge time he is holding it with one hand. He only uses both hands while actually swinging it. So I don't see any reason why he can't use MA just like someone who is using a 1h weapon. =)

  3. #3

    Martial arts is more than hands...

    The thing is, in actual practice (forget the idealisms and the philosophy), martial arts isn't all about hands. It's about neutralizing an opponent, either through offensive maneuvers, avoidance, or turning his energy on him.

    With that said, you have 2 feet free, one head free, lots of elbows and knees, and a whole bunch of teeth =). I see no reason why you can't use martial arts with a sledgehammer, if you had training in such an unusual combination.

  4. #4

    I asked this same question a couple months ago

    When I first heard about this, I asked the same question and got an email from Cz that stated while it may be reviewed in the future, that it is currently working as intended. So nope, it's not a bug, perhaps an oversight, but it's not an exploit or anything like that.

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