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Thread: Apocalypse RK: Advance of Darkness

  1. #1

    Apocalypse RK: Advance of Darkness

    Apocalypse RK: Advance of Darkness
    The strange army had gathered quickly. Beasts of every nature had gathered at the southern most point of Greater Omni Forest. Mutants and rhino men, mostly the rhino men seemed somehow changed. Their hair was black and gray and their builds seemed larger than normal. The mutants carried weapons and wore patchwork armor. They marched in orderly rows and columns northwestward. Almost the entirety of pleasant meadows was a sheet of living movement. The army seemed to grow as it advanced.

    “The army seems to be advancing past Omni-1. Like they don’t even care it’s there.” Ramiyana observed as he studied the holographic 3-D map spread across the tabletop.

    “They don’t, their heading to Galway….There’s a natural formation there that seems to have a strange energy build up in the center of it. Poole…you know the area with the natural pyramids.” Zargin said pointing at the large blue area on the map. “Some sort of force field is keeping our scouts out. Whatever is in there is probably the driving force behind this whole invasion.”

    “What’s Omni doing?” Aazamon asked also studying the map.

    “So far intel supports that they have not made any aggressive moves but they are buiding their own forces around Omni-1.” Zargin answered.

    “And Rome?” Aazamon asked.

    “Also building forces but nothing nearly as heavy as Omni-1. It’s safe to assume Omni believes the army will go after Omni-1 first if they attack at all.” Zargin pointed to Omni-1 while he explained.

    “Hmmm…Rome” Aazamon said as he thought. “Like a back door isn’t it…”

    “What?” Ramiyana asked looking quizzically at Aazamon.

    “Well think about it. If you wanted to take over the main opposition but knew that attacking the front door was gonna be tough what would you do?” Aazamon asked never looking away from the map.

    “Use the back door…It would be much easier to take Rome and then use it as a gate to Omni-1. I hope They catch on or it’s going to be a slaughter.” Ramiyana said sighing.

    “Even if they do it won’t do them any good. Look here. See this part of the formation? They seem to be lagging behind. If I were going to do it I would want to keep the Omni-1 forces occupied enough to take their attention away from the real threat in Rome. That way you can maximize the chance of success. “ Zargin leaned forward and took a closer look at the map. “Aazamon is right their going to take Rome first and use it as a bridge to take Omni-1”
    For several more minutes the three men studied the map and made observations about movements from the massive dark army and Omni military forces. Their planning would greatly depend on the outcome of the dark armies war with Omni-Tek. All they could do for now was plan for the possible outcomes and hope for the best one.

    “…So that settles it then. Ramiyana contact Slinger and Kali, tell them to get back here as quickly as they can. Zargin make sure we’re ready on the southern front.” Aazamon flipped a switch and watched the holo-map fade away. “Come on guys lets move.” Aazamon said after noticing neither man had moved.

    “Minister what about Titan?” Zargin asked finally after a long pause.

    Aazamon stood in silence for a short while. “I don’t know yet.” He said almost in a whisper. “I honestly don’t know…”


    The vault was dark. The only sound to be heard was the occasional mechanical noises made by the robots who patrolled the void surrounding it. Inside Titanmage was completely silent. His body in a state of hibernation while his mind wondered away from the prison and into the wilds of Rubi-Ka. He imagined himself sitting under a tree on a hilltop that overlooked the lands of Andromeda. There he hummed a song he had learned from a friend three decades ago while he was wondering the deserts.

    There are no hero’s anymore
    They’ve all been taken by the war
    So please stop knocking on my door
    My weapons on the floor
    There are no hero’s anymore.

    Again and again he hummed the song. He seemed more relaxed now than he ever had before. A carefree spirit without a care in the world. He soaked in the calm peaceful surroundings and let himself feel completely happy for once.

    “Hmm hmm hmmm da da dada….There are no hero’s anymore…” he sang to himself then began to whistle the rest of the tune.

    “Very nice song Titan.” A sweet melodious voice chimed in from above him. A voice Titan had not heard in what seemed like ages but remembered instantly. He looked up to see a friendly familiar face looking down at him.

    “Well…Fleshreaper” Titan said with a smile and stood up to greet his visitor. “Guess my body gave out sooner than I thought it would. To bad really, oh well. How are ya lass?”

    “Your body is just fine brother. I’m here to help you.” The floating Fleshreaper spoke quietly.

    “Help me?” Titan asked almost seeming amused. “Why would you think I need help?”
    “You’ve been imprisoned.” Fleshreaper stated simply.

    “Only my body…when I was a priest I learned this trick. Releasing the spirit from the body while it rests and traveling to a more pleasant place isn’t very difficult. Just takes an understanding of meta-physical realm manipulation.” Titan shrugged

    “Your talents are ever expanding brother, though you may be content to stay there are those who need your talents to aid their survival.” Fleshreaper turned to look at the horizon. “Come with me.”

    Within a flash of light the two spirits were instantly found standing on a rock cliff overlooking a massive marching army clad in black and gray. Rhino men with spears and swords, gun toting mutants, goffles and hammerheads used as riding mounts and various other creatures mixed into the mass. The pit dragons roared and stomped their way forward making the smaller creatures scatter when they moved. The army could be seen trailing back for miles.

    “This is what your brothers and sisters are preparing to face.” Fleshreaper said pointing the massive advancing army.

    “Be realistic lass, there isn’t anything I could do to help even the odds. I may be able to do some things others can’t but I couldn’t help against something like this.” Titan said scanning the army.

    “You have powers you haven’t even unlocked brother. Rubi-Ka has chosen her guardians well. You were chosen to possess a great power and responsibility, not because your ‘Titan’ but because you have your own special gifts.” Fleshreaper placed her hand on Titanmage’s shoulder as she spoke.

    “Aazamon would have been better suited for the mothers gift of power. Every time I draw from the planet I feel incredible. I feel like I can take on…” Titan stopped and looked at Fleshreaper almost hatefully.

    She smiled. “Like you could take on an entire army.”

    “Even with Rubi-ka’s own power as a weapon I couldn’t do it.” Titan said looking back at the sea of marching monsters. “No one could.”

    “Let me show you something else.” Fleshreaper grasped Titanmages hand and with another flash of light they were floating in the air above a giant black energy sphere that hovered at the center of three Pyramids. Arcs of energy rolled from side to side and from top to bottom. It was enormous and could be seen quite clearly from a great distance.

    “What is that?” Titan asked in a whisper leaning forward, narrowing his brow and donning an intense look of concentration.

    “That is Core.” Fleshreaper explained. “The driving force behind the dark monster army. Core is a demon that has been resting in a dimensional rift.”

    “Demon…Well that would explain why he’s hanging around.” Titan muttered to himself.

    “Yes, Core is the reason I am still here.” Harvester said making Titan whip around and glide back a few feet in surprise.

    “I should have expected you to show up sooner or later.” Titan growled. “Well if you’re here to take out this Core guy then why not just do it now?”

    “I can’t.” Harvester moved closer to the black sphere. “That sphere is keeping everything out. I can’t get past it.”

    “What about Lilly?” Titan asked

    “She needs the barrier sphere broken before she can capture Core.” Harvester explained as if it were just common knowledge. “Even then Core will not come easily. He is one of the seven Demon lords who escaped his realm. A tough battle.”

    “Nice.” Titan muttered sarcastically.

    “Brother, I have one last thing to show you.” Fleshreaper placed her hand on Titan’s shoulder and the two vanished.

    Harvester stayed floating above the black sphere and stared at it for a few moments. Then he too vanished. With the disappearance of the three spirit’s a sinister, confident, cold laugh came from inside the sphere.

    Fleshreaper and Titanmage appeared just as the monsters charged the defenses of Rome. Cannons sprayed the advancing line dropping mutants and rhino men in a useless effort to stay the line. Tromping over their own dead the beasts advanced and soon overtook the cannons and troops lining the walls. Guns fired streams of bullets and energy bolts back and forth in a seemingly endless web of arcs and lines which lit the skies. Explosions shattered walls and flung man and creature alike into the air with tremendous force separating limbs from bodies. Titan watched as the battle raged on and Omni-Tek’s great city of Rome struggled to keep the ever growing army at bay. He watched as Rhinomen spears ripped the flesh of soldiers and the guns and cannons of the mutants racked human bodies with pain and death. A grim anger paled Titan’s face.

    “Soon, Rome will fall…” Fleshreaper sounded sad. “After Rome and Omni-1 the armies will advance north.

    “Borealis…” Titan whispered suddenly terrified. “The valley.”

    “Our brothers and sisters will not survive a battle of this magnitude. You know this as well as I, as well as Aazamon and the council.”
    Silence was the only response Fleshreaper received from Titanmage as he continued to watch the fall of Rome unfold before his eyes.


    Aazamon , the Generals, some senior members of the guard and veteran mages watched on vid-screens as the two sides collided in battle. Stern serious faces darkened each person as they stared intently at the images. After several moments Aazamon stepped in front of the screens.

    “Analysis by the computers tell us that Rome and Omni-1 will fall within a days time. Which means our time is running out. We all know that with what we have we can’t hold a front against the dark army for long. So we need a plan.”

    “We’ll have to use a fall back tactic. Hold Borealis for as long as we can then fall back to Newland. Hold there then fall back again.” Zargin suggested.

    “And what happens when we run out of places to fall back to?” Aazamon asked.

    “We can’t…if Omni-Tek is defeated…How do we suppose we stand even a sliver of a chance?” Alpha asked.

    “I’m betting on Omni forces slimming down the army well enough that we might be able to take them.” Ramiyana said almost to himself.

    “What would Titan--”

    Aazamon slammed his fist down on the table cutting the question short. Everyone paused and stared at him.

    “Titan is gone. We have to accept and move past that. We have to work with what we have!” A small pause clarified Everyone’s solemn mood. “We’ve all seen the schematic to the vault…Titan is gone. He was a great asset while he was here, but we don’t have him anymore. So lets work with what we do have.” Aazamon turned his attention back to the screens. “Advancing on the army in the open would be suicide…Our best option is to hold Borealis. We could send small strike forces to decrease the armies numbers, but I’m not sure it’s worth the risks. Suggestions?” Aazamon turned and was met with silence. “We may only have hours before they arrive.”

    “It’s a hopeless battle Sir…” Lydadoc lowered her head.

    “If we are going to die then I want that dark army to remember how difficult it was to take us down. I want them to remember the Nanomage Liberation Front was their toughest challenge! I want them to work for their victory over us! I want them to wonder if it was a victory at all! I want them to suffer enough loss by our hands to wish they had never faced us! I want to crush their oh so mighty high spirit before this is done! I want to give them such a fight they could swear they fought the gods themselves!!” Aazamon’s speech raised the spirits of the mages and Guard into a roar of war cries as he raised his gun over his head. “Now lets figure out how to strike the fear of gods into these beasts.” He continued.
    Fletcher "TitanMage" Dart

    Nanomage LIbration Front.
    General, Special Operations

    Terrorist? . . .You haven't seen terror yet.

  2. #2

    To Deny Destiny

    Apocalypse RK: To Deny Destiny

    “You have denied your own destiny for far to long.” Those words which were the final words spoken by Fleshreaper to Titanmage on their spiritual journey now repeated in Titanmage’s head over and over again like a skipping record. Her voice was clear and the words became more and more defined each time. He sometimes wished he hated her. He sometimes wished he hated her enough not to care what she tells him. He wanted to hate her now. How can you hate someone who believes in you? Can you hate them for believing in you? Titan just couldn’t see how.

    He hadn’t left his vault in spirit or mind for over a week. He was beginning to wonder if he was afraid to leave. Afraid to face what was out there. The dark army and Core both were a challenge best left to those capable warriors thought well of enough not to lock up in a dungeon. It was fare to say through his time in solitude Titan began to find something he had never found before. His own self hatred melted into self pity then clear loss of self recognition. His mind drifted from one emotion to the next as he allowed his stern control of his feelings to be completely ripped away. Everything from humor to depression invaded his being, happiness to rage, wide smiles and laughter to shallow emptiness and tears. Through this roller coaster of emotion the words haunted him over and over again. “You have denied your own destiny for far to long.”

    The black Rhinoman’s skull shattered and sprayed the area with brain and blood as Aazamon redirected his shotgun at other advancing monsters. He fired repeated shots blowing holes and removing limbs from one creature after another as quickly as he could. Once in a while he looked around to survey the success of their battle. They had managed to hold the dark army at bay for more than a day but were running low on munitions. The monsters were stacking bodies against the city walls and using them as crude steps to climb over the walls. Guns and melee weapons of various kinds halted the advance of the monsters at the top of their climb as the Neutral citizens Clan and remaining Omni fighters, and Nanomage Liberation Front held their ground. Aazamon looked down into the valley below him and nearly cringed at the sight of the massive numbers of creatures swallowing it up in a carpet of war. He shook the image from his head and decided it best to concentrate on only those few hundred scaling the steps of bodies. He pointed his shotgun down at the advancing creatures bearing axes and slicing weapons of every nature and began firing. The blazing shells from his gun ripping holes in the enemy once more and adding to the stairs.

    “Their coming from the Grid! Cyborgs from the Grid! Cy-uuurgh!” The cry was silenced by a machine gun barrage from behind.

    The cyborgs ran forward as their bodies materialized from the Grid spraying bullets as they went. Several of the Atrox Royal Guard stopped the appearing numbers by destroying the Grid interface machine then fought the cyborgs in a battle that cost the cyborgs all their number. The dark army had shown their cleverness in such a manner several times through the course of the battle. First reactivating the whampa and storming the central part of the city. Then spilling out of the subway and now the Grid. Each surprise invasion inside the wall weakened the defenses of the city. The monsters savagely took advantage of each one gaining another foothold in the battle of Borealis.
    More defenders fell and a sorrowful cry was heard from within.
    “Fall Back! They’ve breeched the wall! Fall Back!” The command was distant from the wall and faintly heard. Some followed the command and retreated back, others stayed in their final attempt to hold the city as the Whampa to Newland was energized. Within that final stand The NLF lost the majority of their numbers. Two Generals; Zargin and and the Captain of the Royal Guard fell on that day. The bodies carried across the whampa to be buried in Newland.

    “You have denied your own destiny for far to long.” Again and again and again….

    Once the remaining forces had materialized in Newland the Whampa was shut down and destroyed. The NLF and the rest of the neutral organizations regrouped in their own camps cluttered close together by the west gate. Omni forces set up a base of operation near the Bronto Burger stand and began planning for the inevitable. Clan fighters at first had their hands full with the presence of Loren Warr and his band of thugs. After a short time both neutral and Omni soldiers silenced Warr and his men on a permanent basis. Though now working together Clan and Omni kept their warriors on opposite sides of the city. The NLF buried their dead that they managed to collect as they fled and erected extra graves for those who had been left behind. As brothers and sisters they were buried. All held in equal regard. Fires burned high signaling the departure of those who had fought so gallantly and given their lives and now their bodies.

    “You have denied your own destiny for far to long.”

    Titan opened his eyes and looked around. He didn’t know how long he had been asleep. He took a deep breath and coughed. He had passed out from exhaustion. His torrent ride through his own emotional psyche had drained him of all his energy. Now in this groggy exhausted state his final emotion settled on hopelessness. He could do nothing and nothing is what he felt he had become. A shell of a distant memory. He allowed himself to drift back into a sleep that he was almost certain would last forever.

    “I expected better from the great and mighty Titanmage.” Cyrus Long spat as he stared at the monitor that displayed Titan. “Pathetic, I’ve never seen a man cry in such a manner.” Cyrus smiled.

    “Lock a man away and he shows his true colors. This General Dart guy really hates himself. It took a lot longer for him to break than any other man I’ve seen but he’s still just a man.” One of the watch guards observed.

    “We’ll be able to use him soon enough.” Cyrus’s smile widened.

    “You have denied your own destiny for far to long.” Endless voices…Fleshreaper, Aazamon, Ramiyana, Zargin, Alphquz, Woodwin, Lydadoc, Saviorhippo, Skincrawler and countless others. All saying the same thing. “You have denied your own destiny for far to long.”

    “You have denied your own destiny for far to long.”
    “You have denied your own destiny for far to long.”
    “You have denied your own destiny.”
    “You have denied your own destiny.”
    “You have.”
    “You have.”

    “You have.”

    The void of sleep grew. Darkness.

    A single drop of water rippled the pool sending delicate rings reaching out to infinity. Titan watched the rings spread out above him making the sky move in such a way as to make it shimmer and the clouds set to dancing in the rolling circles. Dark turned to light as the suns danced their light across the rings. Calm beauty filled his eyes and in turn his heart.

    “You have.”

    Titan found himself on the shore bank looking across the water. Watching the ripples of the water dance. Everywhere he looked was something to remind him of peace. Birds, animals and plants living their lives in harmony. Rubi-Ka in all her beauty spread out before him as he rose above her. This marvelous world he had come to call his own now revealed to him all she had to offer. It soaked through him, filling his very soul with life he had never before felt.

    “You have your own destiny.”

    “I.” Titan muttered.

    “What did he say?” Cyrus asked the Guard.

    “He’s just dreaming. There’s nothing to worry about Mr. Long nothing can get in or out of the vault.”

    “I want to speak with him when he wakes up.” Cyrus grinned. He wanted to have the privilege of crushing the spirit of this criminal once and for all.
    Fletcher "TitanMage" Dart

    Nanomage LIbration Front.
    General, Special Operations

    Terrorist? . . .You haven't seen terror yet.

  3. #3

    Apocalypse RK: Do The Impossible

    Apocalypse RK: Do The Impossible.

    “Amazing isn’t it.” Fleshreaper spoke softly. Titan looked around briefly then grinned when he realized the voice came from within his mind. “It’s there, waiting for you.” Her gentle voice explained. “All you need is a door and the will to open it.” Titan nodded unconsciously in agreement. “Seek out Nohva.” it whispered. Titan nodded again. The warmth surrounding Titan was replaced by the hollow chill of the vault once more.

    “He’s awake sir.” The watch guard reported to Cyrus Long.

    “Very good, give me the microphone.” Cyrus demanded grabbing the device away from the guard. “Turn on his view screen.”

    Inside his hulking suit a screen flickered on making Titan turn his head away closing his eyes. After a few moments he opened them slowly to see Cyrus’s face staring.

    “Titan, I’ve heard so much about you. Enjoying your stay?” Cyrus chuckled. Titan didn’t answer and just stared at the screen. “I’ll make this easy for you General. I have an offer you may be interested in.” Cyrus waited for a response. When he received none anger began welling in him. “The offer is this: Join Omni-Tek, help us to defeat this strange dark army and retake our cities and we will erase your record, grant you a high post within our military ranks and deliver a high paying salary. Refuse this offer and you will remain locked in here for the rest of your life. Even an idiot knows what choice is the right one.” Cyrus again waited. He felt confident in his lie. The fact was Omni-Tek had no intention of releasing Titanmage for good. Cyrus had been quite clear in explaining to those authorizing his release that Titan was nothing more than a powerful tool to be used and nothing more. His orders were simple get this ‘tool’ to cooperate then put it back when it’s usefulness had expired. “I’ll give you two minutes to decide, I trust you won’t need that much time.” Cyrus looked at his wrist watch for effect.

    “I’ve made my decision.” Titan whispered. His throat was coarse and dry which made it hard to talk.

    “You see that wasn’t very hard.” Cyrus grinned.

    “I’m staying here for now.” Titan coughed.

    “Not the answer I was expecting.” Cyrus was visibly upset. “Let me explain something to you Titan this planet is being overrun and ripped apart by that army of monst-”

    “I know what is happening Mr. Long.” Titan spoke calmly. “I don’t care about Omni’s position or loss due to the new threat.”

    “Do you care about your friends? Your precious Liberation Front is being torn apart by the dark army.” Cyrus spat. Titan answered with silence. This made Cyrus feel uncomfortable and that made him even more angry. “We burned your house Titan…The one in the Valley. Your crops as well. The woman died screaming.” Cyrus noticed a small flicker coming from Titan’s visor. A feeling of satisfaction crossed his face. “The child…Well, we’re not monsters. He died quickly.”

    “I’ll rip your heart out.” Titan growled grinding his teeth. His visor flickering erratically.

    “You don’t have the energy to walk.” Cyrus mocked.

    “Your death will become legendary. I will make sure you suffer more than any man has ever suffered in the history of men.” Titan attempted to yell but could barely muster his voice to speak past a shallow whisper.

    “I take it your answer is still no. Fine, then rot here with the memory of how you failed that woman and child.” Cyrus turned the monitor off. A smile lined his face. “If he had even a small will to live before, it is surly gone now.” He tossed the microphone on the desk in front of the watch guard. “Monitor him for a few more hours. Keep me posted and don’t spare the details.” Cyrus left the room.

    “That’s one sick man.” The guard said to himself.

    Titan closed his eyes and allowed his spirit to once more drift from his body. He had gathered enough energy from his anger to buy him enough time for one attempt at finding this Nohva. He raced over Milky Way Valley and over the hills of Stret East Bank into Varmint Woods and through to Newland City. He was seeking out a needle in a hay stack but his first instinct was to go to Newland. He floated above the people below watching and listening. Hoping that somehow he would be led to the person he was looking for. He settled above the camp of the NLF and watching his brother and sisters prepare for battle.

    “Minister. We’re about as ready as we can get.” A young unfamiliar Mage reported to Aazamon who was talking with leaders of other organizations.

    “Alright, go help the Guard.” Aazamon ordered waving the mage away.

    “Yes Sir!” the mage turned and ran to a large tent where the Atrox Royal Guard collected.

    Titan tried to move closer to Aazamon to listen in on what he was discussing with the other men and women present at that small meeting. When he was several yards closer a mage swooped in from the sky and gave a report to Aazamon.

    “Their advancing sir. I’d say two days before they get here.”

    “Ok, Thank you Nohva.”

    Titan didn’t waste a single moment. He immediately engaged Nohva’s mind.

    “Listen to me carefully.” Titan began. Nohva shook his head and blinked. “My name is Fletcher Dart. I am the Titanmage.” Nohva staggered backwards and gripped his head. “I need your help. I need to be released.”

    “Nohva?” Lydadoc asked showing concern and gripping his shoulders. “Nohva, are you alright?”

    “He’s in my mind….” Nohva said past the pain of the headache.

    “See what I have seen.” Titan spoke and shared thoughts and images of his experiences and feelings. “Help me.” his voice pleaded.

    “Spirit energy…” Nohva gasped.

    “Nohva?” Lydadoc asked again sitting him down. “Nohva, what happened?”

    “Titan.” he gasped for breath. “My lord I’ve never felt…I have to help him!” Nohva lept up and ran.

    “Titan!?…Nohva!” Lydadoc yelled.

    “What about him?” Aazamon asked from behind Lydadoc.

    “I don’t know. Nohva looked like he had a pain in his head and then he started talking about helping Titan.” she explained.

    Aazamon turned and sighed. He thought it would have been clear after the last battle that Titan would not be coming.

    “How can I help you?” Nohva thought.

    “Fleshreaper knows you. She has spoken of you. You know a way, a door. I need you to show me.” The voice in his head replied to his thought.

    “A door? A door to what?” He thought in response.


    Nohva instantly knew what Titan wanted. “You might not be able to do what you need to.”

    “If there is a way. I will try.” The voice argued.

    “You can’t draw on notum because you can be cut off from it. You can draw on the Lei Line.” Nohva thought out his explanation. “The Lei Line is the ‘spirit’ energy of Rubi-Ka herself. It flows freely throughout all the world. You can’t cut anyone or anything off from it. It doesn’t exist in the same dimension as you and me and notum. It is believed by some even in this day and age that a soul with the need and the right tallent can tap into the Lei Line and absorb the energy much the same way we mages absorb the notum in the atmosphere.”

    “How do I reach the Lei Line?” The voice of Titan asked.

    “I think that the planets will plays a part in whether or not you can reach it. You have to reach into your own spirit. If you reach far enough you will feel an inviting warmth unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.”

    “I’ve been here…Thank you Nohva.”

    Nohva felt instantly better. The pressure in his head was gone and he could no longer sense the presence of another mind. “You’ve been there?” Nohva, asked out loud.

    ************************************************** ********

    The watch guards kept an eye on the monitors which displayed the outside of Titan’s suspended vault. The night shift was always the most tedious because of the skeleton crew on duty. Two people watched the instruments and monitors and one supervisor.

    “Any new changes tonight?” The watch super asked.

    “No sir, no movement and no energy spikes. Not like there will ever be any.” One of the guards watching the monitors laid the sarcasm down. “Why are we here anyhow? Nothing could get out of there.” He added propping his feet up on the control consol.

    “It’s a temp assignment to make sure the vault works as advertised. Besides you can go home bragging you were assigned to guard one of Rubi-Ka’s most vile monsters.” The supervisor replied as he checked items off on his clip board.

    “Is this Titan thing really that bad?” The other guard tossing darts at a board hung above one of the monitors asked.

    “Murdered men, women and children, slaughtered them without mercy really. He would go on rampages and destroy rhino villages, bomb building, it turned Newland desert into a vacant lot. Destroyed everything I hear, even the lizards. Now you tell me is this thing all that bad?” The supervisor grabbed up a dart and tossed it at the board.
    “Guess so.” The guard muttered.

    “Sir, We have a bit of a problem.” The other guard said lifting his feet off the consol and moving his chair closer.

    “Don’t panic if he twitches, it just means he woke up. He’ll go back to sleep.” The super yawned.

    “Uh sir, we have an energy spike.” The guard tapped on the monitor. The supervisor ran over to his station and leaned toward the monitor. “It’s still building!”

    “That’s impossible!” The super yelled. “Scan the vault find the leak!”

    “Scanning!” The other guard tossed the darts over his shoulder and started tapping at the keyboard on his consol furiously. After a few seconds the scan results flashed on his screen “The scan reads negative sir, the vault is secure!”

    “It can’t be! That energy has to be coming from somewhere! Run the scan again and boost up the scope!”

    “Yes sir!” the guard went to work again franticly tapping away.

    “Sir! The Titanmage has almost reached 100% energy containment! He’s at 83%!”

    “Find that leak!” The super yelled.

    “This is impossible!” The guard scanning for the leak yelled. “Sir! The leak is all over the place!”

    “What are you talking about!? That’s not possible!” The super rushed over to the scan consol. The monitor was completely red. “what the hell is this?”

    “The red area would normally look like a few dots or a stream of dots if there was a normal leak but like this it’s a total sheet meaning the leak is coming from everywhere.”

    “Can that happen?”

    “Not unless you outside!”

    “Sir! Titan’s Energy level has reached 100%!”

    “Isolate the influx if you can and stop it!” The super ordered then ran over to the station monitoring Titan’s energy intake. He looked over the information on the screen then let out a sigh of relief. “Ok, this isn’t bad the vault will still hold him with no problem. Keep an eye on him, once we get this problem figured out it’s only a matter of time until we can drain him back down to acceptable limits.” He began to relax a bit. After several moments to allow his nerves to settle he picked up a com unit. “Get me Mr. Long it’s urgent.” Suddenly a buzzing alarm rang out making the supervisor jump almost dropping the com unit.

    “Titan’s at nearly 200%!!” The guard yelled. “Climbing rapidly….250.…275.….290.…300%!! Sir this keeps up he’ll breech the vaults integrity level!!”

    “Shut that alarm off! Activate all defenses in the void! Increase shield strength by 50%!”

    “Yes sir!”

    “350%! How is he doing this?! He should have exploded or something by now!!”

    “Has he breeched integrity?!”

    “his own miles ago but the vault can hold…I think!! 400%!!”

    Titan could feel himself burning from the inside. The energy flooded into him like a river. Rushing in from everywhere it enveloped him. He concentrated on pressing it as far down inside as he could.

    “500%!! He can breech the Vault!!”


    “Now..” Titan commanded

    A ring of energy burst from Titanmage’s body and sliced through the inner sphere of the vault slicing suspension cables and destroying guard bots and cannons. A chain reaction of explosions first weakened the containment field then shut it down completely. One cable after another burst. One of the larger steel cables slammed into the large steel door which sealed the void. The door buckled folding out breaking the seal. Air rushed in ripping the door free from it’s hinges and flying across the void ricocheting from wall to wall in a sparking dance of destruction. Explosion after explosion added to the destruction of the once impervious prison.

    After what seemed to be forever the chaos stopped and silence was interrupted only by the sparking of loose wires and the occasional dropping or settling of debris. The watch supervisor lifted his head and looked around the shack which had been torn apart by the in surge of air from the elevator shaft caused by the seal of the void vacuum being broken. One of his watchmen had been torn in half by the sudden rush. He could only guess at where the top half was. The other was taken away completely and now laid at the bottom of the void impaled by pieces of guard-bot and cannon. The supervisor stood up nursing his right leg which had been sliced to the bone. He wrapped his belt around the wound to stop the bleeding.

    “I wouldn’t bother.” Titan said as he walked into the shack.

    The supervisor stumbled backward until his back met the wall behind him. “you can’t be.” He managed to say past the tears.

    “While I was in there I learned a few interesting new tricks.” Titan stepped over the rubble on the ground and moved closer to the frightened Guard. “most important one being…” Titan cracked his knuckles. “Guardians are never without a source.”

    “No no please…NOOOO!!!”

    Titan grabbed the guard and carried him to the elevator shaft where he was used as a shield as Titan made his rapid assent. The torn body of the guard was discarded as Titan launched into the air flying north. He was at last free but now came the true challenge, Core and his dark army.
    Fletcher "TitanMage" Dart

    Nanomage LIbration Front.
    General, Special Operations

    Terrorist? . . .You haven't seen terror yet.

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