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Thread: IP wipes Only Help Exploiters!

  1. #1

    Thumbs down IP wipes Only Help Exploiters!

    2hb and the hammer exploit for example..

    How many high level exploters would love to have thier IP wiped so they can redistribute those points back into viable weapons..

    Just think, lvl to 150 cheating, then get to remake a lvl 150 character with all new IPs..

    Bad bad bad.

    My 2 creds.
    Spindok, OT Bureaucrat

    You are lucky to be one of us, Omni-Tek protects!

  2. #2
    Well, hammer is one of the only viable weapons due to AC design.

    And at lvl150, you have pretty much maxed most of the things you need...

    IP wipes will fix exploiters, will fix those who lost IP to bugs, will help advs, enforcers or others whose skills were changed totally, will help anyone who feels their character is too gimped to have fun with.

    IP wipe would also help powergamers have more fun through being able to optimize their character once again.

    So, Fun for casual gamers + Fun for powergamers = Bad idea?


    Okay I lost your point.

  3. #3
    I'm with you, ewert.
    Atrox Soldier RK1
    Squad Commander
    "You can't just talk to people anymore. You have to hit them in the head with a sledge hammer. Then you'll see that you have their strict attention." -Kevin Spacey in Seven

  4. #4
    It would help me too for sure. I have 4-5 lvl 50ish toons on my accounts who are "gimped" in my eyes.

    I used them to learn how the IP system worked and tried new skills..

    If they reset.. I guess instead of starting another lvl 1 Soldier.. I can just use my lvl 50.. hmmmm??

    Food for thought I guess, but I for one have always been under the opinion that you just suck it up and re-roll..
    Spindok, OT Bureaucrat

    You are lucky to be one of us, Omni-Tek protects!

  5. #5
    So how often do they do this wipe?? Every day, week, whenever you feel like it, or one time only?? One time only won't do much as within days people will be back to yelling I'm gimped. FC is bound to change more things so more people yelling I'm gimped again. There is still bugs so more lost IP, more yelling.

    So everybody who logs on has to spend the time to set themselves back up (Not fun if you felt to were OK to start with) and within days more yelling for another wipe.

    What about map upgrades are they going to let you keep those so you can respend those IP or will they wipe your map and make you start over, what about weapons, implants, armor??? Do you get to keep all those or do they unequip?? If they unequip where do they go?? Do you trust FC to unequip everybody and not lose stuff?

    What about the IP people got from rings that were not explorters? I know a few people that had some.

    So we have to be fair so everybody is wiped, all eqip is placed in the bank or something, and then I have to spend all that time getting right back to where I was.... Thats FUN?? Don't think so.

    I feel sorry for the people how lost IP do to bugs, I hope someday they can get it back, I feel sorry for the advents who had a skill change on them.

    Well to the rest of you its a game live with it. FC is no where near being able to do this even if they wanted to, to many things that can go wrong to many bugs still in game for it to be safe.
    Morgan "Carpak" Flowers
    Omni nano crat
    "We are here to serve?"

  6. #6


    Tao, you're on crack.

    An IP wipe is a pretty simple proceedure. There is not need to unequip a single piece of anything belong to anyone. All of the points you have in your skill system add up to some grand some of IP spent to get them to that level. It's a rather easy proceedure for FC to calculate that amount and dump it back into your available IP pool... and to reset your skill base to the appropriate level based on your current level.

    Get a grip man.. this isn't brain surgery. And... it's something we've been BEGGING for for ages now. With the recent changes made to adventurer and the changes made to enforcers AND the pillow nerf I think this would be a just move by FC and one that would certainly make alot of angry people start loving them again.

    Nuff said...

  7. #7
    Yes! Please let's have any IP wipe. People are so dang paranoid over Expoilters. For the love of god just let us Redo our IP!

  8. #8

    Re: Crackhead

    Originally posted by Xizeng
    Tao, you're on crack.

    An IP wipe is a pretty simple proceedure. There is not need to unequip a single piece of anything belong to anyone. All of the points you have in your skill system add up to some grand some of IP spent to get them to that level. It's a rather easy proceedure for FC to calculate that amount and dump it back into your available IP pool... and to reset your skill base to the appropriate level based on your current level.

    Get a grip man.. this isn't brain surgery. And... it's something we've been BEGGING for for ages now. With the recent changes made to adventurer and the changes made to enforcers AND the pillow nerf I think this would be a just move by FC and one that would certainly make alot of angry people start loving them again.

    Nuff said...
    The only thing I would add is that "IF" Funcom decides to do this that they require you to de-equip everything prior to typing the command, walking up to the booth or whatever it may be. That way it will stop the ability to reallocate IP into skills not required since you already have what you want equiped... Just my two credits.
    Omni-Tek Master Assassin
    Omni-Tek NT (Testlive)

  9. #9
    For a simple exploit free way, for a _PERMANENT_ feature of the game for IP reallocation, just check my outline on it in one of the threads in Gameplay.

    If you don't want to check it up, don't say it is exploitable since it is very easy to do a non-exploitable one.

    Also, as I said, a permanent feature. They put it in once, and that's it, no more worries.

    Fun keeps people in the game long enough to build a community, and a community works best when people can adapt to their friends abilities. An IP realloc machine would faciliate the first and optimize the 2nd.

  10. #10
    I used to think that an IP wipe was stupid, until I foolishly allocated IP into 1he for an MA weapon (Which don't work) Thats 10k IP lost. I rerolled cause it's too frustrating without that extra IP.

    So I see 2 solutions. Give us MORE IP or gives us an IP wipe.

    Option 1 allows more diversification, but perhaps gives the over-equippers more power.

    Option 2 if done correctly allows us to correct mistakes we made because we counted on something working that didn't.

    An IP wipe should be like this:
    Map skills should not be touched at all. You put points for that map. Too bad.
    It should be optional as to not upset those who like their configuration

    I personally like the idea of more IP. I feel I should have enough extra IP to use a weapon not exactly identical to every other player in that class.

    Ever notice how all players have the same weapons at higher levels? Thats cause unless you allocate IP PERFECTLY you can't continue past a certain point. You should be able to make it to level 200 even if you make mistakes along the way.

  11. #11

    Re: Re: Crackhead

    Originally posted by Othgar

    The only thing I would add is that "IF" Funcom decides to do this that they require you to de-equip everything prior to typing the command, walking up to the booth or whatever it may be. That way it will stop the ability to reallocate IP into skills not required since you already have what you want equiped... Just my two credits.
    I can see what you are getting at, but we'd all have to put those IPs back into use anyhow to upgrade the items we'd have equipped. So, by not allocating them you're still selling yourself short. Remember that not just having a weapon or armor equipped is enough. All weapon's dmg output is based on your stats, and if you are way below the stats on said weapon your dmg output will drop to the floor... hence making it worthless anyhow. So, removing that stuff to me just seems pointless.

    Besides, those of us that have had to find traders and such to get into weapons and all would be really annoyed by having to do all of that over again.

    I think, however, that Funcom could make this a one shot deal *for those that wish to do* and make it a command you just type once, kinda like the backpack reward deal. If it is optional, then I would totally agree with removing all of your gear first and then having to re-equip it. I don't think this should apply to implants though, but I might change my mind about that too.

    Are you listening Funcom? We're paying you alot of money... we're your customers... and this is what we're asking for. It's not a huge wish, so make it so. You've let us down so many times in the past and this your chance to make alot of people happy again!


  12. #12

    Re: Re: Re: Crackhead

    Originally posted by Xizeng

    I can see what you are getting at, but we'd all have to put those IPs back into use anyhow to upgrade the items we'd have equipped. So, by not allocating them you're still selling yourself short. Remember that not just having a weapon or armor equipped is enough. All weapon's dmg output is based on your stats, and if you are way below the stats on said weapon your dmg output will drop to the floor... hence making it worthless anyhow. So, removing that stuff to me just seems pointless.

    Besides, those of us that have had to find traders and such to get into weapons and all would be really annoyed by having to do all of that over again.

    I think, however, that Funcom could make this a one shot deal *for those that wish to do* and make it a command you just type once, kinda like the backpack reward deal. If it is optional, then I would totally agree with removing all of your gear first and then having to re-equip it. I don't think this should apply to implants though, but I might change my mind about that too.

    Are you listening Funcom? We're paying you alot of money... we're your customers... and this is what we're asking for. It's not a huge wish, so make it so. You've let us down so many times in the past and this your chance to make alot of people happy again!

    Well actually I was thinking more along the lines of implants and armor but I see your point.
    Omni-Tek Master Assassin
    Omni-Tek NT (Testlive)

  13. #13
    Actually, to fix old exploits (/terminate after installing maps) it would be for the best to have the IP realloc reboot (empty) map unit. As well as remove implants, as present players can not use the multiple +100s from old surgery clinic machine.

    Game Mechanics, thread of "Ip Wipe - Ip Relocation - Now!", 2nd page, check there for one solid way to implement IP realloc feature.

  14. #14
    On crak my ass!

    If you can't see how somebody can spend a boat load of IP to equip a ql 200 implant then get to spend those IP all over agin in another skill fine!

    You can't make it a one time deal, lets say you get your one time ip wipe then next level you get hit with the ip lost bug, 20k or more just went poof! You going to happy with that Sorry one time wipe, hell no everybody will say you did it once let us do it again.

    Somewhere in patch 13.x they put in a new gun, everybody uses it, 14.x they nerf it, same thing everybody yealling for an IP wipe again.

    so you get the power leveleers that every two days want a wipe so they can tweek themselves into the stat da jour.

    You will get people that level up to 200 then wipe and put it all in trade skills (If they are ever worth having) and can out proform any other player. Or the inverse a trader or eng making them selves a great gun fro them and there friends then wipe and drop trade alltogether and put it all in to combat skills so they can really kick with ther new gun.

    Sure I would love a wipe so that I could take all those points I wasted in trying to dual wield pistols before it became so plane that pistols stunk. I would put them into another weapon or stop using weapons and dump them into nano and evades.

    I hope someday they can give the lost ip back to those that lost it in a bug, but I really don't see how at this time or anywher in the near future they can pull this off with out making it an uber fest or bug fest or just fubar it up.
    Last edited by Tao_Man; Nov 29th, 2001 at 07:09:42.
    Morgan "Carpak" Flowers
    Omni nano crat
    "We are here to serve?"

  15. #15

    Are you newbie Tao ?

    Read the valid posts written on the topic, play the online games that perfectly implemented dynamic characters, and then only post your thoughts.

    "Flavor of the month" caharacters have always been brought up against dynamic characters (mainly from AC which remains the worst game ever skill-wise).
    It's BS.
    How do you explain some play a meta since relase and didn't re-roll ?
    How do you explain not everybody plays an enforcer ?
    How do you explain not all enforcers use support beams ?

    There is diversity in the game, it's related to players' tastes and styles.

    It's Funcom's job to balance the game so there is not one single viable way to power.
    They are damn good at it, besides some prefessions, most are equally viable, and complementary.

    So, your nightmare of "flavor the week armor/weapons/characters" will never come true, no matter what.


  16. #16

    self IP wipe

    i sugger a one time ,on demand, IP wipe during the game for everyone even newbies who should be warned and advised to do it later during their evolution. it could be added to the option menu. This way u could wipe or not ur char, on demand.

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