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Thread: ------- (( How do you know your team of lvl 100+ will get you killed ))

  1. #281
    Well, im a "nanogimp mp" and tanking a mob in the usual missions we all do isnt any problem now that the healpet paths quite good, depending on the team composition and the situation ill actually work hard to keep the aggro on me, cause the healing from my healpet is for free (4.1K hp & 4.3K ac unbuffed)

    And since mindquake does a -100 nano skills debuff, its not that hard to pull aggro with it when u cast one every two seconds while shooting with ur gun (nova in my case), if need be ill throw in a damage debuff to get some extra aggro (Curse of chronus if someone else is taking too much damage, since CoC is so good at pulling aggro)
    Cattiliriel nano MP lvl 162 RK2

  2. #282
    Hehehe thank god you didn't flame me...Im a nanogimp mp as well and the exact same lvl as you...We sould get married and have little ugly gray children

    A little off subject though, I was interested in the merits of the nova flow. What ql do you use and what's your attack rating, init, etc with that thing? I like my kiwd bow, but the lack of specials is...really...frustrating...alot
    Last edited by THEDEACON!; Jul 30th, 2002 at 22:15:07.

  3. #283
    ql 200 nova, un OE, AR implanted faded,bright and shining
    well, my attackrating atm is 666 selfbuffed, gotta level a bit more before i put in my ranged energy implants instead of, hmm i think it was si

    its quite ok, and having specials are always fun, i can moderate my damage output by when i fire them, always nice to have

    at 350 ranged init with my 5% scope, which leaves me running on 100% aggro when i dont get an init buff
    Cattiliriel nano MP lvl 162 RK2

  4. #284
    Reading some of this thread I remembered a funny one:

    leader kicks Engie from team.

    we ask him why? he tells us he hates leechers. Since Engie was not attacking, he was useless to us.

    I was wondering if he thought we'd get to keep the pet and still have it as our tank.

    this was, of course, before the OE rules were implemented.

  5. #285
    After a few bad 'teams', perhaps you'd like to see the following Teamwork rules (From America's Army: Operations) implimented here: <grin>


    Following the first few weeks after the launch, as the game develops and players gain experience and understanding of strategy, the environment, and team deployment, the Official ArmyOps servers will command the highest level of dedication and understanding of the game and one.s role in it. Players will be expected to work together as a team. Choosing not to follow commands with the rest of your team is done at your own peril; lone wolf Rambo wanna-be's may be removed from the server without warning. This is a game about the Army. They tend to want you to obey orders in the Army. If you disagree with the commands you are given, it is within your means to advance yourself to a commanding position. It is recommended you choose the legitimate course of action for your own continued well-being.

    Plus, note the little suggestion reminding script kiddies just who runs this game:

    Code of Conduct

    Any and all threats against the server, including attempts to hack, crash, or flood a server, actual or implied, are instant grounds for removal and can result in legal action. Come on, this is the U.S. Army you're messing with! Be smart.

    Derogatory language or slander involving race, gender, sexual preference, religion or creed, including negative use of otherwise harmless words such "gay" or "jew" will not be tolerated.

    Excessively harassing other players is not permitted on Official ArmyOps servers. A little healthy competitive trash-talking is tolerable; however excessive comments directed at specific players will be grounds for warning and/or removal.

    Oh, yes, for those interested in this Official US Army created/run RTS, see:

  6. #286
    You know a team will get you killed when...

    - several members of the team wear reflect bracers or have reflect shields up (and when they die, wonder why the Crat/NT/Trader could not keep the adds calmed)

    - the Crat/NT/Trader does not know how to use calms to make mobs change aggro (to save their own or other team members butts)

    - the Crat/NT/Trader have not understood the importance of keeping PM/SI as high as possible

  7. #287


    Originally posted by TommyBALL
    You know a team will get you killed when...

    - several members of the team wear reflect bracers or have reflect shields up (and when they die, wonder why the Crat/NT/Trader could not keep the adds calmed)

    - the Crat/NT/Trader does not know how to use calms to make mobs change aggro (to save their own or other team members butts)

    - the Crat/NT/Trader have not understood the importance of keeping PM/SI as high as possible
    Er, reflect shields/bracers keep you alive. A good calmer doesn't wear them but runs ahead of the team and calms all the mobs before they become adds and can hit teammates that do have reflects on. The best I've seen will go up elevators alone to calm the mobs and make it safe for the team to go up.

    Though I still think it is funny when I offer a newbie calmer PM SI mochams to boost their calm ATK and they refuse saying they still won't be able to use the next nano.

  8. #288
    When the soldiers (about the same level as the ma btw) in the team expect the ma to be the tank and be healer.

    When the very same soldiers expect the ma to continue playing both tank and healer when the adv goes afk, making the ma the only person capable of healing. (Soldiers also incapable of getting aggro off the ma as they will only join the fight after the ma has had at least a couple of hits in)

    When these soldiers get angry when the ma says that once the adv has gone afk that it is a bad idea to continue w her as only healer and main tank. Calling her a typical 'omni pessimist'. (Soldiers were clan) Replied with the phrase that it was omni realism not pessimism :-)

    When the engie in the same team solo's instead of keeping with the team as the bot is 'too difficult to control'. (I have some sympathy for this having played an mp myself) But that doesn't change the fact that there are 4 people remaining all around 130 to do a 190 mission with only an ma as a healer.

    When after a couple of mobs a single mob gets 2 pple almost killed and the ma tries to discuss the situation again but gets no understanding at all. Therefore she announces her intention to leave the team and starts making her way back to the exit.

    She gets kicked from team at that point to make sure she wouldn't leech any xp. (Not that I cared about that as it couldn't have been a lot before the others got themselves killed :-))

    At least it was funny that on my way out I saw the engie get attacked by a rat :-) Guess his idea of doing his part of the work was soloing the chests :-)

    (this was not meant against soldiers in particular, I like teaming w soldiers a lot on average :-))

    Lessons from this:

    Do never ever accept an invite to team from someone you haven't met before before you have even done a shout that you are lft.

  9. #289
    Blackbird...that exact same thing happened to me. o_O I was the female ma, the advy went afk indefinitely (baby needed attention, I think), and the team just went galloping off. I told them they would really be smart to wait, but the engie was all gung-ho... Only difference was the omni/clan thing and I left instead of getting kicked. Last I saw, they were making a suicide charge on two vet enforcers. That is spooky..
    Testlive addict.

  10. #290

    Re: Calmers

    Originally posted by Seraphfirst
    Er, reflect shields/bracers keep you alive. A good calmer doesn't wear them but runs ahead of the team and calms all the mobs before they become adds and can hit teammates that do have reflects on.
    Some times (pretty seldom, luckily) you will get add-o-mania from several rooms away. In my experience, the guys who then usually die, are the guys that 1. try to run away, or 2. wear reflects (and then try to run away . It's happened more than once that I've been left allmost by myself in there after the reflect guys are down (finally letting me calm the adds ). Reflects are VERY good in PvP and in PvM if you don't have a calmer on the team. But a good calmer will adopt to anything, and can take his precations if he's warned about who uses reflects and the team is good with it.
    The best I've seen will go up elevators alone to calm the mobs and make it safe for the team to go up.
    I do that all the time... Selfbuffed I easily calm RM's and Ace's in 1 try (sometimes need 2, and very seldom 3 tries).

    Hehe... this reminds me of another "You know you will get killed when..."

    - The calmer gets lot's of flak from rest of team for heading up the elevator before the others

    - An Engieer uses his "blinds" sympathetic thingie, and wonders why the hell the calms break all the time

  11. #291

    Re: Re: Calmers

    Originally posted by TommyBALL
    Some times (pretty seldom, luckily) you will get add-o-mania from several rooms away.
    Fortunately, I think FC reduced the aggro radius now. Usually a good calmer checks the map and runs into all the adjoining rooms to calm. Only confusing thing I have seen is when pets get lost and you run around thinking the dot is a mob
    Would be nice if FC put an outline around pet dots on the map like they do for team members.
    - An Engieer uses his "blinds" sympathetic thingie, and wonders why the hell the calms break all the time
    I didn't know Engie AC buffs do that, never seen it. But I know crat demotivational speeches do it (and break sneak grrr!)

  12. #292

    Post Offensive auras..

    A few days ago, I was in a 0% zone with several fellow Clanners, some of which weren't in my team. Actually, most of which weren't in my team. We were on the lookout for Omnis, so I set an anti-reflect aura to go active.

    And to my utter surprise, it caused my fellow clanners (those not in my team) to get messages about me attacking them, and them auto-attacking me, in turn. Shortly later, due to the confusion, I was one dead engineer.

    Personally, I don't think the auras which don't affect an enemy directly should draw aggro. Blindness aura - sure thing, as that's a direct effect with an obviously hostile result.

    Not so for anti-reflect and anti-damage auras which don't directly harm anyone.
    -Ward 'Kzak' Hereda, Clan L220, AL15 'Competent' Supreme Creator on Rubi-Ka 1. Equipment setup.

    Life is like a box of chocolates. Except, you know, the brown stuff in the box? That's not chocolate.

    Doing his part to make the world a more interesting place since December 2001.. but not any more. Account cancelled, playable until 2006-11-13 19:25:49. See you in Age of Conan!

  13. #293
    When all your team mates around you are agents or Fixers, and your the healer having a heal pet! lol

  14. #294

    Re: Re: Re: Calmers

    Originally posted by Seraphfirst
    I didn't know Engie AC buffs do that, never seen it.
    No. Engineer AC buffs (sympathetic thingies) don't break calms, but their Blind symp does
    Last edited by Emporium; Aug 8th, 2002 at 20:27:19.

  15. #295
    "You were hit for 938 points of damage!"
    "You were hit for 1784 points of damage - critical hit"
    "You were hit for 1784 points of damage - critical hit"
    Hmmm, I seem to be getting lag damage here.
    "you were hit for 1784....."

    No wait, that would be better suited under the "How do you know Funcom will get you killed" or "How do you know your ISP/56k modem will get you killed" threads

    LOL, lotta fun.
    Gontrokka 155 Enforcer
    When the going gets tough, the others start running!

    Captain Baxie Orbin 204 Trader
    - Baby, you look good enough to eat!

    Countezz 23 Adventurer
    - Who'd have thought a Steve Irwin wannabe could kick so much ass!

    "Baby, you look good enough to eat!"

  16. #296
    I am so used to lag dmg I cast teamheals several times after specific large mob fights, just in case someone is getting lag dmg.

  17. #297
    This one goes out to all the traders here:

    -The team asks you to keep a team wrangle going so they won't be OE'd

    And to add insult to injury ask you what the fuzz is about traders, coz you didn't seem to make any difference due to your low dmg output.
    Gontrokka 155 Enforcer
    When the going gets tough, the others start running!

    Captain Baxie Orbin 204 Trader
    - Baby, you look good enough to eat!

    Countezz 23 Adventurer
    - Who'd have thought a Steve Irwin wannabe could kick so much ass!

    "Baby, you look good enough to eat!"

  18. #298
    Wasn't at 100+, but I've been seeing it a lot with my alts.

    When you have a grid armor wearing fixer in your team who by himself can tank mobs very well. He/she however does not understand that he/she can not hold aggro, that the rest of the team does not in fact wear grid armor, that while technically he/she can dodge 4 red mobs, the rest of the team can't.

    When this same fixer pulls adds like crazy and spams team chat with 'These mobs are easy.' While the team is losing hps like mad because the fixer has pathetic damage output and can't pull aggro for anything.

    Note to fixers. Your grid armor in a team means nothing if you're not holding the aggro. So while I'm sure the euphoria of having it hasn't vanished, understand how stupid you are to think it makes one difference when it's a non grid armor wearing team mate who's taking all the aggro.

    Anyways, been teaming with a few idiot fixers after I decided to stop stigmatizing the whole prof for being ninja looters. (Since I don't give a damn about loot anymore.) But 5/6 of the last fixers I teamed with were everything I described and more. I may have to go back to stigmatizing again.

    This was of course for a sub 100 team. You can be the crappiest player alive on a 100+ team and I really won't care. There is no danger threshold to make me care.

  19. #299
    DAMN zylina is mean. Im sorry, but it has to be said. She's one of those wnches that'll cut a man down to size for no reason other than to watch him suffer. If it wasn't for her amazingly cut thighs, bosom and a butt you could bounce a quarter off of, I'd call her an extremely unpleasant person. If she were real, she'd be one of those women I'd love to spit on, but would end up being nice to just so I could play twister with her. Make no mistakes, I'd spit on her afterwards for being such a nasty and mean person....oh wait, I probably wouldnt...there's always round 2 of twister.

    A pretty package with nothing but hot air inside. D***it, with the exception of a certain omni nutcase fixer, I like most fixers and have seen them do nice damage on occasion. A good high level MP with balls of steel on the other hand is a VERY VERY VERY rare find. Remember hun, that what you say about fixers is what other people say about us...

  20. #300
    I actually love fixers. I was just pissed when I wrote that. :P

    And hah. I say the same crap everyone else says about mps. So there. :P

    So when are you gonna give me some pvp tips. Doesn't seem to be a whole lot of mps willing to admit they even know what the word means. :P

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