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Thread: Not getting "guaranteed" tokens

  1. #1

    Not getting "guaranteed" tokens

    After 12.8 we were told that we would be "guaranteed" a token if we killed all monsters and none of them were grey. Numerous people have reported that when they go on the small missions with 2-8 MOBs, they often do not get a token. I find that I get one about 50% of the time in those cases. You keep asking us to trust you, saying that this relationship cannot work without trust. Yet we keep getting fed incomplete or incorrect information.


  2. #2
    On the flip side there seem to be an awful lot of mission with GIGANTIC maps. If kill 30 MOBs and find the item halfway through one of these I always get a token, even though there are 30 more still alive.

  3. #3


    On the flip side i killed Nutbar03 in 2ho the other day and I didn't get a token..Maybe get tokens for killing omni's/clans

  4. #4

    Smile Tokens


    Today I got 4 tokens in a row with the slider around 50% and with some greys too, killing all MOBs in the mission.
    This was all Kill missions.

    Clan Soldier

  5. #5


    What I meant was that if you put the bar to good, you will get Omni's in the mission (usually) if your clan. When talking to a GM about this, he told me that if you kill all mobs of the other side in your mission, then you will get a token, grey or not.

    Untested I cannot verify if this is true but this coming from a GM (not an ARK) is probably a pretty good source .


    LVL 115 Atrox Clan Soldier (RK2)

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