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Thread: ALT-TABing confuses the health/nano regenerating

  1. #1

    Exclamation ALT-TABing confuses the health/nano regenerating

    I don't know if this has been documented yet (4 pages of threads get a bit much to read)

    It seems that when you are waiting to regen health and nano and you ALT-TAB the game (minizing it) your health and nano regenerate a lot faster.

    I tested it out with one doctor character and in about 10 seconds I gained 4 health normally while sitting. When I ALT-TABed and waited for about 10 seconds before maximizing I found that I had gained 40 health while the game was minimized!

    I just tried it 10 mins ago with nano regen and the same thing happends, but not as fast. It took about 29 seconds for 5 nano points to regen normally. After minimizing for 29 seconds I only gained 35 nano points.

    I thought it was an exploit, but it seems that it's just my client getting confused. I tried to run nano progs after a supposed "quick nano gain" and it wouldn't let me even though by nano bar had enough points. Also, with the doctor I noticed my health dropped for no reason after the "quick health gain" about 5-10 minutes after I minimized. I guess it synced with the servers after a time.

    Not a major problem, but if someone's resting in a mission and goes off to check the web for some info and comes back to find an erroneous full health bar...

    Oh well, thought you might like to know.


  2. #2
    Hmm, it would be interessting to test if the hp/nano gain you see is "real" or if its just a visual glitch on the client...

    A similar bug tho can be found with rez sickness, /terminate then alt-tab out of the game, come back half an hour later and you'll still be in rez...
    Basher Tarr, Engineer, and damn proud of it!


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