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Thread: Aomd

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Aomd

    Funcom I congratulate you on making the game even less interesting than usual. With an ingenius move on your part, you managed to make it so that AOMD no longer is workable for people who use it. It's absolutely brilliant funcom, because now people who don't use AOMD can sit at the terminal some more and click like trained monkeys for hours on end.

    Its not bad enough that your information windows are so freaking small that sometimes the carriage return on the text, creates funky words from other cut off words, or that some missions just don't have a description of the area to look in, or giving mission rewards for ql 1 mort maps, but hey, with the increased lag and the inability to use AOMD, It just means more time for people to stand around the Mission Terminal doing nothing but clicking and running to the next mission.

    Come on funcom what would you rather have ? A terminal that just puts together a mission from scratch or a terminal that is a database of red flag missions that must be completed ? Of course that is a rhetorical question considering Funcom's apparent level of creativeness.

    I did not pay your monthly fees only to spend 1/10t of my time camping,scrolling,and clicking for mission rewards. At the very least with your genius workforce of norweigans, come up with a substitute for AOMD.

  2. #2
    AOMD still works for me unless there has been a patch in the last 5 hours
    Fausto Biggfoo Clyburn

    Are you some kind of robot? And if so what kind of powers do you have? Do you use them for Good? or for Awesome?

  3. #3
    This absolute bull****. If this isn't fix in the next 2 hours. I'm making a vouch to jump to Star Wars Galaxies as soon as its release. And you forget about Migard I have no trust in a company that ***ks with their customers.
    orderangel lvl 154 MP
    nakajima lvl 112 NT
    chaosangel lvl 123 MA
    kazaraki lvl 81 Crat
    chiika lvl 83 DOC
    Ilitefires lvl 16 Engy
    Ayumisan lvl 16 Trader
    MysticRogue lvl 16 Agent

    Searching the world of those who sheds light on this awful planet.

  4. #4
    Originally posted by biggfoo
    AOMD still works for me unless there has been a patch in the last 5 hours
    Well it works for me too, but its only working in rome and some other areas. Not elsewhere.

  5. #5


    Not working in trade now...although I just rolled a new char, so haven't taken a mission in trade in a week until today.

    Maybe this is related to the 'network issue' but frankly, many people now DEPEND on aomd to get by, since the mission system loot is 99% crap, even WITH aomd you can blow half an hour trying to get the nano you need.

  6. #6


    ..bumpo to let FC know they broke a third party program that reduced unnecessary tedium from their half-assed mission generation system..

  7. #7
    Film director extraordinairre RandaZ's Avatar
    I find it funny that you're blaming Funcom for a hack not working. I love AOMD and think wonders of it's author, but comon'... this is getting silly. AOMD works by looking for byte strings that seem to be constant in all packets that have to do with mission terminals. But there's no guarantee that those segments AOMD is picking out have to be constant.

    Cut FC some slack on this one. This is not their baby.. they don't have to support hacked programs. They don't have to give us coders the packet documents, etc. I believe there are other real issues that FC deserves blame for, and that this definately isn't one of them.

    With that said, here's what you can do to fix AOMD:

    1. Grab the v14 source code, and open functions.cpp
    2. Look for the lines (at the top of the file)
    #define LEN_MDATAID 0x4
    static BYTE a_xMissionDataID[LEN_MDATAID] = {0xAB, 0xAB, 0xAB, 0xAB};
    and replace it with
    #define LEN_MDATAID 0x8
    static BYTE a_xMissionDataID[LEN_MDATAID] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05};
    static int MissionDataIDOffset = LEN_MDATAID + 0x4;
    3. In the OnPacket function, approx line 523, you'll see:
    	for (lLoop = 0; lLoop < AO_MISSION_MAX; lLoop += 1)
    		/* Find mission data marker */
    		lPos = FindStr(a_xMisData, lDataRem, a_xMissionDataID, LEN_MDATAID);
    		if (lPos < 0)
    		a_xMisData += lPos;
    		lDataRem -= lPos;
    Right after that, add the following:

    		/* Offset */
    		a_xMisData += MissionDataIDOffset;
    		lDataRem -= MissionDataIDOffset;

    Like the original AOMD, this isn't guaranteed to work 100%. The replacement byte string I'm checking for now 'seems' to be constant.. but like before, I don't really understand what those bytes may be reserved for so it may change in the future.

    I'm sorry to those that don't have VC++ for not repacking an exe with this, but I think most people would prefer to alter their own source-code than download an unknown exe.

    If someone wants to repackage it, by all means do so but like all things on the net, download at your own risk.

    P.S. I threw this one together quickly and works both in Rome and Omni-Ent. So if you find that it doesn't work at a specific terminal somewhere, or specific mission type, please let me know.

    Last edited by Tappert; Apr 7th, 2002 at 10:08:23.
    Slotine Zembower
    R.U.R. Member (RK1)

    Tappert Solminski
    Tailor of Rome-Blue (RK1) [currently MIA]

  8. #8



    The issue, to me anyway, is not the fact that they altered what they were sending downstream in a packet, thus rendering a third party program impotent. The issue to me was that they developed a dreadfully unintuitive mission generator, where finding a specific item/location was incredibly tedious for the average user.

    Of course they don't have to support the program, but to break compatibility with a program which has, time and time again, made up for the horrid design of mission generation, is somewhat bothersome.

    Though I do thank you for posting your findings regarding a fix. Very helpful.


  9. #9
    Film director extraordinairre RandaZ's Avatar

    Ya, I know where you're coming from. God knows the UI could have been better. Anyways, I personally don't like to come down on FC too hard on this one because all third-party coders are technically breaking their EULAs.

    If people complain too much about it, I'm just worried they might decide that they have to "clamp down" on it all and do it internally to avoid being blamed in the future . Coders are already walking a fine line.

    And also considering that their programmers already have a lot to do instead of working on these little programs like AOMD and the chat bots, chances are nothing will come out for quite some time.

    In any case, if something goes (inevitably) wrong with AOMD in the future, I suggest just posting a nice request about it in here. There's bound to be someone who knows how to fix it lurking about. Scolding remarks and misplaced blame just pisses off the project team and I think we might all agree that's the last thing we want here. Peace.

    Last edited by Tappert; Apr 7th, 2002 at 10:26:12.
    Slotine Zembower
    R.U.R. Member (RK1)

    Tappert Solminski
    Tailor of Rome-Blue (RK1) [currently MIA]

  10. #10
    I'd be *very* grateful if someone could post an *.exe of the above solution for AOMD.
    I don't have VC++ so can't do it on my own.
    Without AOMD missions are even more of a drudgery than they *already* are... Pleeaaase someone help us....
    Thanks. *Bow*

  11. #11
    Originally posted by nafal

    The issue, to me anyway, is not the fact that they altered what they were sending downstream in a packet, thus rendering a third party program impotent. The issue to me was that they developed a dreadfully unintuitive mission generator, where finding a specific item/location was incredibly tedious for the average user.
    Hear Hear!

  12. #12

    Oh my god

    Do us a favor.. if you do leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    I cannot believe that you are whining because a THIRD PARTY PROGRAM, and a program that borders on a hack/cheat, does not work anymore. I could be wrong, but I doubt that Funcom's intention was to let us roll missions with no effort at all.

    I have an idea.. maybe Funcom can install ATM machines near the banks.. then, you wouldn't have to even do missions.. wait.. or better yet, they can just make everything the shops sell free, and boost the QL levels in the shops to 200.. Yeah.. then we wouldn't have to do any work at all.

    You're right... what was Funcom thinking.. They should just let everyone have everything. Then we can all sit around the Bronto Burger and tell stories. No need for hunting!

    If you're unhappy.. LEAVE. This forum contains 99% whiners.. and that's all you are.. WHINERS.

    Contrary to the belief on this board, developing and maintaing a game the size of AO is not easy. Thousands upon thousands of people excercise the software.. No matter how big and long a beta test is, you will NOT find all the bugs.

    Grow up, quit whining, and enjoy the game. If you choose not to, complain in a constructive way. I guarantee that not one is going to take you seriously if all you do insult them all day long.


  13. #13
    Yeah I agree with the 'DONT WHINE AT FUNCOM' thread - its not their fault - they are constantly improving the game all the time - ok the mission terms arent perfect but thats just a matter of time before its sorted.

    BTW if anyone fancies fixing AOMD as posted by the kind chap above - if u can recompile it and send to me then I will upload it to my webspace for all to happily download.


    Suarve (84 Bureaucrat)
    DrFantastic (36 MP)
    Mulantau (60 Fixer)

  14. #14
    Ok i've recompiled it and have the program now - if u want it send me a /tell in AO (im usually on Drfantastic).


  15. #15

  16. #16

    Talking Re: Oh my god

    Originally posted by Pally
    Do us a favor.. if you do leave, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

    I cannot believe that you are whining because a THIRD PARTY PROGRAM, and a program that borders on a hack/cheat, does not work anymore. I could be wrong, but I doubt that Funcom's intention was to let us roll missions with no effort at all.

    I have an idea.. maybe Funcom can install ATM machines near the banks.. then, you wouldn't have to even do missions.. wait.. or better yet, they can just make everything the shops sell free, and boost the QL levels in the shops to 200.. Yeah.. then we wouldn't have to do any work at all.

    You're right... what was Funcom thinking.. They should just let everyone have everything. Then we can all sit around the Bronto Burger and tell stories. No need for hunting!

    If you're unhappy.. LEAVE. This forum contains 99% whiners.. and that's all you are.. WHINERS.

    Contrary to the belief on this board, developing and maintaing a game the size of AO is not easy. Thousands upon thousands of people excercise the software.. No matter how big and long a beta test is, you will NOT find all the bugs.

    Grow up, quit whining, and enjoy the game. If you choose not to, complain in a constructive way. I guarantee that not one is going to take you seriously if all you do insult them all day long.

    haha just cause your on a dial up and cant get AOMD working on your own doesnt mean you gotta flame people who want it working. I cant see how your so upset about AOMD except the possible reasons.
    1.) You cant get it working cause your on AOL.
    2.) Your too dumb to get it working on your own. Which would then go to say, how dumb you really are if you enjoy standing around a terminal clicking on end for hours. But hey if that is your kind of game, I have to say that you could save yourself 12 bucks a month and play pinball. Lol!
    3.) Or cause I gave your mom a good f*ck last night. But dont worry I be back later. ^^

  17. #17
    Im a bit confuesed, i think there are two versions of AOMD :


    I use the first one, and i think thats the version Tappert is talking about. I got it working again , someone posted a link to a recompiled version, and it works.

  18. #18
    You forgot the chris wallbank version (Don't remember the url, it's the one which use a text file as a list of watched items to get around the problem with watch in muzzleflash version working only under NT/2000/XP)

    Unfortunately, all the people who made enhanced versions of AOMD didn't release their sources, so the only version that has been fixed is the original one.

    I think that anyone doing a customized version of AOMD should both: name it something else than AOMD (to avoid to have several different 1.5 versions floating around), and release the damn sources (so that it can be fixed without waiting for their authors to do it when it gets broken)

  19. #19
    Well you know, I think the solution is this. Since the program is freeware basically the original author has abandoned it and left the source code for anyone to alter at their wim. Funcom should take this program and integrate it into AO endong all issues on the subject.

  20. #20

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