The fan site lists on the AO web site takes a lot of work to maintain through adding new sites, and checking all old ones to remove inactive, non-existent and inappropriate sites. At the same time, the really excellent sites disappear in the myriad of sites (except for the endorsed sites, of course).

Due to this, we've decided to remove the current lists, and replace it with a list of the major sites, including links to important sections of those sites, e.g. forums and guides. This new list likely to contain 5-10 sites to begin with, but that might change over time as new sites appear and existing sites grow.

The current lists will remain on the site for a while still, but the form for submitting new ones will be removed shortly. The lists will be removed when we put up the new list, or shortly after.

We'll leave maintaining larger site lists to the community. To get interested people started at this, we'll store the database entries (site name, URL and category) for the current lists, and hand them out to anybody who wants it. Just e-mail me, and I'll send it to you.