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Thread: Mission Location is now soooo boring !!

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Mission Location is now soooo boring !!

    do you realize FC that because you listenen some people about a topic and made a change, you now have other peoples who doesn't enjoy at all this change ??

    -u want to keep your customer base, i agree..
    -u are afraid of complaining people and make change to make them happy, I DISAGREE

    WHAT ABOUT A VOTE ????????????
    just to make sure that you are not domaging the silent majority...

    Now you changed the mission location : i get only mission in my near area... how boring it is now !!! I DIDN'T WANTED THIS LOCATION MISSION FIX !!

    for instance, i used to get mission from Camelot to all over RK (Clon****,Stret Bank, Tir, Pleasant Meadows, etc...). I'm now lv58, based in Tir and i'm all the time in newland desert or varmint wood.... no more stress when running the country checking all the time if any agro reds around, no more great reward too!!! Of course i may go to camelot and get mission in avalon, but money reward is so ridiculous compared to the risk, (so where's my interest ??), the most interesting mission i can get are in Aegean (5min away from Athen, grey mob all around..)

    So, previous v13, i used to travel a lot around RK. It was my pleasure to take high dificulty mission to have far away expedition. All the fun was about being able to avoid red mobs, explore new area and reach that point (the better money reward was a good motivation too). i was very proud to be able to do that. And right now, there are very few place i haven't visited yet, i'm quite sad that i may no more have the opportunity to explore them

    --> FC, my greatest experience is the day i get my first mission in Stret East Bank from Athen (with a very attractive item rewards at that time). I was still newbie and very low level. I spent all my week-end trying to reach this place from all the ways (i didn't knew what was the grid): i died around 10time in different place(in varmint, upper stret, stret west bank, 4holes) and different death too... i had a death near the fery in 4holes, my last death occured around 50 meters away from my mission door (damm spiders!!) ... grrrrrr.... I resigned and for the first time i deleted a mission...
    i didn't made any xp or money... but it has been a great time and i enjoyed AO for that (the proof is that i still remimber most of this trip)

    i want ramdom location, i want far away mission, i want to travel in very dangerous area in order to get better rewards !!! i want to rock&roll over the bitume !!!

    you made a change to retain some angry customers, you still may soon lost customers, just other customers (me included) as i'm sure i'm not the only one disapointed by your mision location fi.x

    Rollerrat clan

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  2. #2

  3. #3


    Although I may agree with both 'sides' here I'll try to come with a few words

    There're mostly the casual player and some lower lvl people that gain a lot on this, and I understand why they don't want to visit a place that you miss the comp lit to grid or time to get to. Higher lvl players gain on this too, but only if they shop armor and weapons from other players, tried getting that 200k titan armor with 5k each mission? Nah... Not everyone got time or patience to stay in the tradechannel for long, waiting for just that armor to show.

    My suggestion to FC would be to implement either another long distance missionbooth, or a slider we could use to change our missionarea. This could of coarse be linked to the current sliders, like the "money" one. We could also need a tradeperson in each town we may post our items for sale to, atleast that could justify the change a lot.


  4. #4
    That is why we suggested a "distance slider".

    I hope it gets implemented soon. But knowing Funcom.. I won't hurry them. Just hope they do it properly.

  5. #5

    Unhappy Agree!

    I deeply agree with Marssss. I enjoyed the "old" mission variety quite a lot, although it sometimes allowed me to do only one mission per playing time because of the travel distance (since I don't have any vehicles and no high run skill).

    But hey, I got good rewards money-wise, and more important (to me): I had the possibilities to see a lot more of Rubi-Ka! I went to areas I wouldn't go if the mission system hadn't sent me there.
    Sure, I could simply explore other areas of Rubi-Ka without missions, but that's no fun for me. Although I like to see new areas and explore locations I pass, I don't want to just run around with no real destination. I used to pick missions in areas I wasn't before, trying to avoid locations I already knew, to see as much of the land as possible.

    I certainly understand that many people didn't like to travel far for a mission, and not being able to to 3 mission at the same spot... But that's just not my playing style.

    I'm no power-leveler, and I do missions most of my time. I do them to get the gear which allows me to explore more of the land. I definitely want the possibility to adjust the radius of the mission locations.

    Please Funcom, insert a distance slider to the mission booths!
    Trinar, lvl. 50 bureaucrat on RK-2

  6. #6


    Of course, i clearly understand peoples who don't want to spend 2hours before reaching their mission (they dont like that or don't have enought time). And i'm quite sure there are more ppl happy than unhappy now with this fix (but this post may reveal some surprise after all...).

    be sure that i know this location mission fix can't be removed now :-( and i don't ask it

    distance slider would be the perfet solution (any date? humm..)

  7. #7
    My opinion is that the problem is more that missions are boring than that getting to missions is boring. I would rather go next door for a mission that mattered to the storyline than go somewhere interesting to find out if Omni really has the technology to make a Q25 Paper Hammer...


  8. #8
    I can't believe somone is complaining about this.

    Why don't you hop in the grid and head to Harrys in Lush Fields? There are 2 sets of Neutral mission terminals there. You'll get a nice variety of mission locations from there.
    Or how about Borealis, have you tried the mission terminals there?
    I always get good missions from Broken Shores. Have you tried there?
    The Longest Road.. mission terminals in Bliss and the Neutral OP south of there give some interesting mission locations. Also due to the remoteness, they usually have a pretty decent cash reward.

    I was playing a low level character and I thought it was awesome to be able to get a mission from Avalon to Athen Shire for a cool 14k credits. Being able to level up to 30 without leaving town is awesome.

  9. #9

    This is ABSOLUTELY absurd...

    All I hear is; "We want closer missions.", "We want farther missions.", "Nobody's ever happy."

    What is with all of you, and ESPECIALLY YOU Funcom?

    Why is there this inane mindset that it has to be one extreme or the other?

    Would someone please care to explain why there can not be V A R I E T Y
    in the mission distances? I've been a computer engineer (hardware AND software) for nearly 30 years and this is NOT 'rocket science'.

    Jeesh people, get a CLUE...VARIETY...get it?

  10. #10


    More variety in mission locations sounds good!
    I am also one who enjoyed the exploring part of the missions before the cutdown. The distance slider really sounds great.

    should takek funcom about 5 minutes to make so why not?

  11. #11

    Thumbs up

    A Distance Slider is by far the best idea for this issue. Its so simple and accomdates everyone...


  12. #12

    Thumbs up don't be intimidated

    Originally posted by Lucid Flow
    Nobody is ever happy.

    Don't be intimidated, Funcom. You have done the right thing. Numerically speaking (complainers versus complainers) short distance is preferred over long distance. Ya'll are doing great!

    Don't waste your time with this--the problem has been addressed... nothing is perfect, and we, the 'realistic expectations' gamers are happy with the change. Keep up the great work!

  13. #13

    Red face its not a BAD idea...

    A distance slider would be nice, but let's take things one step at a time. If we keep inundating FC with demands, they will listen to us less--especially if these demands contradict each other RIGHT after one request has been met. If there was opposition to the shorter mission distance idea before, more voices should have risen up to support the current settings.

    FunCom COULD have made a slider, but instead they shortened the distances for everything--why? Limited resources. It seems FC's resources would be better applied to the so-called exploitation hearings than this, CURRENTLY. Bide your time, fellow gamers. All things come...

  14. #14
    OMFG... you people have such short memories. A few patchs ago there was mission variety. It hasn't always been a long/short thing you know, used to be you actually could get both, without a slider even. After the first patch that changed missions, there were only far missions. It was total BS and ppl knew it. So then FC makes only close missions??? Unlike someone else who posted here, I do want an immediate fix, and have no idea why it hasn't been done so yet. Its pretty simple really, put it back to where you COULD get variety at mission terms.

    Anyway, some ppl love the close mission thing, and hey, good for them, but whats the result for others? I can't stand to play my high lvl char anymore. Pretty simple, a perfectly fine lvl 81 char that cuases me mental pain any time I try to do a mission with him. Fighting greys for an hour and a half to get 30k credits really sucks, I mean, really, really sucks. I'd have to do 15 missions to upgrade my NCU at this point.

    Funcom made a dire mistake by deciding to listen to the ppl. Now the most prominent whiners are ruining the game for me and other like-minded, sensible, ppl. Its with kind of a relieved numbness that I slowly cut all the ties that bound me to this game for so long.

  15. #15
    Sandrix, thanks to let us now that u had diversity in the past. Now if we look at the evident drawback to only-short distance mission which is less credit : this is may be what FC want after all, oblige us to run hundreds of endless missions and keep us away from big $$$....

    i understand FC interest is to retain us as long as possible, so they have to avoid us leveling up to fast (now a player has less money, he can't buy the higher QL equipments he can wear, so he can't lvl up as fast as he could, CQFD)

    but why not, after all, i dont really care about my level or no more be able to be over-equiped... if only there were more RP events... but this is an another story and subjet to an another thread


  16. #16
    This issue is a prime example of how FunCom constantly creates drastic changes to this game.

    Every big patch, I find myself totally changing the strategy of playing this game. I used to hunt near the temple by robo mountain.

    Opps patch no spawns, find something else to do.

    I used to not do missions, because I don't like dying 10 times by aggro reds after running for 30 min to try to get to a mission that gives me a weapon I can't use or a nano I can't cast.

    Now I can do missions, but other people are unhappy with them.

    I just quit playing for a while to let them "stablize and fix" the game. Maybe one day they will and I'll be able to play again, without the "rules" constantly changing.

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Ballpin
    A Distance Slider is by far the best idea for this issue. Its so simple and accomdates everyone...

    I totally agree!!!
    Omni-Tek Master Assassin
    Omni-Tek NT (Testlive)

  18. #18
    My apologize,

    with 85%-90% dificult missions (picked from athen,tir,avalon) when it propose me a nice item reward, location is or Mort, or perpetual wastelands, or Southern Foul Hills, unbelievable place for a lv64 : it's all red agro mobs arounds (and they run fast too!!)

    then regarding $ reward, i get still some good cred, but from death body and loot
    RK1 Agent
    RollerRat Diplomatic representative (
    "i come in peace"

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Ashuras
    That is why we suggested a "distance slider".

    I hope it gets implemented soon. But knowing Funcom.. I won't hurry them. Just hope they do it properly.
    Yes, this is a damn nice suggestion, and it has been around for months. It cant be that hard to implement, and it would make everybody satisfied.
    NT phone HOME!!

  20. #20


    I think a distance slider would be good as well.

    As for missions being in places a lvl 64 should not go.... Maybe that is one of the reasons you can't get the veriety you are seeking. At lvl 114, I can get missions all over the map from Tir, Avalon, BS, and Mort. I don't seem to be having the trouble with "all far" or "all close" missions any more. I think that missions are great just the way they are. The only mod I would even consider is the distance slider mod.

    FC Please don't change anything about mission selection with the exception on adding a distance slider!!

    As far as the missions themselves, please fix the bug that makes you get stuck on a ledge whenever you are exiting the water. This is why everyone groans to themselves with the see they are in a cave mission. Caves suck right now. Please DO fix this.
    O b i t u s Atrox Clan Enforcer My trade skill? Smackin' stuff till it cries! Obi's Rig
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