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Thread: Over-Equiping

  1. #1


    I feel that the restrictions you mentioned are way to harsh to be implemented. You speak of over-equiping like the people that do it are crawling around in shadows and just looking for ways to destroy the game. People that over equip are often the most dedicated players and are ready to spend the time and large amounts of credits it takes to get them into that nice set of armor or new weapon. It sounds to me like the dediated people who only want to destinguish themselves by making them better are being punished. We need over equiping, I mean does anyone here mind if a doc heals you for 700 instead of 400 when your in that close fight when if you die you will lose a million xp? The only way I would consider stopping over-equiping is if you lower the difficulty level of mobs because in Dav there are mobs that are yellow and green to me @ lvl 99 and there hitting me for 600 and 700 fix that kind of stuff and I may consider.

  2. #2
    Yes, PvM and over-equiping must be fixed at the same time.

  3. #3

    Modify to hit chance

    I would modify the chance to hit, if they don’t meet the skill requirements for the weapon.

    I would make the penalty to hit expediential. If you’re slightly over equipped there is little to no penalty, but if you’re using a gun 400 point over your skill, you can’t hit the broadside of a barn from 3 paces.

    May be increase the chance for crits the same way for using a weapon that you exceed the requirements (for being more familiar with the weapon). If you use a weapon that you exceed the requirements by 250, you should crit almost every shot.

    Also make the AC and HP increase curve for MOBs a shallower curve. The AI has improved, and the MOB AC and HP should be closer (still higher, just not as large a gap) to the PC of the same level. A 120th NPC Advent should be similar to a 120th PC Advent.
    General Blyzzard
    Division 9
    Strat Ops

  4. #4

    I definitely agree...

    I definitely agree...

    I utilize equipment of slightly higher QL than my lvl.... which I don't really feel is over equipping.... If I can do it with my own nanos and implants... etc.... But this needed as you progress in lvl just to survive... since there is such an imbalance between a character of 100th lvl and a Mob or NPC of 100th lvl... How are we supposed to survive? Soloing is extremely difficult for the combat professions. and becomes nearly impossible using equipment within 20 or so QL of their lvl.... nevermind the non-combatant professions... And I'm talking hunting greens not reds or oranges.... The combat system or MOBs/NPCs need a serious re-vamping.... otherwise without using equipment of QL above your LVL solo adventuring and hunting will be impossible... I agree that many things need to be altered if what most view as over-equipping is "fixed" Using equipment of slightly higher QL than your lvl should not be considdered overequipping as there is no direct correlation between character lvl and equipment QL. as it appears most think there is.... But I agree.. all those Enforcers with the Hammer of QL 2x their lvl shouldn't be happening.... it's a bit excessive.... But with things how they are now... I can understand why they do it... simply to survive.....


  5. #5

    Um, overequiping IS needed, but sometimes it's WAY too much.

    Just read a post the other day about a 72 agent equipping a ql 200 stigma rifle. When questioned she posted all the buffs, implants, etc needed to do it and said HOW she did it.

    Personally I think wearing things that you can buff into or get buffed into is fine. But 128 lvl's above yourself is disgusting and hurts the game.

    Not even going to talk about hammer enfs.


  6. #6

    Re: I definitely agree...

    Originally posted by Litheria
    >>>>... since there is such an imbalance between a character of 100th lvl and a Mob or NPC of 100th lvl... How are we supposed to survive? Soloing is extremely difficult for the combat professions. and becomes nearly impossible using equipment within 20 or so QL of their lvl.... nevermind the non-combatant professions... <<<<
    Well I dunno about other professions but every engineer that has some common sense and is over lvl 100 can do missions at +70% difficulty. I'm lvl 144 and I can do missions at 80% just fine, that's QL 187 missions.

  7. #7
    Are you crazy? This problem is really pissing me off. It is one of the primary reasons I refuse to do PvP.

    Anyway, this game is FAR too easy, being able to buff yourself to twice your level and yawn while taking on things that should kill you. It is supposed to be HARD to level; this is one reason why a high level character both means nothing and has nothing to do; they are overbuffed and focused on getting the XP, rather than developing along normal paths. We end up with mutant, super-characters.

    I'm getting thoroughly sick of level 10 people screaming "Can someone buff my treatment by 70?" and the like... it takes away ALL of the hard work I put in to getting my characters so bloody specialised in the first place. After all; why work to create a character when you can just have a friend buff it and install impants up the arse?

    It *DOES* hurt the game to have a doctor healing for twice what they should, BTW.

    Granted, I use the general buffs - but I try to use them as they were designed; when I'm 5 IP away from getting a new level weapon or attack, I'll buff it until I do.

    I think that implants should be a MUCH bigger deal, and effect Agility a LOT more than they do. Zoning checks for reqs should probably just disable the effect.

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