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Thread: 6 Slot Belts, 64 NCU's.

  1. #1

    Question 6 Slot Belts, 64 NCU's.

    Since one of the more recent patches I (and fellow guildmates) have yet to see a 6 slot belt or 64 NCU's in any mission rewards. We had determined the quality level when you can roll these items, yet they could not be rolled...and believe me, we tried.

    6 Slot belts are a necessity for the higher lvl's like myself and guildmates, I have been searching and see none. I'm on RK2 which may change things because I hear alot of 6 slot's are floating around RK1, this is not the case for RK2. I'd just like to know whats up, and whether that is high on the priority list, it is for me atleast. Thanks.


    LVL 115 Atrox Clan Soldier (RK2)

  2. #2
    I know this isn't directly on topic... but has anyone else been seeing less useless pills and crap as mission rewards?
    "By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising: kill yourself." --Bill Hicks
    "Have we turned into gerbils? People are paying money to walk up invisible steps over and over again." --Dennis Leary

  3. #3
    I noticed a dramatic increase in the ammount of junk (mostly clothing) as mission rewards since 13.1. I'd say about 30% of all rewards are worthless clothing. And, yes, I've noticed that NCU's are completely absent beyond about q30 on missions.

    OTH, I also noticed that you can get Stigma rifles as rewards again. They're incredibly rare -- about like 6 slot belts were pre-13.1 -- but they're out there.

    Every patch that alters the item database also alters the mission rewards, sometimes drastically. IMHO, this is entirely inadvertent. I don't think Funcom has any control over the individual rarities on items in missions.

  4. #4


    I think they do have quite a bit of input and control of what is rewarded, why else would they suddenly be changed so drastically?

    Also there is the option to put them in Superior Shop rotations

  5. #5
    I think they have some control, but that what they have control over is a set of IDs rather than items. My guess is that they provide a set of item IDs that the mission generator randomly chooses from based mostly on reward QL and that they don't make sure these IDs correlate with changes to the item database. So, when the db changes, the IDs now select a different set of items than they did last patch.

    Sooner or later (2 or 3 patches from now), someone will match up the IDs again and you'll see another seemingly inexplicable shift. I don't give Funcom devs much credit, but you'd have to be a complete ninny to deliberately add a pair of boxers as a potential reward for a q100+ mission. The devs are pretty bad, but I really don't think they're that inept.

    BTW, 6-slot belts start at QL-160, which is pretty far beyond the current QL-125 limit in superior shops. Also, the lead designer keeps trying to nerf NCU's and belts. Maybe you're right and they were deliberately removed as a silent nerf.
    Last edited by Bjond; Nov 27th, 2001 at 05:39:55.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Bjond
    The devs are pretty bad, but I really don't think they're that inept.
    I would reconsider..

  7. #7


    I was not aware the Dev's were trying to eliminate NCU related items. Considering this game is completely reliant on NCU's due to buffs for equipping things, and also the high NCU doc/ac/attack buffs that the professions aquired. I think that if the 6 slot belts are not reconsidered and reimplemented into the lineup it will be very unfair to those who do not have them now, and those who do will have a substantial advantage.


    LVL 115 Atrox Clan Soldier

  8. #8
    I don't see any reason for clothing that isn't "special" to be in the loot generator.

    I'm not about to do a mission for a brown hood. That new clothing with bonuses, yes, should be in the loot table.

  9. #9
    i do have a feeling that ncu and belts were removed from the reward table intentionally while they got the comp lit buff nerf in or something.

    but we really need em back in the game now

    NCU's are almost as vital as armor, at my lvl the average buff me and my teammates run uses over 40ncu's, with a 5deck belt and ql125 ncu's the most u can get is 178 ncu's. 178 dont cut it, we allready have to jack up our comp lit to crazy levels to use em now, but at least give us a chance to use em if we do raise our comp lit

    i group with a MP on occasion, she has the nifty +90 nano skill buffs...she can totally fill her NCUs with nano skills buffs alone, of course she has to go *totally* buffless to do it, cant even squeeze in a doc HP buff, she has the comp lit to equip at least ql170 NCUs, and would have plenty of NCUs if she could just obtain em, thats just wrong
    Last edited by cman; Nov 27th, 2001 at 21:03:07.

  10. #10
    So true, the MP I group with has the same trouble for the same reasons. She has a 6 belt but no NCU's to filll it.

    Please make this a sticky thread, especially considering the importance of the topic and the fact that it is rarely addressed.

    I'd also like to point out that my fellow guildmates and I took the time to map out and note the quality levels in which a player can roll NCU's in the mission booths and now that is for nothing, and there is nothing to show for it. I would sincerely like this to be put very high on the list of things to come in future patches (maybe I should have started the thread in that topic instead) .


    LVL 115 Atrox Clan Soldier (RK2)

  11. #11
    Missions are a nice way to get free clothes. At low levels some of the clothes can seem expensive and when you want that trench coat or sunglasses you can always try to get one as a mission reward. I think clothes are very cool.

  12. #12
    Archu it may be great for lower levels, but at my lvl a few hundred credits isn't going to help much, maybe suggesting a level restriction on certain items that can be rolled despite the fact that their all ql1.

    Perhaps after the level 20, clothes become much more rare?


    LVL 115 Atrox Clan Soldier (RK2)

  13. #13
    BTW, sadly...there's a NCU exploit in the game. Check this status window SS

  14. #14

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