After reading all the options that Gaute has suggested in todays news about exploits, nerfing and over equiping. I thought I might put forth an idea.

In general, I do see a problem with exploits like dupping etc. as it effects game commerce etc. (make trade skills even more worthless) and it should be stopped. As far as over equipping (getting someone higher lvl to buff you so you can equip something), I do see that you can accumulate wealth and have an easier time with mobs. But personally that is a minor issue, anyone can do it and get rich, but no one is forced to overequip to do a mission.

Where I think the major problem is, I think is PvP. I avoid 25% areas because I know that there are over equipped players there just waiting to toast me because I am not over equipped. I am interested in PvP though and I see that I will have do some overequipping myself to particitpate. This way I'm forced to use an 'exploit', if I want to participate and have fun. I think that the solution to this would be to have all over equipped stuff not work in 25% or 0% zones. I know that this would cause a few problems for people hunting in those areas but we know that there are other places to hunt. I think that all over eqipped stuff should be disabled, including guns, nanos, and all implants even those that rely on one another. This would also make debuffing a valuable tool (I know that someone would debuff my rifle skill so I'd carry a lower ql with me just for that occasion).

Even better would be a situation that 'turned off' this stuff depending on who (player or NPC) you were fighting.

This would save much trouble in trying to balance the game and nerfs that mess up PvMobs when trying to fix PvP.