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Thread: Btb-->now!

  1. #1


    Lamonia is saying that funcom has lost control of its own story, that we need to go back to basics and she is right.

    Its easy from all the news that pops out of the funcom story factory is right from todays headlines and it makes me want to puke.

    Omni-Tek handing an ultimatum to the clans to hand over all terrorists or they will consider the Clans to be helpin the terrorists.....

    uh sound like Isrial and Palistine? sound like the USA and all the countries with know terrorists??? its obvious that funcom has totally lost sight of any kind of cool storry that was origionaly planned and now its just copying the headlines.

    In the mean time....

    we are getting silly little side quests added. some fool trox in west athens that talks about making mushroom soup. events that have nothing to do with the story (giant rollerats attack newland) funcom is in a hole, hell how long has it been sinse they even did another set of movies, hell playing on RK2 that was the only kind of story i had and now they dont seem to be doing them.

    When i want a game story i want a departure from the daily troubles of today, i want something different not the saim cloned events. Give us total war, give us aliens landing that force omni and clan to unite against a common enemy, make the aincient enhabitents that live in dark caves under the surface rise and reak habit on the human infestation of thier world! Give us something different for gods sake and make it have to do with characters that mean something, not Mr. Gibs.

    When you look at the timeline there are all sorts of mysterious events... the behemoth disappearing for years... the first people who landed on RK vanished. what happend? why isnt something from that tying into the story now? why are we forced to get the real news thrown at us again in something thats supposed to be recreational?

    Melbringi 90 Clan Fixer RK2

  2. #2


    I would also ad that funcom only has a fine amount of time to make things better before Starwars Galaxies comes out and smashes the player base of AO

  3. #3

    Re: Btb-->now!

    Originally posted by Melbringi
    Omni-Tek handing an ultimatum to the clans to hand over all terrorists or they will consider the Clans to be helpin the terrorists.....

    uh sound like Isrial and Palistine? sound like the USA and all the countries with know terrorists??? its obvious that funcom has totally lost sight of any kind of cool storry that was origionaly planned and now its just copying the headlines.
    Not really.... doesn't sound much like it at all, in fact what OT is doing sounds stupid beyond belief. Where in the real life situation mentioned you have one side saying it's not us and we wont do anything about it or both sides pointing fingers at the other in the rubika situation we have both sides being attacked and saying "hey this sucks", clans were offering support in solving the problem... and then OT comes out and demands the other group of people being attacked hand over the people that are attacking them...

    over the last few days I participated in an "event" where disgruntled OT employees attacked omni-trade, level 225 or so doctor came later and said the employees insurance patterns were corrupt but they think there was something altering their behaviour... that was um tuesday?...

    Last night there was a gm-npc in the grid wandering around, asked where omni-trade was then poofed once lead there after a bit.

    last news update is still the ultimatium.... guess RK2 really isn't part of the story

  4. #4


    theres a story?
    i thought that the story was cancelled with the cancelation of hte aminated stuff, it was for me anyhow, because im on rk2.

    angry about this.
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  5. #5
    some fool trox in west athens that talks about making mushroom soup.
    Weird, I found him somewhere else entirely, very far from west athen
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

  6. #6

    Re: Re: Btb-->now!

    Originally posted by Tetra

    Not really.... doesn't sound much like it at all, in fact what OT is doing sounds stupid beyond belief. Where in the real life situation mentioned you have one side saying it's not us and we wont do anything about it or both sides pointing fingers at the other in the rubika situation we have both sides being attacked and saying "hey this sucks", clans were offering support in solving the problem... and then OT comes out and demands the other group of people being attacked hand over the people that are attacking them...

    last news update is still the ultimatium.... guess RK2 really isn't part of the story
    Yeah, but that's not FunCom. That's just some player run groups who seem to be departing from Phillip Ross's control.

    Seems most players are too impatient to wait for the story behind the Dust Brigage to develop. I'd guess that at least 80% of the playerbase is too simple-minded to grasp any concept more complex than 'I am Omni. You are Clanner. I must shoot you.'. Throw a plot twist in there such as The Dust Brigade attacking EVERYONE or Simon Silverstone (a clanner) attacking the Council and their little brains start to fizzle and pop. The end result is player-issued ultimatums that have absolutely ZERO congruity with the events presented to the players. If anybody gives them any credence, the whole plot is watered down.

    I too long for the plot to be enriched and presented more in-game. I'd rather have NO events than events that serve no purpose. Giant Rollerrats? How do they tie into the future of the planet? Bring back Elena, Joshua, Ross, Radiman, Silverstone, et. al.

    Do something to convince the damned playerbase that we are NOT at war now and never have been since the game has been released. Make everyone read the damn Tir Accord. Set up information centers in-game. Finish your web-site. Fix the network problems so when and if war is declared that it actually can be fought.

    But, please don't degrade the story to the point where I can get 6 people together and declare April 1st as 'Borealis Independance Day' or have myself elected Head Surgeon of Omni-Med. These are the dieing grasps of a frustrated playerbase at trying to inject some semblance of life into a dieing in-game culture.

    We're all chomping at the bit to find out more about the Dust Brigade. Let us know something. Don't ruin it by throwing the story to the dogs.

    Bring back the story. Bring it back now before it gets turned into a farce.

  7. #7
    I dunno all i see is current events, you can compare everything that has happend on the servers to whats happened real life things come damn close to matching.

    1 Omni Ent Apts Bombed --- Sept 11 Attack on the US
    2 Omni Pulls Amnesty and all clan members in omni territory are shot on sight --- US Declares War on Terror
    3 Dust Brigade attacks Omni and Clan Targets --- Extreem Islamists threaten to kill and do kill other islamists not willing to fight the US in afganistan, while fighting with US forces.
    4 Omni demands that the councle of truth hand over terrorists or they will cut all peace talks --- Isreal said the same thing to Palistine.

    Point is that this is running text book copy cat. They may have scewed things slightly to make it less obvious but it still looks exactly like the news to me. Personally i feal that we need a change fast. Back when cyborgs where the problem or clones or whatever it was a bit more instresting but this root out the dust brigade junk just sounds like the US rooting out Binladin and all his buddies.

    what they had going in the beginning made things feal like something was developing but now its shifted to this unorigional newsripping trash.

    I mean does anyone ever wonder about the massive bones in the underground missions? I mean animals that big dont pop up in terriforming, accoroding to the modling team something was here on RK before humans. i thought something would happen with that but obviously not its just omni hunting down terrorists and throwing out threats.... and cleaning the water in tir...

    /me roles his eyes.

  8. #8

    Re: Re: Re: Btb-->now!

    Originally posted by Bionitrous

    Yeah, but that's not FunCom. That's just some player run groups who seem to be departing from Phillip Ross's control.
    No, it was a gm run NPC running around trade with a nasty AE slow that kept getting pissed and running like a girl from me when i ran nanoshutdown on her... It was a gm run NPC in the grid as well...

  9. #9

  10. #10

    Personnel cuts?

    I read something else on these boards about the change in attitude by the ARKs/GMs. Any chance this corresponds to the dropping of the animations?

    We could be looking at a failing company. Massive numbers of people left AO because of the bugs that cost them time, and because of the continual MAJOR re-balancing of classes and PvP combat making their existing characters obsolete. (Actually, both of those boil down to losing time they had already spent.)

    End of the year rolled around, playerbase was small compared to business plan, people & services had to be cut?

    Also, I am CERTAIN they have spent vast resources working on bugs that they never expected. This product was riddled with them on release! And every patch just introduced new ones. No one ever budgetted for such a ridiculously poorly-written product.

    I'm not running around saying the sky is falling ... but you guys would know better than I would. I've been gone for the last 6 months, and I'm just now coming back to see if the game is any good. I figured beta would be over by now.

    What do you all think?

  11. #11
    Well I have said it before, and will say it again. I will die fighting for BTB. I'm not sure if I can practice it however. Storm officially supports BTB also.

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