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Thread: Casters Excluded from PVP

  1. #1

    Angry Casters Excluded from PVP

    The most recent changes simply make casters even less effective than before vs weapon characters. It's absolutely ridiculous that casters have all of these stupid limitations that everyone else simply doesn't have. These primarily effect NTs, as they are PURE casters. Here's why.

    * Casters do not get instant attacks.

    Under the new PVP rules, a soldier can still instantly kill you with a burst/FA/fling combination (40%, 40%, 20%).
    Dimach likewise will remove 40% of your hp instantly.
    Many high level brawls do 40% instant damage.

    So why don't casters get a do-40%-damage-instantly button? Huh? Why not? Why should everyone else have a do-40%-damage-button-instantly-with-no-chance-of-failure-and-no-skill-required?

    The new pvp changes just amplify this effect, because the longer a battle lasts, the greater the chance the non-caster has of getting a 2nd brawl or burst in.

    What this effectively means is that any battle lasting the recycle time of brawl or burst will effectively wipe the caster out.

    But it gets worse:

    * Casters have their damage output capped

    Yes, CAPPED. And quite often this cap is LOWER THAN THE OPPONENTS HPs. Funcom, in all its infinite wisdom, has decided to halve damage but keep max nano constant. This means that not only is your combat damage halved, but your total POTENTIAL damage over time is halved!

    Do guns hold half the ammo they used to now? NO. Do swords stop swininging after 4 attacks? NO. Do MA's fists get sore and require bandaging after hitting you three times? NO. NO NO NO.

    Fight against a doc? You wish! Their heals are now effectively twice as powerful as before. Since you don't have enough nano to take them out WITHOUT HEALS, there's no point even bothering to start the fight. Type /terminate.

    This limitation on casters is absolutely RIDICULOUS. Why limit potential damage like this?

    * Range reduced

    The ONLY advantage NTs ever had was in range. So you decided to remove that (and break blind and a bunch of other stuff). Brilliant. So now we have NO advantages. NONE.

    * Lowest HPs in the Game

    We also have lower hp than anyone else in the game. Thanks. Just what a gimped prof needs.

    Everyone else gets remove-40%-of-hps-now moves. NTs DONT. Everyone else gets to do infinite potential damage: we're capped at a number that's quite conceivably BELOW the opponent's hps. Furthermore, we've got ZERO advantages.

    Come on Funcom, get a clue. PLAY an NT for once. Obviously none of you play a lev 40+ NT and have ever tried pvp. It's simply not excusable. Restricting one of the major professions like this is utterly ridiculous.


  2. #2
    I dont think they care Snarf, or they would dare to answer one of these posts.

  3. #3
    What bugs me the most is that we went through this bru-ha-ha months ago. Funcom went away, promising to fix the NT class.

    They go away for a couple of months and come up with their solution:

    - they fix a bug with humidity
    - they add an entirely useless NF that gives you +100 hps at lev 100 (oooooh, now we're uber)
    - they add some shield NF that isn't even available in the game.

    And THEN they nerf us three times in a row.

    Whatever they're smoking I sure hope they mail me some. It must be REALLY strong stuff.


  4. #4
    It gets worse

    NPC mobs in 25% or 0% zones also have the same pvp restrictions on them now (nice coding by the way) so now youre also limited as to what you can fight in pvm, and with the lame "cant cast while team heals" are going on, plus fumbles and resists we might as well pack it in.
    Otter - 173 Nano Technician
    Doctorevilll - 133 Meta Physicist
    Armedpanda - 117 Soldier
    Beeefcake - 92 Enforcer
    Feasood - 67 Martial Artist
    Nutzenboltz - 60 Engineer
    Silent Night

  5. #5

    Unhappy 13.0 casters deadt.....

    13.0 broke my chanses to ever win in PvP as a doc.
    To win in PvP now it seems like every caster has to wield a gun to stand a chanse during the "batle", and some proffessions got even stronger after the patch". I can't see that 13.0 brings more tactic into the game, how does it? Before the patch i could sneek up on ppl casting my dot's and get out of range, that was tactic. Casting my dot's now wont even bring a char 50 lvl's below me down to ground, now i have to stand there and nuke too, with nukes that does an avearge of 160-200 dmg( org 288-560) and gues what i have to refrech my dot's......<g> how do i do that??? i'm out of nano! so what do i do? i'll just stand there and die giving him a EASY kill. i can't even cast my debuff on others now bec i have to make a pri betw healing or nukin, so this was not at all a god change for a doc in PvP. Yea, and some ppl will say use that or that wpn, why? i wanted to use my proffession abilities when i got into PvP, i don't wan't to be a healing soldier-doc, ma-doc or whatever.
    Yes i often went down quick in fights before, but i did not mind, i did not expect to be able to go toe on toe with a soldier at my lvl. Problem now is that proffessions that was pretty week before now even got worse. Cpl professions is lots stronger then before as MA's and Adv and i think that is good, and soldiers and Agents are pretty strong still with they ability to use shield. HAHA, and if i had to fight a lvl 75 Trader( 50 lvl's below) that debuffs me, i would put dot's on him that do lms abouth 37 + 45 and cast a nuke that do 70-145dmg, i'm strong :-)

    I think NT has about the same problems in PvP now, running out of nano before getting someone down.

    So i gues i'm pretty mutch out of PvP i cant see any point in doing it now. And i think the solution to cap dmg 50% was way to easy in trying to balance the PvP isue.

    But i for sure see some of u like the change :-)

  6. #6

    Nano Techs have the second cheapest dimach skill in game.

  7. #7
    As it is now this game is mostly PvE, if they would balance the classes in PvP the PvE would drastically chance.

    I mean why would Docs complain about they suck in PvP? You took the class knowing it would not be about doing dmg but preventing your companions from dieing. Ofcourse Funcom isnt giving Docs some instant "insert sick dmg here" spell/skill or weapon.
    Why would anyone play a Soldier or MA if a Doc does equal dmg and can heal to?

    I can however understand the problem NTs have, its a class based on doing dmg with spells. And im sure Funcom will come up with something to make the NTs a little more powerfull in PvP.

    In short to balance PvP every class has to do the same amount of dmg compared to their HP. This would destroy some classes not to mention PvE.

    If your not a PvP class avoid these zones or simply go in with a group.


  8. #8
    Darn, what are u talking about, is it written somewhere that doc in rl or in this game should not be able to do PvP in a batle? Then i gues that Trader's should be cut of too, i've never seen a Trader in rl in a platoon :-) It's a game.......

    I picked doc as a profession knowing that it would be a hard toon to play in PvP, bec we do slow but constant dmg over time. And yes i mainly tuned my char to go into PvP. Knowing i could never have great armor, i could never wield a high lvl gun without cuting some other needed skills. Yes we can heal, but at my lvl 131 casting 2 dot's doing 3000k dmg over 60 sec, it drains 1/2 my nanopool and my healing can never over time counter the constant dmg from another profession, that could only happen if my nanopool was unlimited ( and i don't want it to be).
    And my oponent can hit first aid 3 times during those 60 sec healing hinself for 3 x 627, meaning my dot's only does only 1143 dmg after 13.0 and if i fight a healingclas 50 lvl's under me well gues what... i loose.

    Yes soldiers in my opinion should be the best toe on toe with an equal oponent. But whiners that went into PvP with "old" equipment got kicked by ppl that used hours of tuning they char into PvP. Some ppl still have noob skills in dodge & evade, and feel that the game is unbalanced bec they can't hit someone that has maxed those skills?

    This is crap, PvP should not always be "fair" why should it, if a MA & a Adv fights 50 times and it ended 25-25 would that be fun? No if i was that MA i would spend hours of tuning my char to find a way to beet that Adv every time. And if we then went toe to toe again and i beet him 50-0 would that be unfair with he doing nothing to improve?

    And to u Djoeka u better get ur understanding of the game beyond noob, and if u "assume" that most doc's make they char to heal others for 200 lvl's man ur wrong. I invested countless hours to pick the prof that i found most dificult to do PvP with based on the professions abilities, thats why i'm a doc doing PvP....

  9. #9
    "Darn, what are u talking about, is it written somewhere that doc in rl or in this game should not be able to do PvP in a batle? Then i gues that Trader's should be cut of too, i've never seen a Trader in rl in a platoon :-) It's a game....... "

    I dont really understand where this comes from, when I look at the spell line of the Doc i see 1 dmg spell and Docs have dark blue combat skills. If you want to do alot of dmg which is needed in PvP youre gonna have to waste an awfull lot of IP on dark blue skills, if you do this youre gonna have IP problems on Docs primary skills.
    This may have worked but the higher you get the more problems you will have with those blue skills. There is no way no matter how much IP and implants you use on combat skills at lvl200 that you can win in solo PvP...

    Funcom didnt design the Doc as an offensive prof.


  10. #10


    U just confirmed what i assumed, ur a noob.
    So i actually can't take ur comments seriusly.
    Have u looked at our line of spells?? i dont realy think so!

    We have a whole line of dot spells, and we have 3 nukes.
    And all of those spells only made us have to rise MC witch is light blue, and MC we had to rise anyway to be able to use our line of short-time hp buffs.

    We have a line of debuff (init) spells that would be pretty nice in PvP if it lastet for the time it's supposed to.

    Yes all our rangedskills are blue, exept for pistol and ma witch is light blue. But that bec we was supposed to use our professions abilities to PvP with, it would not have been balanced if we could have our dot line and have like green skills in ranged.

    What make/made this game fun was the posibility for all professions to go into PvP with our given abilities. Darn, if it was like only soldiers should PvP, Traders supply them, DOC's heal them, Agents do recon, Adv.... how fun would that be?

    And if u think DOC's cant PvP with Dot's and Nuke....before 13.0 well how did one clan doc become Novise??? by beating ppl with his pillows?

    And btw take a look at this link, maybe u learn something about doc's.

  11. #11
    Yes you are exactly saying what I did in my previous post. Docs have 1 dmg spell (and for god sake ofcourse I mean the LINE OF SPELLS not a single whatever Q spell) which is the dot, im not saying it sux im just saying it wont be enough in 90% of the solo PvP battles.
    Now youre saying yourself dmg wont be coming from Docs in melee or weapons just the Dot.
    The init debuff is nice but only in the long run just like your dot, So Docs can only win if the battle lasts for a pretty long time. Most classes will finish you long before that and i dont mean just the MA or Sol.

  12. #12
    Strange then....that i'm a rookie using dot's and nuke, in batles that lastet for like 15-45 sec... Strange then, that there is a Clan Doc that is Novice using dot's and nukes....

    Yes we had to pick our fights, or use tactic to bring down "tough" targets, but is'nt that wat this is all about?? I beat an equal soldier a cpl times head to head, and why?? bec i was clever anough to wait to engage untill his shield was down, and i was a bit lucky too bec his alphastrike did not manage to bring me down....

  13. #13

    Red face

    Originally posted by nieuw101
    As it is now this game is mostly PvE, if they would balance the classes in PvP the PvE would drastically chance.

    I mean why would Docs complain about they suck in PvP? You took the class knowing it would not be about doing dmg but preventing your companions from dieing. Ofcourse Funcom isnt giving Docs some instant "insert sick dmg here" spell/skill or weapon.
    Why would anyone play a Soldier or MA if a Doc does equal dmg and can heal to?

    Well gues u still don't get it, we where fine in PvP before the patch not "uber" we was long down the line when it came to doing PvP but now we are totaly out. And DID i ever ask for some new dot's or nuke so i/we could do alphastrike? No i simply are saying we now suck in PvP bec our WAY of PvP with dot's and nuke are totaly gone bec of the low output our dot's now do over time and our heals & nanopool will never e able to counter the constant dmg of other professions.
    And also our nuke was average, it did desent dmg and was fast to cast and i managed pretty well with that and our dot's.

    And last of all... i've done over 100 fights with my doc from lvl 30'ish till 130'ish so i pretty mutch know what i'm talking about.
    And i've been in fight with every class out there exept crat, and u know what if i could get the fight into my terms i beat them all. And is it not pretty unbalance when a 130'ish doc cant beat a lvl 75 Adveturer or a soldier?

    U win some and u loose some...
    But now it's only about loosing...

    And btw a doc could wield as high wpn as every other clas, and heal to... but then again why play a doc? We have to lack in so many areas that make us doc' it's not even an option.
    And why not make all professions wield a NOVA to PvP with??? that will make the game lot more fun...

  14. #14


    Lol hum please remind me what are you all playing it s a mmorpg and it s make for play team if you want all be egal in PVP go play CS or counter , you are doc you need team and be rdy fo heal your team in PVP like you do in PVM and hum you will tell yeah but Guys will automatically attack me as an healer bah your team would be enough good for back up you and kill those who attack you before they kill you

    I m personnaly MP and in 1vs 1 i have all my chance but when 3 guys attack me i m a dead girl aye but i team and mate protect me that s all i will never CRy because my pet are doom and i have a poor nuke and i remember the time when i could nt use pet near guard in PVP because they attacked him then me as soon i had pet attack

    All you Guys always want be the best in PVP and PVM , and you cry if they do something but always rdy for critic but all you propose are way to make you uber .

    You really look like aye all I m an XP XP XP man (or girl) and i will kill them all if you want that go play an alone game


  15. #15

    Red face

    What the heck u even open ur mouth for, MP's has been crying to FC since this game was released and now ur actually the strongest profession out there, not even a team of 4 ppl over lvl 112 could bring down a lvl 92 MP.
    Did i chose my profession to be the strongest in PvP, heck no, i chosed my profession knowing it would be hard to PvP with, that was actualy the challenge for me. And yes i know it's an MM
    After 13.0 PvP is not even an option for me anymore, and how many doc's out there chose they toon to heal others for 200 lvl's.

    And when in the history of this game has a caster been able to be "uber", MP's infackt was so "uber" that they had to nerf the pillows that actually helped other casters use higer spells, ppl waised a lot of ip on that. And if u read my posts, do i ever give the impression that i want to be able to beat everyone, now i actually like to be the "underdog" that when i'm clever and my startegy works is able to beat other professions that normaly would beet me. But now after the nerf i can't beat anyone anymore.

    yes it's an mmorpg, but can't read anywhere that doc's hould be excluded from PvP unless they are in a team? and stand there hitting teamheal or whatever? Actually i can read doc's are able to defend themselves.....well these day's we can only do that untill our nanopool is dry....

  16. #16
    Originally posted by nieuw101
    There is no way no matter how much IP and implants you use on combat skills at lvl200 that you can win in solo PvP...

    Funcom didnt design the Doc as an offensive prof.


    Ahahaha i was reading some old threads and came across this and it's post 13.0. Oh how this fellow was proven wrong ;o

  17. #17
    Funny stuff from the old days, I miss Snarf

    Well hopeful the Adv Envisioned(Taunt of Snarf!) will bring him back in spirt if not self
    Fighting for Truth, Common Sense and Leet Dolls Since 1996

    Give the people what they want

    If I am
    I am
    If Not

    Forget It

  18. #18
    =( Where'd snarf go anyways? =(
    ............................................Solitus Doctor
    ........................."I am he that buries his friends alive and
    ............drowns them and draws them alive again from the water." - When you sign up put 73583 as the ID of the person who recommended it to you(So I get credit) - It's fun I'm learnin it now but so far it's pretty nifty - You get your own Alien Train him, gamble, etc.. and then end up fighting people and stuff

  19. #19
    He was caught beign a bad boy and then he got bored and left I think?

  20. #20
    Gah, no wonder...(bad boy Whaam)...

    Here I was, wondering what these two guys (Froder and nieuw101) were smoking as they debated the "finer" points of being a Doc in PvP.



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