The previous night’s events ran through Ilfmen’s mind for the one-hundredth time in just this past hour alone. He knew it was the one-hundredth time because his NCU had just chimed in informing him that he was starting to loose focus on the task at hand, and that it could be affecting his biometric functions and might cause harmful stress. Realizing that he had to do something to get his mind onto other things, he started to roam Omni-1 Trade hoping he would see something, or anything that would distract him. Almost as if it had been waiting for him, he notices a simple form at one of the local shops. Not knowing exactly where the thought came from, he knew exactly what it was that he had to do. After purchasing the form he made one quick trip to Stret West Bank, before going to talk with his boss, a petty pen pusher that liked paper work more than people.

Having never been to his boss’s office, having always received his missions from terminals, he was unsure as to witch door it was behind in the office complex in Omni-1. Though he did not take long to find it, as upon entering the office complex it was very clear his boss was already well aware of the previous nights events. Neutralize the guards required little effort though, for most of them didn’t even know how to hold there guns correctly let alone know any programs to slow him down.

As he approached the door to his boss’s office, he found the door to be locked. Taking a glance at the lock he decided not to even waste his time with picking the lock, and instead just shot the lock off the door. As he stepped into the office, he could see the over weight bureaucrat shredding papers in the corner of the room. Without slowing his pace, he raised his gun and shot three rounds into his boss before he could even turn around. Before turning to leave the room Ilfmen dropped the filled out Clan Application on his dead ex-boss’s body and said two words, “I quit.”

After stepping out of the office complex the better-trained guards patrolling Omni-1 quickly sent him back to the Stret West Bank reclaim.