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Thread: Shadows of War Part 4 - Endgame

  1. #1

    Shadows of War Part 4 - Endgame

    Shadows of War - Endgame

    (This is the continuation of a story I began almost a year ago, which I never actually finished before I left Anarchy Online. Coming back for the Shadowlands is perfect for this story to pick up and continue. Endgame is the last chapter. I'll try and post the other parts when I can get them all from my old website if there is any interest. hope you Enjoy..and it's nice to be back )

    If I traded it all, If I gave it all away for one thing
    Just for one thing
    If I sorted it out, if I knew all about this one thing
    Wouldn't that be something?
    -One Thing : finger Eleven

    Part 1 - The Suns Rise Again

    The Grid feed was mad with news lately. It seemed like a age had past since Phillip Ross, the leader of Omni-Tek Rubi-Ka, had spoken to the public...there was rumour, and speculation of where he was...what he was doing...but no one really knew for certain. He hadn't even spoken out when news came in from the city of Jobe on the shadowlands portal, instead leaving it to his spokesman, and Bureaucrat to comment. With such a huge discovery, capturing the interests of Omni employees, Clans and Neutral Citizens, one might have thought Boss Ross would have handled it himself....

    But perhaps that was what today's speech was about..and the anniversary of planetfall was a PR convenience. Either way, today Ross was going to address the Citizens of Omni-1, and the whole planet was buzzing.

    The Official Grid Feed had the usual information...which meant no location or time for the speech. A Smart move with the Grid access open to all, and tensions rising on all sides. On a daily basis Clans and Omni's and even Neutrals were fighting over notum mining rights, and land control, yelling and screaming at each other on the feed....and sometimes, in the spirit of battle commending each other.

    Life on Rubi-ka seemed no longer real...but like a game. It was surreal. Many citizens who had only wished to make a decent living on this brave new world, were criticized for not joining the fight, and mocked for their social behaviour. And the ICC, who had made the changes (what may have seemed the best of intentions) appeared to abandon Rubi-ka all together. Politicians, Doctors, Scientists even janitors all went to war...fighting their enemies...and sometimes even fighting their allies.

    But now the Grid feed had new words to read. Threats against Omni-Tek and Phillip Ross from the clans and Neutrals...and even Omni Employees, who became bitter and angry with his absence...all gathering their arms and their wits to sabotage Ross' return to the public eye. Everyone waiting patiently for the time and place to leak.

    In a small cottage in Clon**** however, a former Omni Bureaucrat sorted through her paperwork from her years of service with the company. Omni-Admin forms from her years in training...Logs from Blackwolff Operations, where she served as a diplomatic aid and later as President... intelligence files from E-Corp, the independent spy division she opened with Gigi "Guiniverre" Depaolo...her term as a Admin to Omni-Com, and finally her employee record from Omni-Mining, working under her old friend Cristin "Swiftmind" Moscardelli.

    She sighed as she read the Omni-mining records. She still had guilt for leaving without notice, choosing to Quit politics and Bureaucrat Professions for good, disappearing without a trace. She didn't regret the decision, and was certainly glad for not being traced, but she regretted how she left...Cristin was a old friend, and deserved better.

    Her NCU chirped from her desk a few feet away, startling her from her self loathing. She hardly wore the damned thing anymore, and only 2 people had the comlink...her Daughter Delisa "Saralo" Rhees and her personal aid Lilly "Lilyflie" Dafly. She picked herself up from the floor of papers, and walked to her desk. She always hoped it was her daughter, she hadn't heard from her, and was quite concerned. The last thing she had heard was Delisa had headed into Borealis to pick up a few things and then disappeared.

    She knew Her daughter was alive, as they still shared the same implantation that was inserted by Dr Jena Honer, in which they always felt each others presence...(ooc: long story told in the previous parts...will post when I get all of them together ). She was comforted by that, but still worried as any mother would be.

    She flicked a switch on her Com and recognised the familiar voice of her aid Lilly. "Good morning Ms. Jesska. Sorry to disturb you" Lilly began "but I have much I think you may be interested in". Jesska sighed a sad breathe that it wasn't Delisa, as she always did and replied "No bother Lilly...what am I interested in today?". "Well mistress, it seems that Phillip Ross is making a speech.." lilly explained but then was cut off abruptly by Jesska's frustrated tone. "Lilly, I have told you I am not interested in Omni-Tek anymore...especially politics. If you can't respect my wishes on this I may have to reconsider your terms of Employment.

    There was a pause on the other end of the Com as Jesska waited for Lilly's apology. Lilly, a long time friend and employee, was never good with Jesska's "retirement" and would once and a while try to get her interested again...always Jesska would "reconsider" her terms of Employment, but she was never fired...and always apologised. Today however, the apology did not come.

    Lilly responded, "Excuse me Mistress....I am perfectly aware of your request...but I believe this is something worth hearing, and if you will not hear me out, I believe I may reconsider staying employed". Jesska was stunned. Never once had Lilyflie talked back to her like this, and never had she pressed a point so hard. At first Jesska felt angry at Lilly, but when she took a second thought at her words, she became concerned about what could be so important. Lilly was always proper with her, and to be this stubborn was not like her at all. "Alright Lilly....then I guess I better hear you out" She said to her Comlink.

    Jesska Sat at her desk and listened closely to the voice as it spoke. "There are several events in the last few weeks that have gotten everyone in a uproar" Lilly began. "It started with word from Jobe on the shadowlands Portal". Jesska tilted her head to the side slightly and squinted. "Jobe?....Shadowlands?" She asked. Lilly continued "Aye Mistress...I guess you have still been ignoring your grid feed...Jobe have opened a portal to a new world it seems...they say it is a stable like thing...I don't know technical terms ma'am...". Jesska nodded "That's ok Lilly...keep going.."

    "Well ma'am..." Lilly cleared her throat and then continued, "It seems Omni-Tek is planning to take back the rights to the portal, which has gotten several groups upset...which is no shock really..since when can Omni do anything without it upsetting someone...anyway....there have been visions..or something...." Lilly stumbled on her words a bit as Jesska Listened. When Lilly spoke of Visions, her eyes opened wide. "What kind of visions?" She asked sternly. "um....well...something about shadows, and fire...and brimstone and....and"

    Jesska could hear fear in Lilly's voice. "Calm yourself Lilly..get to the point" she said. Lilly took a breathe and said "There was a report of people who had these visions...many Omni's....many Clans...some specific clan name which caught me...." Jesska felt something pulling her heart slightly as she head the words Lilly said" Delisa "Saralo" Rhees....Your Daughter Ma'am"

    Jesska leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes. "Ma'am?" lilly's voice echoed in the cottage. "What's the speech about Lilly?" Jesska asked softly. "Planetfall celebration Ma'am...but many speculate that it may be about this portal..or the visions.." Lilly answered. Jesska nodded slowly and asked "Where and what time?" silence came from the comlink. "Lilly?" Jesska sat up quickly looking at the Comlink. "No time or place has yet been announced Mistress...." Lilly finally replied. "Where is Delisa?" Jesska continued. "I don't know that either ma'am...I am was only in a news article from the underground feed...."

    Jesska looked around her cottage and pondered. She knew the vision her daughter had...she had it a couple nights earlier, thinking it was just a bad dream...but now knowing that the portal was real...and that Delisa had seen it as well....she began fearing it. "You will find out and let me know...on both accounts...understood?" Jesska said to the com unit. "Yes ma'am...I am looking into it immediately" Lilly responded and the comlink went dead.

    She sat for what seemed like hours, like she was in a trance. The vision....her daughter...the was all running through her mind like a whirlwind of thought. finally, she blinked and stood up from the desk. She walked upright to a chest by her bedside, pausing for a moment, and taking a breathe she opened it. Inside she saw her former self. Her Crat suit, her armour, her nano memory, her black pumps....she took all of it out and began to get dressed. After the suit and pumps were on, she walked to the NCU unit and inserted the Nano program memory. Taking another breathe she connected it to the belt for the first time since she left Omni-1.

    She caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror, and was frightened with what she saw. The image of who she once was...who was until this moment dead to her eyes....and now resurrected in front of her. She stared at it and whispered "So...this is the beginning of the end....".

    Taking another quick breathe she straitened her back and activated a assistant droid from her NCU. "Make repairs to my Yalmaha, and be done within the hour" She commanded it. "yes I am happy to work for you master" the droid responded and went out the door. She looked at her Com and entered a old code, one she never thought she would be using again. "Omni-Com communication. The person you are trying to contact has a offline Communications unit. Please leave a message. "Message to Swiftmind....Hello Old friend...I need a favour...."

    To Be Continued...
    AO is not just about pvp, or Rp or power lvling. It is about whatever the players choose to bring to it. Don't make it personal against one of these groups because you feel nerfed by the game company.

    Atlantian: "Jesska Rhees" - lvl 153 Crat - retired
    Rimor: Krazee "Lilyflie" Madness - lvl 103 ENF - semi around again

  2. #2
    (( Wow, so many people returning. Welcome back! ))
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  3. #3
    "So long, Astoria, I found a map to buried treasure.
    And even if we come home empty handed we'll still have our stories
    of battle scars, pirate ships and wounded hearts,
    broken bones and all the best of friendships…
    this is my wish and I'm taking it back, I'm taking 'em all back."

    So Long Astoria - The Ataris

    Part 2 - hop skip and a jump

    Rome red was high security for the speech, and there was no surprise. The clan threats kept filling the grid feed, and rumour grew of a plan to assassinate Ross. The speech had already been delayed 2 days, and Jesska was getting impatient. She was uncomfortable enough being back in Omni-1 after so long, but she had also not heard any more word from Lilly about her daughter. Tensions were high in the great city of Rome, and Jesska was no exception.

    "Identification please miss" a voice came from behind her. She turned around to see a Omni-Pol officer, wandering and doing random checks on the people waiting for the speech. "Of course" She responded handing the officer her ID data. The officer scanned it and waited for information to come back to his NCU unit. as Jesska waited, she took a look around the area. Large droids loomed in the distance, as well as some newly placed cannons for protection. The first thing that came to her mind was paranoia...the second thing that came to her mind was rightly so.

    "Thank you Ms Rhees" The voice of the officer came a bit less abrupt this time. Jesska nodded and turned away from him. The square was filling up with more and more people. The largest turnout she had seen for any kind of rally or speech. Curiosity was at a peak for what Boss Ross would say. While she waited, she checked her Com link for messages. Still no response from Swiftmind, or Lilly. Her impatience grew and she almost felt the need to pace...she probably would have, but then Phillip Ross appeared to begin his speech.

    "Citizens of Rubi-Ka, Omni-Tek Employees welcome..." Ross began. Jesska looked around her to find familiar faces...she saw some, but none that she felt she could approach...yet. The speech began with some apologies about the delay and some praise for Omni's who helped protect the city the previous day. Finally, Ross got to the topic of his speech. "Many long years ago our forefathers touched upon destiny when they made Planetfall upon this planet.A moment in history...."

    Jesska listened to his words on the planetfall...and wasn't overly impressed. Sure it was a required element considering the celebrations, but she waited for him to get to his point. She was waiting for him to speak about Jobe...and the portals. "At the dawn of its colonization of Rubi-ka, Omni-Tek started on it's unending quest..." Ross continued.

    Jesska's comlink made a small noise and she looked down. She had received a message from Lilly. She looked around her to be sure no one was paying attention so she could read it. As she expected, no one even noticed the ring of the com. They were too into Ross's speech. "Delisa was spotted at the clan outpost in Broken Shores...possibly with other clans. Rumour of a caravan to Jobe circulating. Still waiting for confirmation" The message said.

    Jesska wrote a response "Keep me up to date" and shut down the message. Ross continued his speech. "As all of you have heard, through wisdom and hard work, mankind has yet taken the step to a new future, and perhaps a new tomorrow" Jesska caught the words and started to pay attention again...this sounded more like what she was waiting for. "Like the pioneers of old, new pioneers are moving as we speak to the city of JOBE to ensure that again OMNI-TEK may continue it's unending quest, for endless trackless centuries to come."

    Jesska smiled slightly. Sure enough, Omni-Tek were on the bandwagon. New portal, new journey for Omni...but what about the clans...and the neutrals...surly they would not just sit back and let Omni-tek handle rights to this new world...after all, they fought enough for this Rubi-ka...why should that stop for this new one..

    Her thoughts were interrupted when Ross seemed to get distracted in his speech. The crowd fell silent, as they all also witnessed his distracted gaze. As if he was speaking to someone we could not see he said "What do you mean by if we leave this unanswered our destiny will be forfeited?" Murmurs began in the crowd. Jesska squinted slightly and looked around for who Ross was speaking to..but there were to many people. She turned back to see a aid run up to Ross and whisper in his ear. That seemed to pull him out of his trance.

    Jesska was uneasy with the boss losing his composure. He was a very strong and determind man, and someone....or something had just made him lose his he addressed the peoples of Omni-Tek. She shuddered thinking of what it could have been....knowing the visions and dreams she had of late, she feared even more for Delisa.....and the people of Rubi-ka.

    "Fellow employees, during this speech, a force from Omni-Tek Armed Forces moved towards Jobe to put force behind our claim on the portal. They are under attack." Jesska froze. Knowing the Delisa may be in that group attacking Omni-Tek made her heart sink. "Driven by these...'visions'...reactionary forces have attacked. Therefore my order must be clear. Decisive. I give the Omni-Tek armed forces...No. All Omni-Tek Employees present the order to go to aid them."

    Jesska watched as the crowds of people fled to assist at Jobe. She had trouble making her way through the crowd but was able finally duck behind a whompa. She typed a message to Lilly. "Lilly, get to Jobe, and find Delisa. Take her out of there, with force if you must, just get her out." She sent the message and looked for a clear path to Rome Green, her old neighbourhood. She finally saw one as Rome Red cleared and ran for it. Through the gates, she turned towards her old apartment and ran.

    She was caught off guard by something she had not seen before...a whompa..with a clear blue sign. "JOBE". Already they had a whompa system ready. She was surprised, seeing as the news had just recently come. Usually Whompa additions take a little more time. She walked to the entrance and prepared to go through. She was stopped by a Omni-Trans employee who stepped out from behind the Whompa "Whoh there ma'am...not active yet" He said. Jesska stopped and looked at him. "When does it go active" She asked. "On the 9th day of the month ma'am...that is the schedule anyway..provided nothing goes too horribly wrong."

    Jesska nodded and looked back into the inactive Whompa. "Are there any other whompa's activated to Jobe on the planet?" She asked him again. "Nope" he responded "but there are a couple more going up it seems. I only have orders on this one...but rumour has it there will be at least 2 more. Don't fret though ma' a couple days it'll just be a hop skip and a jump from here"

    Jesska looked at him and then turned back to the street. She picked up her pace again and walked to Apartment complex 2. She searched her briefcase briefly and pulled out a old apartment key. Inserting the key into one of the locks the door opened. Her old apartment, exactly where she left it. She walked inside and secured the door. The apartment was empty except for 2 bags, and her Yalmaha. She threw the bags over her shoulder and powered up the yalm. "2 days....2 days too long.." She muttered and she was gone.
    AO is not just about pvp, or Rp or power lvling. It is about whatever the players choose to bring to it. Don't make it personal against one of these groups because you feel nerfed by the game company.

    Atlantian: "Jesska Rhees" - lvl 153 Crat - retired
    Rimor: Krazee "Lilyflie" Madness - lvl 103 ENF - semi around again

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