The "Vision"
Joshua Hardcharger Mandrake

The “Vision”

You know, most citizens would always think there was always some sort of shady happenings going on. So many private citizens and so many private lives, most know that many things of this nature are always happening.

Yesterday in Rome I ran into a few Corporals and a Captain from Omni-Pol questioning many citizens about some illegal activities that have been going on recently. Being the astute reporter that I profess to be, I had to get an answer to what exactly they were investigating.

Well, Captain Joaquine of Omni-Pol, who was the lead OP officer on site, gave the only answer that I was supplied with. Her response was that this was a highly illegal hallucinogenic stim that was causing many OT employees to experience “visions.”
She declined to comment further on those visions and merely said that her and the three Corporals were merely collecting information regarding it.

I was not exactly impressed with the response, but grudgingly, I had to accept it, because I didn’t want to end up on the bad side of them. Albeit, my comment that the female Captain looked hot in her uniform didn’t go over too well with the other three OP’s that happened to be present. A few of the OT employees present didn’t seem to like it either. Sheesh, it’s hard for a guy to compliment a woman these days without someone crying foul.

I, along with a few of the citizens, then noticed a vision…beseeching us to run for the hills, and then telling us that we can only run so long before things catch up. Naturally I was taken aback by this vision, which appeared out of nowhere in Rome Red. I then happened to mention to the OP’s what the vision had said. I know for a fact that I hadn’t taken any of these illegal stims they were hunting for. However, the OP’s decided to take me in for questioning, which I reluctantly agreed to (Like I had a choice in the matter?)

Once they were through however, I found myself none the worse for wear and back in my apartment for a well-deserved rest. I didn’t have any information to give them that they didn’t already know. However…

Many questions still remain. What exactly was this vision that told us to run? What could possibly be over the horizon that’s so threatening? Was there ever any hallucinogenic stims to begin with? Was there an ulterior motive to the OP’s questioning? So many questions, and unfortunately my friends, I don’t have answers to any of them. I suppose only time will tell. Something tells me we haven’t seen the last of the visions.