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Thread: Give a way to make Crates and Engi self-sufficient

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Give a way to make Crates and Engi self-sufficient

    There is a big problem with pet classes, only one of them have the nanos to buff pet creation skills so the other ones have to beg to be able to cast a good pet (even with the new OE rules).

    This situation makes everybody sad, Engi and Crates have to run through Rubi-Ka to find a high MP willing to buff them and, on the other hand, the MP can't walk in town without being flooded by other classes looking for buff.

    I think FC can change this without unbalancing the game by introducing one shot masterys and mochams usable by every classes.

    They have to be very expensive so people can't use them all the time to avoid OE rules.

    What do you, pet class player, think about this idea ?

  2. #2
    Hehe and what make every class still have uber pets in the next patch?

  3. #3


    Nah, my crat is doing just fine without buffs for pets.

  4. #4
    Leave crats out of this. I have never had anything but the general +20s and have had no problems at all with the quality of my pets.


  5. #5

    Talking hmmm

    hmm i'm only a dweebish lev52 engi, but i'm doin fine with my bot. no need for buffs.

    ehehehe i think those mp's are only sad cause i never ask them for their buffs when grouped ,)

    j/k of course ehehe
    tradeskillz ?

  6. #6
    I answered this elsewhere. Speak for Engies with all you hearth, but leave the Crats out of this.

    Our bot is too short lived to have any real reason to buy Mochams or Wrangles and it's not our only way to handle mobs.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  7. #7
    i'm only a lvl31 engi, but I can get a red bot with implants i make myself, and the genereal expertise buffs. I don't see a need for engi's having better buffs.

    The only kind of pet related improvement that is really, really needed is a pet summons to get the damn thing past bad pathing spots. Something every pet class could use.

  8. #8

    Talking My 2 cents

    Have to agree with the rest of the crats here. Leave us out of this. I'd say 80% at least of our bots are self buffed. The other 20% coming from the occasional MP we group with. We're fine.

    Although a decent psyc debuff wouldn't hurt ;p
    Chris "Councilor" Sandine
    In statesmanship, get the formalities right; never mind about the moralities.
    bu·reau·crat Pronunciation Key (byr-krt)
    1. An official of a bureaucracy.
    2. An official who is rigidly devoted to the details of administrative procedure.


  9. #9
    crats also have other things besides their pet to depend on. For engies its our pet our pet and only our pet.
    Member of the "I tried SWG and I am still kicking myself for it" club

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Zel
    i'm only a lvl31 engi, but I can get a red bot with implants i make myself, and the genereal expertise buffs. I don't see a need for engi's having better buffs.
    I'd like to see you when you hit the skill-cap before 50... and expecially when you hit the skill-cap at lvl82 lasting all the way to 100...

    I'm a lvl113 Engineer... I can cast a 113 bot... w00t w00t! How's that for selfbuffed...

    No offence, but this discussion is best left to ppl above lvl82-cap...
    Rebekah Poachie Vein - Lvl 200 Omni-Tek Bureaucrat - Equipment
    April Poachinator Joor - Lvl 150 Omni-Tek Enforcer - Equipment

  11. #11
    Bah, this is from people who are probably used to soloing 100% missions.
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

  12. #12

    Arrow Let's make me clearer

    I have posted the same thread in the MP, engi and crate Board.

    I have tried to compleat my initial post. Here is a copy of what I posted in th MP board :

    Thank you for your answers.

    I think my poor English skills made me misunderstood. I didn't want everybody being able to do everything, Let all professions have their specialities.

    I also want to apologise for speaking in the name of bureaucrats, I’m an engineer and I thought bureaucrats were facing the same problem as I do. So, once again I want to say sorry to all bureaucrats.

    Now, let’s express myself a bit clearer :

    As I said before, let all profession have their speciality. And the only thing engineer are good at is casting robots. Our tradeskills sucks, we don’t have roots, direct damage, mez or any offensive nanos, we almost only have dark blue combat skills and body dev is dark blue too. By ourselves, we are not able to beat any mob, so we rely on our pet and we have to keep it the good as possible. Funcom give us the limit with the 20% OE rule and I think every engineer must tend to this limit. This is discussable but let’s assume it for now.

    I was able to maintain this with expertise till level 47 but then, I had a hard time reaching level 54 so I asked many high level engineer how did they do. I got the same answer all the time : ask a meta physicist for some buff.

    I was not comfortable with this idea. Why does I need to beg someone else for buff and why does another class has to be bothered all the time because trey are able to cast a nano ? I understand why Funcom gave masteries and mochams to MP. You have to be able to cast your pet all the time. And I know how it feels to play non-permanent pets (I’have played my girlfriend’s MP a lot). But why didn’t they gave us the same possibility ? We only rely on our pet to hunt. What the point in making us able to buff break and entry, disarm trap, pharmatech and chemistry but not our main skills : time and space and matter creation ?

    I have changed my mind about disturbing other persons. I have played a bit since I have posted the first thread and every MP I asked for buff was very nice and wasn’t looking upset at all. Of course, I try to be as polite as possible and I always offer a tip. I even had long and very interesting conversation with most of them.

    I hope I made myself clearer.

    Once more : Sorry to all bureaucrats and thank you to all meta physicists for being so nice.

    See you on Rubi-Ka

  13. #13

    Red face give Engies trade skill buffs

    There is no point in giving all pet classes T&S buffs and so on.
    Let the MPs have them, but give Engies some trade skill buffs.

    Engies should be the best class at making things. And let us improve our robots using trade skill made items. (like trimmers)

  14. #14
    Level 98 with my engineer. I do very well in missions. Using a level 100 bot right now. You just got to remembers: No matter what it looks like, bots are NOT our only weapon.

    Finally free from this nightmare!

  15. #15

    Cool Crats

    Having good implants and self buffing, my pet is always blood red and he is mean. With crats also being able to charm and have such good crowd control, I think we are fine, no need for uber bots, cause I don't want to hear "Crats are so uber" every 5 min like I do about another certain profession....

    Another vote for leave us out
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  16. #16

    Thumbs down Wait a bit


    You wrote that you where able to self-cast a red pet. But read my second message carefully, we can cast red pet till level 48. You are only level 38, so it’ normal that you don’t have the same problems than higher level characters.

  17. #17
    True, I will take that into consideration, thanks
    "Your village called...their idiot is missing"

    Psilex (Agent)
    Smokegirl (Nano-tech)
    Tylerdurdon (Bureaucrat)

    Proud Member of:

  18. #18

    Talking You are welcome

    Thank YOU for thinking in a constructive way.

  19. #19

    Unhappy Be more precise, please

    Originally posted by WGMelchior
    Level 98 with my engineer. I do very well in missions. Using a level 100 bot right now. You just got to remembers: No matter what it looks like, bots are NOT our only weapon.
    And what are the other weapons ?

  20. #20
    Originally posted by Vrach
    Bah, this is from people who are probably used to soloing 100% missions.
    Well look my enforcer is used to doing 100% missions?
    He brawls for 1k and hits for 600-2k hmmm selfequiped all the way... no wrangles here ok maybey dirty fighter. but the point is can your crat, engi, mp hit like that at lvl 63? and fast too...

    I created an engi I am leveling him and I am mad about the new rules but at least i wont look like a poor engineer at lvl 110 and not haveing a slayer.. heh

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