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  1. #1


    Chapter 4 of "Those Damned Mutants": Out of the frying pan and into the lava

    Chapter 3!




    ARK-Clueless: Hand over the Spiked Food Sacks ™ you duped and prepare to be subjected to the wrath of……


    Thedeacon: You already said that.

    ARK-Clueless: Said what?

    Thedeacon: Not “what”, “that”. Although now you’ve technically also said “what” as well, but we’re not talking about “what”, we’re talking about “that”.

    ARK-Clueless: What did I say?

    Thedeacon: Yes, you’ve said it twice now.

    ARK-Clueless: What “it”? I never said “it”---Oh, I suppose I have now, haven’t I?

    Thedeacon: Yup.

    ARK-Clueless: What was it---I mean, ‘I do not know the thing with which I have previously said’.

    Thedeacon: That?

    Tormented Revenant: What?

    Thedeacon: Tormented Revenant, not “what”, “that”.

    Tormented Revenant: I’m confused.

    ARK-Clueless: So the which I have previously spoken words…that….um

    Belamorte (slapping Thedeacon across the head with a tentacle): THE SPIKED FOOD SACKS BIT! For Mocham’s sake, did you people eat lead paint chips as children?

    Thedeacon: Spiked Food Sacks? Hm, What are you talking about?

    Tormented Revenant: I thought we were talking about “that”, not “what”

    ARK-Clueless: What WERE we talking about?

    Belamorte: Ahem….. and I
    Hand over the Spiked Food Sacks ™ you duped and prepare to be subjected to the wrath of……

    Thedeacon: Oh yeah, THOSE Spiked Food Sacks! Yup, you said it at the end of the last chapter…..

    ARK-Clueless (thumbing through her script, frowning): Oh dear, you’re right. How embarrassing. Last line, chapter 3. There it is right there.

    Thedeacon: That’s okay. But, you know, it could be like a recap of the last chapter. Like when G.I. Joe ends on a cliffhanger and they show scenes from the previous episode in the conclusion episode. You know, you gotta refresh their minds. Too much Gridstream kills brain cells. Well, *any* Gridstream kill braincells. Even talking about Gridstream is known to cause irreparable brain dama---oh there goes another one. See what you did?

    ARK-Clueless: I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Thedeacon: See? I was listening to Gridstream last night.

    ARK-Clueless: But why would anyone want to read a line from the last chapter for a second time?

    Belamorte: Why would anyone read it the FIRST time?

    Thedeacon: Well, once you hit level 200, you’re kind of digging for things to keep you entertained and justify the monthly cost to Funcom.

    ARK-Clueless (coughs): You better take some writing lessons then. Right now, I can’t even justify the time I’ve spent talking to you. I think I’m just a little bit stupider for having met you.

    Belamorte: There’s no such word as “stupider”.

    Thedeacon: Well, it wasn’t flagged on my spell checker when I wrote it. “Stupider”. See? No red squiggly underline.

    Belamorte: You use Microsoft Word, right?

    Thedeacon: Yes, I----oh. Microsoft. Well that figures.

    ARK-Clueless: Getting back to the Spiked Food Sacks ™…..I really must thank Belamorte for reminding me why I came here. Otherwise I would have just sort of wandered the halls aimlessly for days until they warped me back to ARK HQ, starving and stark raving mad… last time. (ARK-Clueless shudders)

    Thedeacon: So why DID you come here?

    ARK-Clueless: To kill you.

    Thedeacon: Oh that’s no proble---wait, did you say “kill” me?

    ARK-Clueless: Yep.

    Thedeacon (scowls at Belamorte): Thank you for reminding the nice lady, Belamorte.

    Belamorte: No problem at a----holy Mocham, did she say “kill” us?

    Thedeacon: You’re like five seconds too late, Belamorte. I just asked that question.

    Belamorte: No, I actually asked before you, but I hit a lag spike.

    Thedeacon: But wait, ARK-Clueless. You’re an ARK. You’re not supposed to kill people, but rather stand for truth, justice and the Rubi Kan way!

    ARK-Clueless (giggles): All that crap takes work and we’re not getting paid for this. It’s easier to tell you to zone or relog and if that won’t shut you up, we throw you in lava a couple of times and deny the whole thing later. No fuss, no muss and it’s shuts people up in a hurry so we can get back to cyb0ring and ignoring all the real problems.

    Hardened Criminal (taps Thedeacon on his left buttcheek with his finger….er, at least we hope it was a finger): Excuthe me thweeties. Are we going to get back to fighting anytime soon? I’m all hardened and ready to go.

    Veteran Ruffian (lowering his baseball bat): Yeah, this is all fine and good, but are we going to get back to fighting soon? If not, there’s a new episode of Dharma and Greg on Gridstream. That Dharma may be 28,000 years old, but she’ll always get a rise from my 2h blunt weapon.

    Hardened Criminal whispers: More like 1h blunt, if that….

    Veteran Ruffian glares at Hardened Criminal and pounds his baseball bat into his palm

    Hardened Criminal (raising his staff): /fblock oh you Brutal thug! Let’s mongo.

    ARK-Clueless: Thedeacon, we have received word that you have two Spiked Food Sacks ™ in your inventory. The daft do-gooders are not happy at this theft.

    Thedeacon: And here I thought the food dispenser was theft proof.

    ARK-Clueless: Nothing is theft proof. Look at the amount of time and money we’ve stolen from you in your two years of life.

    Belamorte: Woah! Thedeacon is two years old?

    Tormented Revenant: That explains a lot actually.

    Belamorte: Especially the bed wetting. I would have guessed he was around thirty. Sheesh, what an ugly baby.

    Thedeacon: Hard living and lots of cigarettes, Belamorte.

    ARK-Clueless: Well that hard living is about to end….er….hard…

    Hardened Criminal (playing with his big stick….hey, not THAT one you perverts!): Did thumone thay hard? /fblock

    Thedeacon, Belamorte, Tormented Revenant, Veteran Ruffian and ARK-Clueless shudder

    ARK-Clueless: Hand over the Spiked Food Sacks ™

    Thedeacon: Er, I can’t. Metaphysical Demon and Tormented Revenant ate it.

    Tormented Revenant (darts his eyes back and forth nervously): Do not look at me. I have no stomach, remember?

    Tormented Revenant vanishes in a cloud of nanobots and the sound of boiling lava can be heard faintly

    Belamorte: Oh great lady, you whack the one good thing this gimp had going for him. If I had an attack weapon, I’d mMfPH—

    Thedeacon covers Belamorte’s mouth hole and smiles nervously at ARK-Clueless

    Thedeacon: You’ll—ah—have to excuse Belamorte, heh. He’s….er….let’s just say he just needs more fiber in his diet. That Metamucil isn’t---

    ARK-Clueless: That’s enough…I can totally relate. I thought he looked a bit more bloated than usual.

    Belamorte mumbles something that sounds vaguely like “DUDE” followed by some colorful expletives that can’t be repeated here.

    ARK-Clueless looks at the pants around Thedeacon’s ankles and for the first time notices a steaming loaf lying on the ground: Now you on the other hand need something to stop you up, mister. Relieving your bowels in a mission zone is in violation of the EULA.

    Thedeacon: EULA? I think you just made that up…

    ARK-Clueless: Okay, I did. But you have to admit that’s pretty sick. I think I’m going to have give you the ol’ lava fastball special for that one…

    Thedeacon (releasing Belamorte’s mouthhole and pointing at the pile of….waste….on the floor): No wait! That’s not what you think it is!

    ARK-Clueless: It isn’t?

    Thedeacon: No, it’s---my…um…new pet. Instead of coming from an urn, it comes from my….bowels.

    Belamorte: Deacon, please do a /pet report and tell me I’m about to die.

    ARK-Clueless: Is that a mezz pet? It seems to fit the description of the mezz pet nicely.

    Thedeacon: Actually it’s an attack pet. We’re only speaking metaphorically when we say the mezz pet is crap.

    ARK-Clueless (taps her foot impatiently): Prove it! Make it talk.

    Thedeacon gingerly picks the….pile….from the floor and shakes it around in his hands while attempting to throw his voice

    Thedeacon (holding his new ‘pet’ in his hands and trying to keep his lips from moving): Master, it’s totally good to see you! Er, let’s fight some bad guys…and stuff

    Thedeacon: /laugh-b /laugh-s Oh Transcendent Enema, are you sassing off to me again? Haha—er, heh. These pets, I tell you…Heh, right Belamorte?

    Belamorte: ….

    Thedeacon (frowning): Right…..BELAMORTE?

    Belamorte (covering his…orifice with two tentacles): I hope Bronto Burgers ™ taste as good coming back up as they did going down.

    Thedeacon (elbowing Belamorte): RIGHT. BELAMORTE?

    Belamorte: Yeah whatever, Deacon. Sassy stinking excrement pet. Ha ha, it is to laugh. May I puke now?

    ARK-Clueless: I’m not buying it. I saw your lips move. If that’s a real pet, then Belamorte should be able to heal it, right?

    Thedeacon (grinning smugly): Why, he most certainly can.

    Belamorte (waving his tentacles in protest): Yeah sure, whateve--Oh Christ no. Deacon!!

    Thedeacon: /pet heal

    Belamorte: I am unable to do that master.

    Thedeacon: /pet heal

    Belamorte: No really, this time I mean it. I am unable to do that master.

    Thedeacon: /pet heal

    Belamorte: For the sake of all that is holy, I cannot, repeat CANNOT do that master!


    Thedeacon: /angry /PET….HEEEEAAAAL!

    Belamorte (curls his tentacles with revulsion): Commencing the healing process now master….I think I’m going to be sick…

    Belamorte’s healing juices spill over the ‘pet’ in Thedeacon’s hand and a broad smile forms across his face

    Thedeacon: Er, I sure hope that was healing juices and not breakfast, Belamorte.

    Belamorte: At this point, I can’t entirely be sure myself. It was a bit more chunky than usual.

    Thedeacon (giving ARK-Clueless a smug look): See? I told you it was……

    ARK-Clueless turns a pale shade of green

    ARK-Clueless: Your brown ‘pet’ is….melting…That….isn’t really a pet, is it? That’s….that’s….

    Thedeacon (looking nervous): Um…One last command…./PET ATTACK!

    Thedeacon throws his ‘pet’ in the general direction of ARK-Clueless, grabs Belamorte by the tentacle and hightails it down a mission corridor

    Belamorte: OH GOD DEACON!!!! DON’T GRAB ME WITH *THAT* HAND! At least wash it first!

    Thedeacon (quickly shuffling down the corridor with his pants down and Belamorte in tow): Come on Belamorte! Let’s deliver these Spiked Food Sacks ™ and get the hell out of here!

    Belamorte: How are we going to complete the mission? She killed Tormented Revenant and you killed Metaphysical Demon!

    Thedeacon: Tormented Revenant was dead already, if you wanna get technical. Besides, I have another urn. We can make a new Tormented Revenant!

    Thedeacon pulls a small brown canister from his subspace inventory and places it in his mouth. A small crunching sound, the urn or his teeth, can be heard, followed by a large swallowing noise

    Belamorte: Ack! First you play with poo, now you’re eating urns? Jesus H. Mocham, think of the bacterial nanobots covering that filthy thing! Ugh and was that rust covering the surface? Deacon, you’re truly trying to test my intestinal fortitude today, aren’t you?

    Thedeacon: There was a flag on the urn that said [EAT].

    Belamorte examines a small red flag falling from Thedeacon’s mouth. The words “eat me” are printed in starch white lettering

    Belamorte: An [EAT] flag. How…..retarded. Whoever put that there needs to be taken out back and asswhipped with an NCU belt.

    Thedeacon: It wasn’t that bad though. The rust adds a certain….****iness. It could have used some pepper however.

    Seasoned Techwrecker: Someone mention seasoning?

    Seasoned Techwrecker floats in from the next room, blocking Thedeacon’s access to the next corridor. Veteran Ruffian warps through the wall, blocking the other corridor, while ARK-Clueless can be heard clacking her heels down the third corridor. A thought passes through Thedeacon’s head that there’s simply too many damned corridors in the new missions.

    Belamorte: ETA on Tormented Revenant?

    Thedeacon: Sometime between an hour from now and next week. The urn has to....digest before the pet spawns. Until then, RUN!

    Thedeacon clumsily shuffles his feet in the opposite direction, but forgets that his pants are still around his ankles and promptly falls flat on his butt. He checks the fourth, fifth, sixth and eighteenth corridors for a way out. Ready to give up hope, he checks the eighty-sixth corridor and sees the one thing that could be worse than ARK-Clueless and her cronies combined.

    Thedeacon: No….it can’t be….you?!?!

    Destructiva (smooth gray thighs clad in black leather, bare midsection and a spiked bar, with her hand outstretched towards him): Come with me if you want to live…..Heh, I’ve been wanted to say that ever since watching Terminator 2.

    Last edited by THEDEACON!; Aug 17th, 2003 at 21:24:46.
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  2. #2
    first !
    ~ Nikki "Kitene" Darling ~
    4925867th lvl 200 MA. cookie plz!
    ~ Lady "Aerfalle"Aerlinthe ~
    4925867th 200 NT. Gimme cookie

  3. #3
    OMG awesome deac )
    Akeeta 200 Retired Soldier

    Lilmeanie 200+ Shade

    Misskickass Retired 186 MA

  4. #4
    Originally posted by Nikki
    first !
    SK AN K!

  5. #5

  6. #6
    lol good one deac. '
    someday ill be in one of these stories. someday
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  7. #7
    uber =)
    Carmilla - 210 Shade
    Zerosnake - 220 Agent

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Quick, someone give me whatever would have the opposite effect of Ritalin and a lot of it!

    I don't find this funny, and I suspect being hyperactive and unable to read much of it might change that! Saying a bunch of dumb things can be funny, I'm sure of that! More chapters please!

    I'll take your advice, and shall miss the next one.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by CaptFallout
    Quick, someone give me whatever would have the opposite effect of Ritalin and a lot of it!

    I don't find this funny, and I suspect being hyperactive and unable to read much of it might change that! Saying a bunch of dumb things can be funny, I'm sure of that! More chapters please!

    I'll take your advice, and shall miss the next one.
    *hands the Cap'n some fibre substitute, pulls the stick out and gives him the address of a gentleman's club*

    I figure cappy's grumpiness means he's plugged up at one end or the other Killing two birds with one stone
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  11. #11

  12. #12
    Originally posted by CaptFallout

    !!! <3 <3 <3 !!!
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  13. #13
    OMGz DEACY'S A fefofiliac!!!

    /me watches as everyone pulls out a dictionary...
    Lmnox - Meta-Physicist General of Athen Paladins in RK-2

    Back after a 5 month hiatus!
    "You can take a gimp out of AO, but you can't take the AO out of a gimp."

  14. #14
    that's "fecalpheliac"

    er, not that I'd know or anything, I swear!!!

    this is chocolate in my hand!
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  15. #15
    I just read all 4 chapters Deac, and all I have to say is....


    You broke me. I was laughing so hard my roomate asked me what was up Good stuff, can't wait for the next chapter.

  16. #16

    Good work Deac =)

    Had to reread the whole story .. hehe.


    and a whole litter of bearcubs ...

    "Only the dead have seen the end of war." -- Plato
    "You see me now, a soldier, of a 1000 psychic wars...." -- Blue Oyster Cult

  17. #17
    One time, I was running down a hill and I slipped and slid over a rusty beer can. Then when I got up I could see my shin bone sticking out. I could se all the muscles twitching and it sent pain singles up my leg everytime my heart beat, causing me too almost pass out. Then when I tried to walk it popped and blood started shooting out. When I got to the ER they had to knock me out to stitch me up. Even now days, I still get sharp pains once in awhile from the torn muscle and wrecked nerves. But that was more fun than reading this story.

  18. #18

    Deacy! We love you!

    this stuff just gets better and better!!!!22!!!2!!2!!!2

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Dexafaust
    One time, I was running down a hill and I slipped and slid over a rusty beer can. Then when I got up I could see my shin bone sticking out. I could se all the muscles twitching and it sent pain singles up my leg everytime my heart beat, causing me too almost pass out. Then when I tried to walk it popped and blood started shooting out. When I got to the ER they had to knock me out to stitch me up. Even now days, I still get sharp pains once in awhile from the torn muscle and wrecked nerves. But that was more fun than reading this story.
    Everyone's a critic

    However, judging by the fact that your grumpy enough to write your little post, I bet that wasn't your leg that got all tore up, was it? Methinks it was your THIRD leg.....Guys, I do believe we have a RL atrox on our hands.

    Either way, you seem like a clumsy lil twit. Come to the arena and slip on my manex a few times

    When I got to the ER they had to knock me out to stitch me up.
    Real men poor whiskey on the owie and walk that s*** off. Your mom still read you bedtime stories and give you warm cocoa before bed too? Hit puberty and then come back to flame, little grasshopper

    Last edited by THEDEACON!; Aug 18th, 2003 at 11:06:15.
    Nanomage: The OTHER other white meat

  20. #20
    omg omg omg <3 to teh footness good one!!! good 4 actually! :P
    LilFelix -<[ E ]>- What? MA's are uber again? Nerf!
    Celesite -[ E ]- Sexy, Squishy, Deadly... Yummm!

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