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Thread: URGH! Mobs aggro across map, though walls ...

  1. #1

    Angry URGH! Mobs aggro across map, though walls ...

    Anyone else facing this?
    Not only are mission playfields crashing left, right and centre ... now we got mobs agro'ing from rooms away and appearing through walls left, right and centre. And I have so far noticed this happening in several variations of cave and office map types.

    All the lovely pull-one-mob-at-a-time strategy goes out the window and needless to say, solo missioning has become such a frustrating prospect.

    I find it very hard to look forward to patch 14.0 or whatever else is coming - when there are all these stabilty and sync issues and bugs plaguing the game like a bad recurring nightmare.

    FC - make the game stable and playable. Then maybe we can begin to enjoy the other aspects, you know?
    rolling leet, crouching tiger, hidden dragon

    Pioneer rifle/crossbow Vanguard with a personal sidearm and a campstove

    AO Adventurer Professional (2003-2004)

    Map design suggestion for mapmakers

  2. #2
    Been there, done that

    Yep, it seems to happen a lot, not since the last patch but since the one before
    Kheeze (MA) / Yunmei (ADV) / Nekroman (MP) / Shixiu (ENF)

    (¯`·.,¸¸.·´¯` French Corp ´¯`··.,¸¸.·´¯)

  3. #3

  4. #4

    7 MoB's in first room. :(

    I didn't have this problem too much until today... I went on a mission in Aegean and had (yes, count them!) 7 mobs for the first room. I entered the mission, the three in the main room aggro'd after I sent my pet in, then 4 more came from adjacent rooms. Can you say "reclaim?"
    Zedar2 220/22 Nano-Technician, card carrying member of the Vocal Minority.
    Proud General of 3305 Local Now recruiting!
    Proud Leader of the Knights of 3305 in V:SOH (Also recruiting!)

    *** ***

  5. #5


    Yeah. I'll bump this with a bit of a story.

    Mob hits me with Rule of One and I don't even see her. To me, I looked like I was miles away and nearing the exit, but in reality, I was standing next to her while my teammates watched me die piteously.

    I didn't even know I was in trouble until I was dead.

    Ah, well.
    Babette, Frenetic, Misophist, Yardleigh.
    "I am the queen of France!!!"

    Ah, L'Amour!
    Bitter Films

  6. #6


    did this yesterday walked in pulled one in to fight it, sicked my pet on it 7 mobs came running in. turned my aggro up put on my shot gun and there where mob bodies everywhere i had 10 health and my pet was dead. I was lucky that time. I knew i could run but i was just P'Oed. So i went to wailing on them. After that mission it hasn't happened to me since. lol.

  7. #7

    Angry Agh I hate this.

    I've had this happening a LOT in missions with Human mobs aggroing around corners and through SOLID WALLS.

    I have lost so much XP because of this thing, and it is still happening. I had it happen last night!

  8. #8


    Still happening.
    And it doesn't seem to matter whether it's cave or office or sewer type maps.
    rolling leet, crouching tiger, hidden dragon

    Pioneer rifle/crossbow Vanguard with a personal sidearm and a campstove

    AO Adventurer Professional (2003-2004)

    Map design suggestion for mapmakers

  9. #9
    I havent really had this problem of 7 coming after me, but I have noticed that sometimes, in the main room, mobs will walk in and out of it from the adjacent rooms.

    Its not unusual anymore to see, three seasoned enforcers in the main room, and then when your trying to figure out how to approach the situation, a seasoned scout and a seasoned crat walk into the main room from the other rooms.

    Funcom you sh!ts, if this is how you wanted it, why do team missions when you need a team just to take the first room in an individual mission. Now it doesnt happen that often, but it happens at the worst times, like the mission item is in a small room, and there are three mobs bunched up in the closet room of the mission.

  10. #10

    Happening alot here.

    It seems to be happening quite often to me as well...
    Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. If you should have any further questions or comments please contact someone at my office and I'll try to get back to you.

  11. #11

    Exclamation bump

    Now that TEAM missions have been introduced with 14.0 ... can you, FC, please confine the insane aggro range mob behaviour there and not make INDIVIDUAL missions frustrating?
    rolling leet, crouching tiger, hidden dragon

    Pioneer rifle/crossbow Vanguard with a personal sidearm and a campstove

    AO Adventurer Professional (2003-2004)

    Map design suggestion for mapmakers

  12. #12


    This is really frustrating.

  13. #13

    Just a thought...

    We've got aggro through walls in solo missions.. aggro through walls in team missions now... will we see aggro through floors soon with the new multi-level missions?
    Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. If you should have any further questions or comments please contact someone at my office and I'll try to get back to you.

  14. #14
    Still just bumping thread!

    Just that it is bad bad bad!You can barely stick your head into one doorway in a singleplayer mission (grouped with one other person) without half the mission aggroing you.Also another new one is zoning into first room of mission and getting 4 to 5 mobs aggro from first room and joining rooms.

  15. #15

    *bump again*

    Yup another FC screwup that they'll try to spin saying it's in our favor, or say it doesn't exist :P

  16. #16

    Post FYI ...

    I emailed them and received a reply:
    rolling leet, crouching tiger, hidden dragon

    Pioneer rifle/crossbow Vanguard with a personal sidearm and a campstove

    AO Adventurer Professional (2003-2004)

    Map design suggestion for mapmakers

  17. #17

    Re: Just a thought...

    Originally posted by Isaah
    We've got aggro through walls in solo missions.. aggro through walls in team missions now... will we see aggro through floors soon with the new multi-level missions?
    Don't forget - aggro through zones!! Yes that's right, and next we'll be upgraded to: aggro through dimensions! Yeah, then that level 180 can gank you all the way from rk1 lol!

    If monsters are gonna warp through the whole mission, then why shouldn't they be under the same runspeed rules as we are? If they're all the way across the mission, even if walls are no impedence to them, shouldn't it at least take them a minute or two to reach the team?
    Last edited by Bronto_Cowboy; Apr 14th, 2002 at 10:17:11.

  18. #18

    Smile Not my imagination

    And I thought it was just me!

    I started playing just prior to 14.0 and almost NEVER had problems with the first room with 2-3 enemies. I could always wait until they were widely spread, get the nearest to aggro on me and run it back to my bot. Now, the second the initial enemy aggros, all others in the room aggro...and sometimes enemies in adjacent rooms as well. Not unusual to end up with 4-5 attacking...and of course they IGNORE the bot hitting them for 50+ damage and run at me. Even if I am hiding in another room along the wall enemies I have not seen from rooms I have not entered track me down...what amazing magical skills do they use to find me several rooms away that they didn't have prior to the patch?.

    Solo missions are now unplayable on any but the easiest level, and XP isn't on those.

    Also, Funcom, when I do survive the first room, what is with NEVER getting a mission token? Unless my chance is at 100%, no token...haven't had a mission under 80-90% yet and no token in the last 10 runs). This seems to have started with 14.0 patch.

  19. #19
    Aggro thru walls is one thing.. not they HIT me thru walls as well.

    And when I tried to use my specials on them (I cant see them), guess wat's the error message ? Yep... no line of sight!!!

    Real crappy.

  20. #20
    I'm on top of this, guys. Thanks for all the good information.

    (No, not spinning anything, Zierow. )
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