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Thread: Just like ice-cream

  1. #1

    Just like ice-cream

    (( A little story about less public side or Dabblez. Please treat this as ooc information. Dabblez experiments are meant to remain secret for now, even to most other RUR employees. ))

    Deep in the darkest hours of the night, the rain-drenched atrox walks into the laboratory. He is carrying slung over his shoulders the limp body of a cyborg. The atrox's name is Armpitt. He has been working for Rubik-Ka Universal Robots for several months now. His job description reads ‘security' though few people in the company seem to know exactly what he does. Indeed few ever even see him.

    "Where you want him, boss?" asks Armpitt.

    Dabblez examines the borg with a handheld med-scanner. "This one is dead,” she states flatly. "I have no use for it. I told you I need them alive."

    "Sorry boss." replies the atrox, dejected. "Armpitt go get 'nother one from da truck." With that he dumps the dead cyborg unceremoniously on the floor and heads back outsides into the cold rain.

    "Make sure no one see you!" Dabblez shouts after him.

    In the darkness Armpitt stumbles in the mud, his tiny flashlight proving to be barely adequate to show him the way to his old pickup truck. When he does finally get there, he climbs up the back of the truck and lifts up the rainproof canvas covering a pile of crumpled, bodies. Armpitt squints at the borgs. "Anyone alive in der?" he shouts at them. No one replies.

    Undeterred, Armpitt inspects the borgs, turning the bodies over one by one and finally settles for the least damaged one. Lifting the borg over his shoulder, Armpitt makes his way back the lab.

    "Dis one good, boss?" asks the Atrox several minutes later.

    Dabblez runs the med-scan over the borg and nods. "Yes, better. Put it on the examining table and strap it in."

    “Okay boss.”

    Dabblez slips on a pair of protective gloves and goggles while Armpitt secures the cyborg on the examination table. After adjusting the overhanging lamp and grabbing a laser scalpel, Dabblez proceeds to make a deep, precise, circular incision around the cyborg’s skull. Putting the scalpel to a side, she carefully grabs with both hands the borg’s head and removes the top, leaving exposed the part-organic, part-machine borg brain.

    Dabblez gives Armpitt the cyborg’s scalp to dispose of and picks up a pair of electrodes which she inserts directly into the borgs brain. The borg twitches, then strains violently against the metal straps holding it down.

    Dabblez takes a step back, waits patiently for the borg to settle down. Then she approaches the borg again, removes her goggles and stands directly facing it.

    “Do you recognise me?” she asks coolly.

    “Yes,” seethes the borg once again straining madly against its binds. “You are known to us.”

    “Good. Understand this then, I’ve connected you my Multi-Vac Budget Mainframe computer. In the next few seconds all your high-level directives and instructions will be reset. That should take care of that nasty attitude problem.”

    “You idle boasts do not impress me, weak meat creature. Cyborg technology is far more advanced of your. Our codes are unbreak-.”
    The cyborg freezes mid sentence.

    “You were saying?” asks Dabblez. “Okay, down to business. What is the version number of your positronic matrix and where was it developed?”

    “Version Gqp237841b-001 developed in Hive C32, sector G.”

    "How long as your postitronic matrix version been in production?"

    "Version Gqp237841b-001 has been in production for 22 days, 4 hours, 23 minutes."

    “Is that the most recent version in existence?”

    “No. Hives M45 and M17 are on version Gqp237841f and Gqp237841g respectively.”

    Dabblez frowns. “Well, close enough I guess.” Abruptly she removes the electrodes from the cyborg’s brain. She'd been looking a recent cyborg model for quite some time now but usually by the time Armpitt was through with borgs it was hard to tell the new models from the old. This one would have to do, though truth be known, at the rate cyborg technology advanced, it would not stay a recent model for long.

    Putting down the electrodes, Dabz picks up with a helmet like device with numerous spikes and thick cables coming out of it and places on the cyborg’s exposed head. Then she says, “Armpitt, kill the lights please.”

    “Okay boss.”

    Seconds later the lab goes dark, illuminated only by the dull red emergency lamps and flashing lights from the many instruments. Out from a sealed temperature controlled compartment she retrieves a virgin positronic matix, the basic building block of all RUR’s robot brains. She places the virgin matrix next to on a QPT imprinting machine of her own design situated right next to the examining table.

    “Start recording:” she calls out to the Multi-Vac Budget Mainframe. “QPT MK II experiment no. 23. Subject is a cyborg, v. Gqp237841b-001. Time is 3:17 AM. I am about to start stimulating the matrix to prep it. Meantime I’ll be extracting the Theta-derivative waves from the borg’s brain. The process should take approximately ten minutes. After that I will begin copying the raw matirx patterns of the cyborg’s brain to the virgin positronic matrix.”

    Totally absorbed by her work, Dabblez moves from machine to machine adjusting settings and alternatively switching on and off the different devices, all the time describing out loud each step of the complex procedure. Armpitt looks on, bored. He's seen it all before, many times.

    “Time is now 4:41, the console reads matrix crystallisation at 87%. Cyborg vital signs still stable. Correction, the borg’s pulse is rising, fast. I’ll try to compensated with 30cc of a cloropolyenthic solution.”

    Dabz plunges the huge syringe into the cyborg’s neck. Here eyes move from the imprinter’s console to the cyborg vital signs display and back.

    “Time is now 4:50. The cyborg’s body pules rate is steadily rising, as is its body temperature. Its heading for a catastrophic system collapse. The cloropolyenthic solution may however have slowed down the cyborg’s condition degenerating just enough as the crystallisation of the positronic matix already at 92%. Nothing more I can do now, it’s going to be close.”

    Moments later, with a final violent spasm, the borg’s vital signs go flat. On the console Dabblez reads the dismal news, “Crystallisation 97%… Crystallisation 96%… 92%… 88%… 72% Warning: Positronic Matix unstable. Imprinting Process aborted.”

    “Stop recording." whispers Dabblez wearily. "Armpitt, you can turn the lights back on.”

    “No good boss?” asks Armpitt.

    Dabblez rubs her tired eyes. “No, Armpitt. We’ve failed again. Can’t keep the damn thing alive long enough to get the new style QPT bring fully crystallised.”

    Armpitt ponders over this a short while. “Kinda like ice-cream then?”

    “Ice cream?” replies Dabz, confused.

    "Yeah, like when it's a real hot day and you want an ice-cream so bad you so you go to da ice-cream guy and buy a cone with three scoops but before you even finished da top scoop it start melting and the melted ice-cream runs down da cone and makes your hand go sticky so you eat the other two scoops real fast to stop it from melting but by then you’re not really enjoying it no more."

    Dabblez shakes her head. “Other than the fact we are dealing with state of the art cybernetics, illegal cyborg technology and potentially multi-million credit contracts, yes, I guess it’s just like ice-cream. " She allows herself a small smile. "Come on along, we have to clean this place up before people start waking up. With any luck I might even get to sneak in a couple hours sleep.”
    Last edited by Savoy; Aug 14th, 2003 at 08:25:13.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  2. #2
    /me read this story and bows.
    You need to improve or hack your weapons, I am here there to help you...
    You want something I could afford,
    I am there to help you... You want to continue extract notum, I am also there but not for the same reason...
    This could save your life !

    Omerr (Atrox Trader on Atlantean)
    Weapon smither !
    Nanomage Liberation Front

  3. #3
    The battered old pick-up truck races through the desert of Mort raising a cloud of dust in its wake. Inside the truck the driver, Armpitt, mutters to himself in agitation . "More cyborgs, Armpitt, get me more cyborgs." he says quoting Dabblez in a strained falsetto. " Never 'nuff borgs for boss lady. What she think, cyborgs grow on trees? She think Armpitt find borgs at Basic Shop?" Armpitt takes his hands leave the stirring wheel and waves them expressively in the air. " And does she care if big hungry sandworm spring from da ground and eat both Armpitt and his truck? Does she care if clanner chase and shoot Armpitt dead? No! She just want more borgs to 'speriment on. Don't care of nuthin' else but stupid borgs an' stupid 'speriments."

    Armpitt 's expression turns grim while he ponders all this, all the time his eyes scan the surrounding desert of dangerous wildlife or clan patrols. "Boss lady need a hobby, dat's what. " he declares. "Yup a hobby, to keep her busy and dat don't make Armpitt go in hot desert looking for them borg and dat don't get Armpitt eaten by sandworms. A hobby like, I dunno,knitting... or like collecting funny looking potatoes." Armpitt grins. "Yeah, collecting potatoes be a good hobby. Less blood than cutting borgs open too."

    The atrox drives on, privately musing over his own funny shaped potato collection. He is particularly fond of his potato with the likeness of the great Mongo. A faint, satisfied smile returns on his face. At the end of the day, like the song said, the best things in life were indeed free, or at least very, very cheap.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  4. #4
    Erv sits on his own in the on flooded ruins of Outpost 13 and ponders. He is more commonly known as 'Gluestick', a nickname he'd picked up back in his early schools days due to an unsupervised experiment he performed for his Arts & Crafts class. This experiement is also the reason why. to this day Erv is completely bald.

    A professor of Absolute Complexity Theory, these days Erv works for RUR as an ideas man. What that means is that he gets paid a healthy salary just to bum around and ponder things, only occasionally having to chip in a new idea or two. Cynics might consider this as a soft job, but Erv takes his pondering very seriously.

    Gluestick likes Outpost 13. No one ever comes here to interrupting his pondering. He'd been concerned for a time when a whom-pah station had been built there and Omni-Tek had made noises about renovating the abandoned outpost, but he need not have worried. The flooded section of the outpost remained in ruins and as solitary as ever. All of which made it the more surprising when Erv heard the harsh, inhuman voice shout "There he is!"

    "Um, hullo" replies Erv, turning to see who the voices belonged to. He spies a patrol of seven cyborgs up on the dry part of the outpost. They move with purpose in a scattered, search formation. "I wonder who they are looking for here?" he muses.

    Erv get's his answer then the cyborg captain points at him and shouts "Get him!" Immediately the patrol breaks into two groups, each skirting around the flooded area and heading for Erv from either side.

    "Oh." says Erv.He observes the borgs getting closer each second. Waiting for them to get in almost arms reach he says, utterly clam despite the urgency of the situation, "On the assumption that you cyborgs want me alive and that you are not, by nature, the best of swimmers, I think I will make my escape now, exit stage wet." Then he dives into the water with unexpected grace and swims away.

    The cyborgs breifly watch with dismay shaking thier fists at him in frustration. Then retrace their steps and engage in hot pursuit. On foot, they move faster than Erv swims. In no time they have the entire sunken region encircled, long beofre he can swim his way to the other side.

    Keeping himslef alfoat in the middle of the pool, with cyborgs guarding evey possible exit, Erv as considers his predicament. "What a distressing turn of events." he remarks. "If the cyborgs don't figure out a way to get me, hypothermia certainly will."
    Last edited by Savoy; Aug 31st, 2003 at 10:04:33.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  5. #5

    Hmmm interesting

    Again Hmmmm Interesting...

    Savoy is this a closed storyline or can I add bits?



  6. #6
    (( By all means, if you feel the creative urge, feel free to add your bit. Just bear in mind Armpitt, Gluestick and indeed myself, Dabblez, are actual player characters. ))
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  7. #7

    Borged to Death

    With a Loud Hum Whomp John "Blackswords" Rm came out the blue gateway to outpost 10-3 and began shaking his head to clear the dazed sensation he often felt when using the Whompa system.
    "Damn I hate them things." He mutters aloud. " But better then walking all the way from trade. Or worse Flaping my wings all the way here."
    John began the Nanospell to reshape himself but stopped when he hear and Inhuman voice shout "There he is!"
    John flattend his Body against the side of the whompa and drew his Pistols.
    "Oh Great Borgs...What did I do now fail to give a offering of Oil to their Borg Queen?" John mutters

    John waits Tensely for the first borg to appear but none do so. He start to peer around the side of the whompa in the Direction he heard the borgs from. Taking a quick peek he see none of the borgs are watching his Direction so he takes a longer look. He stares slightly puzzled as the seven Borgs spread out to surround the water in the flooded area of the old base.

    "What the??" John puzzlement is ended when he sees the person treading water in center of watching Borgs. "Oh thats really fair seven on one."

    John leans back out of sight and thinks on it a bit. Then starts casting nanos upon himself.

    "John as Ideas go this one is not too Bright." he again Mutters, "But jeez seven to one I just can't stand those Bully Borgs anyways."

    With that his Body shifts and contorts into a small furry form. Giving a sec to alter his perceptions he then begins to sneak closer to the borgs.


    GX-3445 really hated Humans and the order to capture this one seemed stupid. His Joints already in severe need of mantaince before the trek to this outpost where now giving the all telltales it would need a new leg unit as soon as it could get one. Its sensors sensed movement and he turned to look and at that moment his Knee accuator final gave out and red failure warnings blossomed across his HUD display. Still remembering the motion it looked at the source of motion and only saw a leet walking towards it.
    'Target Visual=Leet : Nonthreat' bliped across its HUD so it turned its attention to the faulty Knee unit. Yes complete Leg replacement was needed from the looks of things. It ignored the red warnings flashing across its HUD system. Stopped as it finaly red one of the red warning lines.
    'Target Bioscan=Solitus Male/Adventurer 150+ : Extreme Threat'
    Its head looked up just as the Barrel of the Pistol came in line with its Face and Three Bright flashes came out the Barrel.
    'System Failure: I/O error' was the last thing seen across its hud before turning into a Blue screen of death.

    As the first Borg Crumpled into death after his Burst Ruined its head John realized standing out in the open wasn't the smartest thing he could be doing right now as the other Six Borgs Opened fire on him.

    "Cover, Cover, find Cover Stupid." yelled John to himself as he turned and ran towards the Main tower of the Outpost.

    John reached the main Building and ran along its side turning the corner sharply and slamming headlong into Marvin.
    "Oh I guess I should be mad that you ran into me but I'm too depressed to care."
    "Nice seening you too Marvin." Mutters John as he moves around the Bot. When Inspiration strikes. "Oh the Borgs behind me want too hear your Poem an wanted you to download straight into their Neural Nets."
    "Oh really how nice I can finally show someone all 3450 Megabytes worth of data I've made for my Poem."

    John grins widely at that thought and his grin grow wider as he hears what can only be borgs in cybernetic hell screaming. he looks behind him and sees that three are still in pursuit and the other three are looking for Anti-Virus software in their Poor little heads.

    John turns the corner around one of the Bases old walls and begins another nanospell to change his form.

    MX-6772 is Blinded by its hatred towards this Filthy Human and also is going to destroy that insepidly stupid Droid that downloaded it blasted Poem into his Nerual Net. Luckily his Firewall system kicked in before he was downloaded more then 130 megs of that stupid Poem. But it was truly going to enjoy tearing this humans arms out of its sockets. It turns the corner of the wall prepares to take aim at the cowardly Humans back.
    However it is not prepared to find itself swated to the ground by a massive clawed Paw. As its vision resolves itself into a View of the ground it starts to push itself upright only to have two huge fangs enter its vision horziontally and Heated breath warm the back of its head. Its final HUD reading is warning lights of massive neck stresses before resolving itself into the Blue screen of Death.


    John spits the bitten off head of the borg at his Companions and proceeds to Bite a claw at them with wild abandon. Casting heals upon himself and giving into the animal rage and fury that this form grants him. Soon Both the Borgs are wrecked and leaking messes.

    John reverts himself to human form and looks to see where the other three Borgs are. He spys them heading back to the water this time it seems they are intent on getting the person in the water regardless of how.

    "Three to one now. I'm liking the Odds better and better all the time."

    John smiles As he runs in pursuit past Marvin. "Thanks for the Help there Marvin. You were great!"

    "No I wasn't they hated my Poem they said it was cybernetic garbage. Not even worth the time to delete it. I'm so Depressed."

    John only smiles and shakes his head at marvins reply. "Someday someone will have to fix that poor Bot."

    As John brings the Three borgs into view he sees that two of the Borgs are wading out into the water towards the Fellow in the center. While the Third gives orders from the waters edge.

    John decides he needs some answers so he pulls out his pitols and starts firing at the leader placing his shots to disable the Borg not Destroy it. His first Burst Ruins the Borgs Right arm then his second Burst shatters the Right leg. He putts a few follow up rounds into its left leg till it is just laying sprawled on the ground as he reaches the waters edge.

    John takes a bead on the last to borgs but then holsters his weapons as a miss may hit the fellow hes trying to help so he thinks rapidly. An evil grin crosses Johns face as he shapeshift yet again into a two headed wolf and backs up to take a running jump into the water.

    His Jump is Perfect as his two head Bite into the shoulders of the borgs and his weight and there's sink them beneath the waters. Johns Right head comes to the surface still holding the struggling Borg while the left remains below the water. A few mins pass and the left head surfaces without any more need to hold that borg. The right sinks down taking the still struggling Borg under the water and after a few minutes later it too surfaces without a Borg needing to be held any longer.

    John reverts back to human form right there and is left treading water looking at a fellow he's never meet before.

    "Hi there I'm John "Blackswords" Rm. Pleased to meet you whoever you are. But can we swim to shore please this armor is water resistant not water Proof, and I like to stay Dry if I can." says John with a smile.

  8. #8

    What you think Dabblez?

    Like? Dislike? chop off and send to the nearest Data recycle Bin?

  9. #9
    (( The story is great and very inventive. Feel free to add as much or as little as you like. Feedback on these stories has always been very sparse, that's just the way it is. You've just got to keep writing, if that's what makes you happy, even when there is no indication anyone is actually reading your work. ))
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  10. #10
    Dabblez regards the soaked figures of Blackswords and Gluestick. "That was quite some story. Are you all right, Erv?"

    Gluestick considers, " I seem to be, then again appearances can be deceiving. Ultimately I am not qualified to proffer neither a medical or psychological opinion over my general state of all rightness."

    "I'll take that as a yes." replies Dabblez flatly then turns to Blackswords.

    "Thank you ever so much for you timely intervention."

    "No trouble at all ma'am. I hate those cyborgs."

    "Yes.. speaking of which, was any of them still alive when you left?"

    "Alive? No ma'am. Why do you ask?"

    "No reason." she says quickly.

    "Oh, I guess you mean for questioning. Well in my experience questioning cyborgs is no good. They don't scare easy and can shut down their pain centres or something. "

    "Yes, or something." replies Dabblez. "Well thank you again, and send my regards to your boss, Swiftmind."
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  11. #11
    Slouching in her chair, Dabblez uploads the nano crystal Blackswords had given her. The crystal was packed with information he'd collected regarding cyborgs, mainly tactics, armament and vulnerability. It was dry, difficult reading, especially as it was full of military terminology which meant very little to her. Still, she keeps studying the data. Any information that might help protect RUR from the borgs was crucial at this critical juncture.

    As she works DLK-2000 vacuum cleaner bot enters her workshop. Quiet and unobtrusive, the bot starts cleaning up the floor, carefully skirting around the furniture making sure it does not bump into it or accidentally knock anything out of its place. Dabz observes the bot critically, then with one sudden, fluid motion, draws her gun and shoots the robot repeatedly until it is no more than a steaming metal wreck.

    Sliding off her chair, Dabblez gets closer to the bot to examine it. She grabs a as-torch conveniently laying nearby and opens up the bot's chassis.

    Meantime Crattyjack bursts into the workshop. "I heard shots. Everything okay Dabbzie?"

    "Organic parts." she remarks pointing to the bot. "I guess we found ourselves a little cyborg spy."
    Last edited by Savoy; Sep 15th, 2003 at 12:01:20.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  12. #12
    Several nights later, back in Dabblez secret lab…

    “More power! More power!” Dabblez cries out.

    “All main and auxiliary generators are working at maximum capacity, Ms Dabblez” replies the Logitronix 600 robot assisting her.

    “I need more power, now!” Dabblez watches the monitor as the virgin positronic matrix is slowly crystallising from the neural patterns of the connected the cyborg brain. The process is too slow. The cyborg, strapped into the examination table is clearly dying.

    “Another wasted night,” complains Dabblez. In frustration she swings her arm and knocks down the partially imprinted quantum positronic brain. Armpitt, the atrox, briefly looks up from reading his comic book.

    Boss?” ask Armpitt.

    “Yes? What now?”

    “I wuz thinking. You know da borg attacks on Omni da last few days?”

    Dabblez nods.

    “You don’t ‘spose its our fault? Like we pissed da borg off wid our ‘xperiments or sumthin’?”

    Dabblez pauses to consider. “No. I don’t think there is a connection. But you raise a good point. With all the attention currently focused on the cyborgs, we need to twice as careful now. It would not do for you to get caught with half a dozen borg bodies hidden on your pickup truck.”

    “Okay.” Armpitt mutters something about the Boss needing to get a hobby, but by then the scientist is too absorbed in her work to notice.
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  13. #13

    Blast Borgs Will Travel

    John "Blackswords" Rm Braced himself for another Battle. He had already had more then enough Battles tonight while trying to refill the food Despensier deep within this ruin at the Borg outpost in Mort.

    "I really must make note to shoot the stupid idiot who thought a Food Station in the middle of a Borg Base was a good Idea."

    Standing Before the door to the outside John reloaded his guns and drew in a Breath to steady his nerves. He then stepped forth into the light.

    Once outside he ran to the nearest cover and then began to look around for the Borgs that would be all over him in a second. But there was nothing.

    Scanning the area slowly John couldn't find a single Borg in range of his Sensors. The only thing that stood out of Place was a Beat-up Pickup truck and a Atrox loading Borg Bodies into the back of it.

    Curioisty Peaked John morphed into a leet and sneaked closer to find out what was going on.

    He snuck under the Pickup and listened to the Atrox Fellow complain about his boss needing a new hobby a how tired he was of her Experiments and endless need for new Borgs.

    John memory tried to place where he had meet this Atrox Before as his Monotone Complaints matched a memory. Then it hit him where he'd met him Before.

    John crawled out from under the pickup behind Armpitt and assumed his Human Form.

    "Hey Armpitt what does Dabblez need all the Borgs to experiment for?" he asked with a Smile.

  14. #14

    ((Still waiting Dabblez))

    ((If you like you and I could talk about what happens next. John "Blackswords" Rm aka, Brent in RL1))

  15. #15
    In a the early hours of the morning, just before dawn, hidden in secluded alley in Newland City, Armpitt tries to explain to Dabblez what Blacksword's is doing riding shotgun on his pickup truck. His eyes cast down in shame,

    "..and then this leet jumped into da front seat of da truck, only it wasn't really a leet at all." he complains, his arm pointing in an accusatory fashion to Blackswords. "And he say to me ' So what does Dabblez need all those cyborgs for?'" The atrox's tries to imitate Blackswords voice while relating this. The impression is neither accurate nor flattering. Blackswords just grins.

    "Its okay, Armpitt. It's not your fault. Mr Blackswords figured out what we are attempting to do here long ago. Isn't that right?"

    "I just put two and two together, miss. I guess it helps I have something of a history fighting borgs myself."

    "I actual fact, you have done me a service Armpitt. I needed to talk to Blackswords anyway."

    "Aww right den." Armpitt gives Blackswords one last glare, then proceeds to unload the cargo of borg bodies into Dabblez laboratory.

    "So, what's up Dabblez?" asks Blackswords.

    "I need to ask you a favour. I expect Swiftmind had discussed this with you already, but in case you had not heard, there is going to be a major strike against the three main cyborg bases this Saturday. The cyborgs have gotten hold of RUR's token board prototype. In their hands it could become a devastating weapon. That can't be allowed. I need you to scout the area and gather any intelligence you can on cyborgs, their numbers and troop dispositions, the terrain, basically anything that might give us an edge in the ensuing battle."

    "Oh, is that all?" he replies sardonically.

    Dabblez smiles weakly. "I wouldn't ask if I did not think it was really important and if you were not the best person for the job."

    "Yeah, that's what they always say before sending me into the lion's den. I'll check with Swiftmind and see what she thinks."


    "Don't thank me yet."
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

  16. #16
    (( Bump for another old, old story which had its moments ))
    Dabblez - Rubi-Ka Universal Robots (RUR)
    We put the Art into Artificial Intelligence!

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