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Thread: A Silent Prayer, and an even more Quiet Dream

  1. #1

    Post A Silent Prayer, and an even more Quiet Dream

    Dericad walked slowly through the streets of Omni-One Entertainment. What would be frequent, the beurocrat clad in Omni-Pol armor making his way to the Rompa, had been exchanged for the image of the same man, wearing a suit and glasses versus the black Elite armor. His eyes remained hidden, the blue shimmering orb that, if one looked into long enough, it was said they represented his soul. His mother told him he had the fiercest light blue eyes, they were sparks of his innerself. He had never believed it, and never wanted to.

    The notum storms had become worse over the passing weeks. Light rains and lightning had been replaced by heavy downpours and lightning showers that had merited the "Danger to Fly" condition by Omni-Transport. Han "Dericad" Shone had no intention of picking up his pace, either way. He continued moving silently, his eyes towards the ground as his hands clutched loose objects, tokens, ammo, whatever he had in there in his hands. His hair was sopping wet, the nano-bots augmented into the suit were struggling to keep it dry, and his face showed more absenty than ever before, in the past year.

    A group of party-goers ran past him, a solitus male with rediculous looking hair slamming into his shoulder.

    "Watch it old man!" the teen cried, running to catch up with his group. Han payed no attention, simply sighing as he turned on his heel, heading away from Baboon's, toward his usual hide away. He sighed slightly as he walked up the ramp, a couple hurrying past him. The Opifex had his coat held over the Solitus female's head, and when they had reached the door, she interlocked their arms and leaned against him. A twang of resounding pain shot through him, and he sat on the overhang instead of pressing into the warm, comfortable bar. He couldnt go in, not if there were more like them. A warm drop of water carrsessed his cheek, before being carried away by the cold rain.

  2. #2

    Unhappy Concern from a friend

    Lunya sat down on Avrik's lap and kissed his cheek. Immediately, she felt eyes glance toward her, then people moving away slightly to give the couple some 'privacy.' She sighed and watched the light show in Relax! and began to think.

    What the hell?

    It happens every time she slips her hand into his, hugs him, kisses him... people move away, thinking it means she and Avrik want to be 'alone.' If they wanted that, they would go exploring through some deserted area or sit outside the city and talk until the sun came up. Everyone always leaves, however. Even in the middle of a conversation, if they see her look at her fiance, they excuse themselves.

    Lunya frowned. She loves talking to people and hanging out... and so does Avrik. She sat and thought for a moment about all the times she and Avrik are left alone to blink at each other and then start their own conversation about music, people, their org, or politics.

    She remembered one person who never leaves. At least not immediately. Dericad had helped Avrik save her life. Or, rather, create a new one. She owed him everything... he even sat with Lunya and Avrik in Rompa, asking Lunya how she felt and easing her headache. He glanced away when she kissed Avrik, but he didn't leave.

    To be honest, she really liked Han... he was so sweet and had done so much for her and for Avrik. She saw the pain he tried to hide. She'd felt pain, too... and knew how to spot it. But she didn't know how to help Han. He needed something... and she promised herself silently that if she could, she would help him find it. Lunya considered him a friend, but much more. He had saved her.

    She owed him her life.

    Just as Lunya thought those words, she noticed Dericad stroll into the party. Avrik whispered to her that he was going to sit with Han, and she happily followed. It would be nice to sit with him again and have a conversation. He looked withdrawn as always, but he seemed not to mind the company of two friends.

    "Coffee, anyone?" Han asked them both.

    Lunya smiled and shook her head.

    "No, thank you... I don't like coffee, hon."

    "Lun, you don't know what you're missing!" Avrik piped up, sipping some of Han's 'enhanced' coffee.

    She grinned and watched Avrik for a moment, then Dericad asked about her headaches and how she was feeling, and she turned to him and started talking.
    Juliet "Lunya" Lochlan
    ~Adventurer (retired)

    "Omni by profession, Neutral at heart."~

    ->This link guaranteed to make you smile every time!<-

  3. #3
    His head ached, throbbed, as the rain beat down on him. He sighed restlessly. There was no good sitting, getting wet, feeling sorry for yourself. He knew that, and moments later he found himself sitting inside the bar he had come to know all to well. He and Avrik had come from not knowing eachother, uncomfortability, to being the closest their is of friends. Whether he could credit that to helping him out, he didn't know. But it felt nice to have someone nearby.

    The usual questions ensued all throught the night.

    "Whats wrong"
    "It cant be that bad"
    "Are you ok?"
    "Dont worry, it'll come in time!"

    All of the same crap these idiotic people think they knew so much about. Lunya was different though, she understood, she knew...but at the same time...she had no idea.

    Hans mind drifted as Avrik and Lunya held each other, their voices soft and quiet. Burning inside was arage of envy, of jealousy, he knew it so well. The couple he had seen enter he watched leave, and he pictured himself with someone. It didnt matter who....they broke his heart moments later...but he had that false sense they cared. But soon the thoughts left and he felt dark again. Alone. He needed a change, he needed to be reborn, redeemed of his acts so they would go away.

    If you don;t stop moving, They can't getcha.

    He was always moving, always working, always stuffing the pains and fears that devoured him whole.

    But he had stopped, and it hit him like a kodiak travelling at four hundred kilometers an hour, straight into a brick wall. And he broke down. He could do nothing else. He cried insatiably, sobbing softly infront of the lovers, as people looked at him with curious glances.

    Thats right, just watch me, keep watching and laugh at someones pain you mindless jerks..

    His head screamed, he couldn't take it, he ran from the bar, from his friends, and threw himself into the midnight rain, sobbing heavily.

    " much..." he whispered to the air that would listen, but never reply. And he fell silent, as he sat against the beams of the bridge, his body becoming quickly soaked.

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