Journal Entry 990-65 and 12
Keaton “Anamae” West, Omni-Tek.

I dreamed last night, yeah, dreamed.

It’s been so long now, so long on this planet. Serving the Corporation as well as I can. Decorated, well-paid, hell, even a letter from Philip Ross, to me! Signed “Phil”. Eh, it’s probably a form letter, kind of a “hey you killed a million Clansmen, good job!” sort of thing you know? None the less I have been on planet for a very long time. I’m beginning to wonder if my memories of a place that isn’t Rubi’Ka are just conjured up synthetic brain howls to keep me sane.. I suppose they are just as real as a “memory” would be, just a nice thing to look back upon and say, “hey, I was someone else, somewhere else”. There aren’t a lot of the original employees here anymore, but it seems like we always have a fresh crop of shiny new citizens running around with their general issue solar guns, wide eyed at the utter-bleakness of this planet. Life is different for them than it was when I first arrived; they learn their craft through completing assignments dished out by the countless Mission Terms. A subterranean training program, clan hide-out after clan hide-out they vanquish, with the occasional pause in the regiment to travel to the expansive wastes out near Tir, to yet again plunge underground and visit “The Temple”.. ‘Wasn’t like that when I was a new recruit, wasn’t like that at all. Man, it was groups of Employees traveling around the planet, mostly on foot. Sorting out the mutant infestations, that the clans no doubt had something to do with, and fighting off groups of militia who were probably scheming something bad. Yea, my generation, we made this new lifestyle possible, we broke the ground here, we set up the rules and we enforced them. It’s been a long time.

But I dreamed last night, I dreamed my tour was over. I dreamed of a shuttle embarking for a new locale, someplace nice. I was walking up the ramp onto this shuttle, and I was looking around at faces, blank faces with no features or characteristics at all. That’s about when I realized I was dreaming, but I didn’t wake up, instead I walked up the ramp and boarded the shuttle. I was escorted to my seat by what I think was a woman, again, faceless.. I sat, wondering where my destination was going to be, wondering if I could even dream-glimpse something other than this planet.. Then I woke.

It’s been so long now, on this planet. Continuing to serve the Corporation as well as I can. Decorated, well paid.. Maybe I’ll dream again tonight.

* Journal Ends *