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Thread: Some General Improvements

  1. #1

    Some General Improvements

    I'm sure there is a proper thread out there for these but I couldn't find it.

    First The Shop window-
    -Should be able to sort by item type, price, alphabetically etc.
    -Display Item name up front not just when you click or put the cursor over it
    -Does Psych really affect prices, I haven't noticed that being the case even though it says it does?
    -An automatic skills check on your character that highlights items in the shop window for which you meet the reqs. (Red/Green)
    -The ability to open two or more description windows at once to compare items So you don't have to keep clicking back and forth

    -While Auctionbot is great I think all transactions should be handled in a separate window to the right with a better system of filters much like shops that could easily be scanned and sorted for desired items as well as to post your own items for auction with fields for posting criteria easily. When you are selling/bidding it will auto alert you from this window.

    -As an adventurer I think the ability to plant waypoints/beacons would be a great idea. These could be used not only for marking favorite hunting areas or areas of conflict but there could also be a Unique map upgrade that allows you to select nearby cities and settlements for easy navigation back from remote mission sites.
    -The beacon Idea could also roll into new tradeskills and tradeskill items not only for adventurers but for whatever class might build such devices. For example, one class builds a beacon device, however only an adventurer can activate or perhaps use it. Maybe the adventurer could create unique map items that they could then pass on to others. In a guild situation this would create a unique skill making the Adventurer class a bit more of an asset.
    -Expanding even further on the New Adventurer skills...perhaps once the patches allow for areas to become contested and even taken over by opposing sides, the adventurer might have a unique ability to see this automatically as it happens perhaps via an adventurer specific map upgrade. I am assuming the take over of cities etc would be handled in a King of the Hill Fashion somehow that would determine when a particular side had sufficiently taken over an area. This would even allow for the adventurer to automatically know how close certain areas were to falling. (e.g. 70%omni/30%clan-<name of city>)
    -The above suggestions I think would magnify the need for an adventurer in a party or guild by giving us some more useful skills and would remain consistant with the idea that Adventurers are by nature the scouts of the land always aware of what's going on across the land.

    THese are just a few thoughts I'm sure I'll have more...and as I started out saying These may not be unique ideas and if they've been posted consider this a second to them.

    Mid Night Sons
    Lvl 23 Adventurer

  2. #2

    Re: Some General Improvements

    Originally posted by Shazmilen
    First The Shop window-
    -Does Psych really affect prices, I haven't noticed that being the case even though it says it does?
    -An automatic skills check on your character that highlights items in the shop window for which you meet the reqs. (Red/Green)
    -The ability to open two or more description windows at once to compare items So you don't have to keep clicking back and forth

    - Unique map upgrade that allows you to select nearby cities and settlements for easy navigation back from remote mission sites.
    - Comp Lit effects store prices, Psychology affects vendor prices. And yea, it does have an effect, but you need a high skills for it to be effective. Someone with 500 points in comp lit can get a pretty decent discount.

    - I like the idea, but I'd rather have it shot things around your level, and whose reqs you meet; use a sytem similar to the POD (the colors above mobs and people showing their relative level).

    - Map nav upgrade. People have wanted to be able to waypoint places and towns for a long time. I think that there is a nice slot between the 130 map req mob upgrade and the 400 map req side upgrade :-p
    Aleksei "Zagadka" Garcia - Savior, Council Clerk
    Cindi "Razishlyat" Bolieu - Advisor Eternalist

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