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Thread: Bug Attack In Athen? All Pun Intended!!!

  1. #1

    Bug Attack In Athen? All Pun Intended!!!

    Yup, giant bugs attack Athen. I think "hey, cool."

    I go in. I join in the fight. Wee.

    After about 90 seconds of hardcore lag, everything cuts out.

    Everyone disappears. I'm alone in the world. Can't sit down. Can't heal myself (which I desperately need to). Can't zone.

    Everyone else has the same problem.

    Oo! Everyone's back! For seven seconds. Poof! Gone again.

    Things start to settle down. People come back. Lag is still there, and it's still impossible to sit down, cast, or zone, but the population is starting to see each other again.

    What happens next? THE BUGS COME BACK. That's right, completely oblivious to the fact that no-one is actually able to DO ANYTHING right now because the entire server is locked from existence, whoever's in charge of this otherwise dramatic event has the brainiac idea to CONTINUE THE ATTACK.

    I don't usually complain. I happen to love this game. But that was downright stupid.

    Reset the servers already, FC. Don't continue with the event as though nothing was wrong. Lord knows that pressing the reset button is the only fix you've got for this type of problem. You could at least use it.
    --The connections that enable us to learn are infinitely more important than our state of knowing.

  2. #2
    I like how some ARK Greeters said that the Whompas were sabotages by Omni-Tek and that the Mantis used a "time and space displacement nano program."

    The thing was cool, but I guess the servers couldn't handle it. Too bad, that would have been fun.

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