It was strange, this feeling of being and non-being. The gods of chance played tricks, yes? no? maybe? An existence reduced to a perhaps. However, the gods smiled on him this time, he opened his eyes. Deja Vu is easily pushed aside, he had a job to do. An instant later, history downloaded, time is money.

It was a busy day today. He had thirteen orders arriving and being despatched within an hour of each other, and on top of that there had been an attack last night on the outpost at Lush Fields, the yard was already starting to look full.

"Goddamnit", he shouted, "get your dumb robot butt into gear and clear that **** up!".

"Yess sirr". The bucket of bolts rumbled off, vainly trying to collect junk with his rusting arms.

Shaking his head, he stepped backwards...A loud squelching noise took him by surprise,

"What the...". He looked down at the ground. "Oh, son-of-a-bitch." The remains of a leet with a nice foot shaped pattern pressed into it. Today wasn't going to be a good day.

He walked off to his makeshift office, an arrangement of somewhat less ruined metal. His implanted communicator began to rumble. He began to move from side to side trying to find the signal. The rumble became a whine, then just white noise. He sighed, picked up a metal bar and belted the side of his head with it. The signal began to stutter in and out...

"ergency.." .. white noise ... "ncomin"... noise ... "anger get out now. TKL reporting, you must...". Nothing. The signal had gone.

He heard the noise before he could see what caused it. A massive crack which ripped across the junk yard. Then a blinding white light - heading straight toward him. His last thought was of the Central Processing Unit...his plan, his immense sadness befell him as the final Nano assault took the Trash King's life.

And the gods of chance play tricks...
