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Thread: Chain Nuking In Full Effect

  1. #1

    Angry Chain Nuking In Full Effect

    I could swear the patch notes for yesterdays patch said there would be no more chain casting much less chain nuking! My whole team of six was whiped out in less than one minute but a veteran exterminator. Not only are they insta-casting this nano, but there is no way they should have the nano-pool to NUKE 6 team members 3 times each. Back before they tried to fix anything you could see the durn nukers actually have to charge up and at least had a chance to run, now its 2500 damage nukes insta cast over and over and over till were all dead. The stupid mob doesn't even think about using small attacks or roots or pistols anymore. Seriously though, if these mobs are fixed, if this is Funcoms way of keeping us out of missions then how about a:

    Yes- This is supposed to happen!


    No- We are aware and this is a bug.

    Cos how about a reply pls sir. Thanks

  2. #2
    This is a good time to solo 50% missions for tokens. Chain casting seems to be much worse now. All mobs in all missions are chain-casting. Or I'm just unlucky and only rolling crappy missions with chain-casting mobs.

  3. #3
    hehe, you seriously want a reply from Funcom Steroidjerk, try using a bunch of profanity and abusive words, seems like its the ONLY thing they respond to these days... =p

  4. #4

    Angry Same here *sigh*

    No cson you are not the only one!! I do 50% missions all the time and I can normally handle even the Orange MOBs I find in some missions (aka.. 2-3 levels above me). I can even tolerate the "Chain Casting" when it's Doctors and Fixers. But when it's a pair of NTs or Traders it's almost impossible. What makes it even worse is that the "casts" are instantaneous!! And they did say they fixed this issue.

    FUCom You SUXXORS!!!!!!!!!! Stupid Bioches!

  5. #5

    Angry *sigh*

    Bump! Just cause it pisses me off!!

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