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Thread: The grass may not be greener.....

  1. #1

    Exclamation The grass may not be greener.....

    For those of you who are leaving AO because the grass is greener somewhere else, WAIT, heres why:
    DAOC:Worse than AO, just goto thier boards(VNboards are the most used), there is worse whining than on these boards. Go there and see that Daoc is worse off than we are, and it was supposed to be the better game.
    EQ: slightly better boardering on good, BUT its all LEWT, LEWT, LEWT 24/7 and frankly I think many of you have come from EQ anyway.
    AC: decent but wait for AC2
    UO: umm... I think this is near death.
    WWIIO: Not an RPG but a about level with AO in terms of quality.

    The games that are coming out may sound good, but wait, they may end up sucking (DaoC/AO syndorme). Just don't run over there first thing. Give it time, it took over a month for DAOC's problems to really stick out.
    This is not an asking you to stay thread, AO is a transition game for me too, but I am warning you that the grass may not be greener and youl end up wasting money.

  2. #2

    Star Wars Galaxies might be cool...

    or it might suck the dogbone the way pretty much every star wars game lucasarts has put out since TIE Fighter has sucked. Add in that Verant, the single biggest obstacle to online fun, is producing it, and I'm worried. Unless I can beat the crap out of Jar Jar Binks and make ass-chaps out of Ewoks as a trade skill, I'm going to be disappointed.

    Seriously, every star wars movie and product from Jedi on seems to have really been 'variations on the gay-ification of Darth Vader'...Star Wars has gotten so big and so watered down by Barney-enjoying kids and their fatheaded soccer mom parents that I'm afraid SWG is really setting itself up to underachieve.

    I mean, I hope I'm wrong - I was SOO excited when I heard the game was being made, but then I saw the "When Clones Attack" trailer (would ANYONE see this movie if it didn't have Star Wars attached to the title? That's like imagining playing EQ as an offline stand-alone game, can you imagine how horrid that would be?)and played Shadows of Sucklin and those are the guys making this game...

    I have to be honest, I had very low expectations for AO before I bought it because the storyline sounded completely retarded to me. Granted, it still has some serious flaws, but it's universally better than the backstory on the other games, and considering time doesn't even PASS on the EQ servers, really - the time and dates change but that courier forever re-spawns and the dark elves are always just about at war with the high elves but never quite, and that game is all about patience and having seven hours to kill to get the uber weapon you need to get to the NEXT camp

    ... ... ...

    anyway, what I started this post to say was simply this: Play the game that you like. If you dont like AO, by all means, go play something else. I played EQ for a year and ended up leaving it because it was so mind-numbingly repetitive and the customer service was unimaginably poor. I left friends behind, I left a guild behind, and came to AO after having a terrible time installing - a bad CD/ROM and a conflict from my scanner, of all things...but I have to agree with the original intent of this thread - the bottom line is that all the MMORPG's on the market today have some serious flaws, but AO in my experience has fewer and less severe flaws than the others, as well as many significant advantages such as the mission booths, the IP allocation system, and a coherent storyline that doesn't rely on anachronisms to be part of the game.
    The doctor is not responsible for filing your insurance claim forms. Please see the front desk for further assistance.

  3. #3


    Yep what he said.. your correct on Sw:G I have held that same point of view. I have also had the same experiences in EQ. I left because it was mindnummingly boring and repetitive, went to DAOC which is a gimp-o-thon and just plan boring.

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